人教版(PEP)2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Unit 5 教案(一) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章人教版(PEP)2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Unit 5 教案(一)更新完毕开始阅读d3c5f7c2f02d2af90242a8956bec0975f565a459

教师回放图片,学生再次跟读。同时教师询问:What is the dog doing? 鼓 通过师生对话励学生完整说出:He is climbing. (5)教师播放对话录音,学生模仿跟读。 (6)Activity 1:看谁反应快。 鼓励学生用英语表达完整意思。 通过抢答活动 如:教师说climb,学生迅速抢答出climbing。表现好的学生可得到老师检查学生对所学的奖励。(此环节教师注意纠正学生发音) (7)Activity 2:接力问答。 词汇的掌握情况,并能够及时 教师出示本部分的动词卡片的ing形式,教师提问“What are you doing?”,纠正错误的发学生S1看图片答“I am…”.随后S1接着问S2“What are you doing?” S2根音。 据教师出示的图片,答“I am …” S2问S3,依次快速地看卡片,做动作,通过接力赛调动回答问题。 2.学习Let’s play。 (1)教师带领学生认读此部分重点词汇。 (2)要求学生在此部分出现的动词的现在分词下写出该动词的原形。 (3)Activity. 学生的兴趣,积极操练所学句型。 写出动词原形 教师请三位学生站于台前,分别代表Zip,Zoom,Robin从三组单词卡片中让学生更加明确随意抽取一张,请台下学生组合造句,并将组合的句子写于课本上以待检现在分词的构查。 (4)巩固练习。写出下列动词的ing形式。 watch _________ look ________ wait ________ cook ________ work ________ speak ________ 3.小结。 Key words:climbing,eating,drinking,playing,jumping,sleeping Key sentences:Are these rabbits eating? They are playing with each other. Mike is sleeping at school. 成。

作业设1.听录音,背单词。 计 2.完成相关练习。 3.预习下一课。 板书设计 Unit 5 Part B 第一课时 climb—climbing He is climbing. drink—drinking He is drinking. … jump—jumping They are jumping

第二课时 教学过程 一、Warm-up & Revision 1.Greetings. T:Good morning,class. Ss:Good morning,teacher. T:What are you doing now? Ss:We are having an English class. 通过Greetings将学生引入课堂,集中注意力。并且也渗透复习了上节课重点句批注 T:Yes.So you should put away the other things,just take out your English 型。 book,right? Ss:Yes. T:OK, good job.Next,please read these words loudly. 2.Read words loudly.教师展示单词卡片,学生认读。如:climb—climbing。 二、Presentation & Practice 1.学习Let’s try。 (1)教师介绍听力背景。 听前对录音材料进行简要的背 T:You will listen to a conversation.Chen Jie and Sam are talking about Fido. 景介绍,让学生Where is it?In the living room?In the kitchen or in the bedroom?You can get 对所听内容有所the answer from this conversation. (2)教师播放听力录音,学生选出答案。 预知,从而降低了听力难度,让(3)教师PPT上完整呈现听力材料,让学生反复跟读录音,语音、语调、句学生轻松地完成型熟悉后,两人一组表演对话。 听力训练。

2.学习Let’s talk。 (1)Free talk. 教师展示课本51页Let’s talk挂图。 T:Do you know the little boy? Ss:He is Sam. T:Yeah.He is Sarah’s little brother,Sam.OK,where is Sam now? Ss:He is at Chen Jie’s home. T:What are they talking about? Ss:They are talking about Fido. T:Where is Fido?What is Fido doing?OK,let’s learn “let’s talk”. (2)听录音,看课文,回答下列问题:Where is Fido?What is Fido doing?Can 提出问题,激Sam take Fido to the park? (3)教师讲解课文。 (4)学生反复跟读模仿,语音、语调、句型熟悉后,两人一组表演对话。 (5)Activity:我问你答。 发学生学习的动机,增强学生学习的目的性。 通过我问你答 教师要求几名学生做出动作,S1看书,S2写字,S3打球,S4睡觉等的活动集中学生动作。 T:Is he/she writing?(由教师先指着S1提问) Ss:No,he/she isn’t.He/ She is reading. S1:Is he/she playing basketball?(接着由S1指着S2提问 ) Ss:No,he/she isn’t.He/She is writing. 活动以此种方式进行下去。 (6)让学生两人一组完成Look and say.中的对话练习,并将所创编对话写下来。 3.小结。 Key words:drinking,eating,play with,can,take,where… Key sentences:—Is he drinking water? —No,he isn’t.He’s eating. 注意力,练习巩固句型。

作业设1.听录音,背诵课文。 计 板书Unit 5 Part B 第二课时 —Is he drinking water? —No,he isn’t.He’s eating. 2.查阅资料总结动词现在分词的变设计 化规律。 3.完成相关练习。 4.预习下一课。 第三课时 教学过程 批注 通过背课文唱歌,复习已学知识。 师生对话自然而然导入新课。 通过图1、图2、一、Warm-up & Revision 1.Recite the text. 2.Sing a song “Animals,animals are everywhere”. 二、Presentation & Practice 1.学习Read and write。 (1)师生对话。 T:What’s the weather like today? Ss:It’s a sunny day. T:Yeah. A good day.You want to go out or stay at home? Ss:Go out. T:OK.Next, follow Robin,let’s go to the zoo to see animals.OK? Ss:OK. (2)新课教授。 ①教师板书Robin at the zoo并展示课本53面第一幅挂图。教师引导学生充当Sarah的角色问:What are you doing here,Robin? PPT呈现语句并录音图3的讲解熟悉,播放答:I’m looking at a bear.I’m dancing like a bear. ②教师讲解句型:I am looking at… I am + dancing + like… 紧接着让学生角色扮演进行实际操练,既提高了学生学习兴趣又加强了对句型的掌握。 现在进行时结构:be+v.-ing ③展示第二幅图片。 T:What are you doing here,Robin? Ss:I’m looking at the rabbits.I’m eating like a rabbit.