八年级英语上册Unit2KeepingHealthyTopic1 练习(新版)仁爱版 联系客服

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Unit 2 Keeping Healthy

Topic 1


1. n.牙疼

18. v.躺,平躺

2. n.头疼 19. conj.n.当...时 ;而,然3. v.建议 而;一段时间,一会儿 5. n.发烧

6. n.v.咳嗽 7. n.胃疼 8. n.咖啡 9. n.茶

10. adj.adv.足够的(地) 11. v.n.举起,(云,烟等)消散;电梯

12. adj.糟糕的,可怕的 13. n.药

14. n.建议,提议 15. n.糖果 16. v.刷,擦 n.刷子 17. n.牙齿 词汇拓展

1.suggest→ (n.)____________建议,提议2.boil→ ( adj.)____________煮沸的

→ ( adj.)____________正在沸腾的3.terrible→ (adv.)____________ 4.medicine 药→ (adj.)___________ 医学的,医疗的

5.tooth→ (pl.)_______牙齿 6.lie→ (过去式)___________

20. v.哭,喊叫 ;n.叫喊,叫

21. n.出租车 22. n.X-光照片 23. adj.严重的 ,严肃的,认

真的 24. v.检查,核实 25. v.n.关心,在意;照顾,小

心 26. adv.仍旧

27. n.水果 28. v.担心,担忧 29. n.忠告,劝告,建议 → (过去分词)_________ → (现在分词)_________ 7.care→ ( adj.)____________小心的 → (adv.)____________小心地 8.worry→(adj.)__________担心的,担忧的

9.advice→ (v.)____________ 建议



1.have a toothache 牙疼 have a backache背疼 have a headache头疼 have a stomachache胃疼

21.be careful 小心 22.take care of =look after 照顾 23.ask for one week’s leave 请一周的

假 have a bad/terrible cold患重感冒 have the flu患流感

have a fever 发烧 have a cough 咳嗽

2.see a dentist(doctor) 看牙医(医生)3.get well soon 很快恢复健康 4.sleep well 睡得好 5.boiled water 开水

boiling water 沸水 6.stay in bed/ at home呆在床上/家里 7.have a good sleep 好好的睡一觉 8.look well看起来气色很好 9.feel terrible 感到难受

10.take some medicine/pills 吃药 11.day and night日日夜夜

12.feel like doing 想要做... 13.too much candy太多的糖果 14.brush one’s teeth刷牙

15.lie down and rest躺下休息 16. run to sb.跑到某人身边 17.be hurt 受伤

hurt his leg 伤了他的腿

18.call a taxi 叫出租车 19.feel much better感觉好多了 20.have an accident发生事故

24.worry about 担心

be worried about 担心

25.follow the doctor’s advice 听从医生的建议

give sb some advice/suggestions 2


1. You don’t look well. 你看起来气色不好。

2.What’s wrong (with you)? (你)怎么了? I have a toothache. 我牙疼。 3.I’m sorry to hear that. 听到那件事,我感到很难受

4.I hope you’ll get well soon. 我希望你尽快好起来。

5.How are you feeling ? 6.How long have you been like this? 久了?

Two days. 7.You’d better take some medicine. 药。

8.How are you feeling?=How do you feel? I’m feeling terrible=I feel terrible. 我感觉很难受。9.I don’t feel like eating. 我不想吃东西。10.Shall I take you to the hospital? 院好吗?

11.You’d better not go to school today. 你最好今天不要去学校。

12.You’d better lie down and rest. 你最好躺下休息。

13.You shouldn’t eat hot food. 辣的食物。

14.Is it serious? It’s nothing serious. 它不是很严重。

15.Have a good rest and don’t worry about your lessons.

你感觉怎样? 你想这样有多两天。 你最好吃一些你感觉怎样? 我带你去医你不应该吃辛它严重吗?




16.Follow the doctor’s advice,you’ll get well soon. 听从医生的建议,你会很快好起来。 重难点解读

★ I have a toothache.我牙疼。(Unit2 Topic1 P27)

1.I had a bad (头疼)and couldn’t go to work. 2.What’s wrong with you? I have a (胃疼).

3.I had a terrible (牙疼) last night。I had to go to see a dentist this morning.

toothache意为“牙疼”,许多表示身体部位的名词加上-ache,就可以表示“...疼”。如:headache,backache,stomachache... ★ enough的用法(Unit2 Topic1 P28)

4. Is that car ? We have many things to carry. A. big enough B. enough big C. enough small

5.你有足够的时间为英语考试做准备吗?(完成句子) Do you have to prepare for the English test?

6.对于钢琴初学者来说,他弹得足够好了。(完成句子)He plays the piano for a beginner.


enough money 足够的钱 enough water足够的水


tall enough足够高 good enough足够好,fast enough足够快 ◆...enough to... 足够……可以做…… 如:

The girl is old enough to go to school.那个女孩年龄足够大,可以去上学了。 The box is light enough for you to carry.那个箱子很轻,你可以搬动它。 【拓展】(1)so...that(肯定句)...如此...以至于能...,如: