黑龙江省双鸭山市第一中学2020届高三英语上学期期末考试试题 联系客服

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黑龙江省双鸭山市第一中学 2020届高三英语上学期期末考试试题




第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 40分)

第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的



Things to Do With Smiths onian Associates in November

? Tuesday, November 5

Discovery Theater Presents Spirit of South Africa: Experienee the energy, customs and cultures of South Africa as reflected in three distinctive regional(

dan ces with in structor and performer Lesole Mai ne. 10: 30 am and 12 pm $3

地方的) ------- $9

? Mon day, November 11

America' s





As America marks the 150th

anniversary of the of the Golden Spike that completed the transcontinental

railroad and lin ked the n ati on, professi onal Scott Hercik and a group of experts explore train travel's romantic past,its $90—$140

present state and uncertain

future. 10 am

? Saturday, November 23

Mysterious Guardia ns of the Ocea n: From Jaws to “ Shark Week , people have bee n used to see ing sharks as

terrify ing

cold-blooded predators( 食肉动

物). Conservationist William McKeever presents another view of them: evolutionary

miracles are in the greatest dan ger of their 450-milli on- year history. 6: 45 pm $25——$35

? Tuesday, November26

Smiths onian In spired Floral (花卉):Lear n the fun dame ntals of floral desig n while creat ing desig ns based on famous art in the Smiths onian's collect ion duri ng a three-session course. Each session inspiration

for the flowers,

focuses on a different work, providing

greens and vases participants use to create beautiful

— $165

arran geme nts.No experie nee is n ecessary. 6: 30 pm $115

1. Which eve nt should be the most appeali ng to people in terested in dancing? A. Smiths onian In spired Floral . B. Mysterious Guardia ns of the Ocea n. C.

Discovery Theater prese nts Spirit of South Africa.

D. America's Lon g-Dista nee Passe nger Trai ns.

2. Whe n will you have a cha nee to lear n somethi ng about America n tran sportati on? A.

On November 11

B. On November 5. C. On November 23. D. On November 26.

3. What can you do if you're free only at weeke nds? A. Explore a train travel.

B Watch a show about South Africa. C. Atte nd a course about floral desig n. D. Enjoy a talk on sharks.


Automatic dishwashers have been around for more than 100 years. It started in

1886 with Josephine Cochrane, a womanin Shelbyville, Illinois. She was a rich woman who could afford servants to wash her dishes, so she really didn

' t mind the work.

What she did mind was that her serva nts broke the dishes. She hosted quite a few dinner parties, and after every party the serva nts broke more of her expe nsive


Fin ally, Cochra ne took acti on.

First, she measured her dishes and bent wire into

racks to hold them. Next, she put the racks on a wheel in a large copper boiler.

Then, the boiler sprayed hot, soapy water on the dishes as a motor turned the wheel. After a hot water rin se(

冲洗),the dishes were clea n!

Josephine Cochrane ' s friends were impressed with the machine and asked her to build more. After that, word got out fast. Soon hotel a nd restaura nt owners who didn ' t like broken d ishes also were interested. Cochrane then knew that she had a won derful mach ine, so she received a pate nt from the gover nment, which said that only the inven tor can make money from an inven ti on. Then in 1893 Chicago held a World' s Fair where inventions from all over the world were shown. Cochrane labor-savi ng machi ne was a big hit. Her dishwasher won the highest award.

Cochra ne' s compa ny came out with a smaller mach ine in 1914. It was supposed

to be for the ordinary home, but it wasn' t an immediate success. Manyhomes couldn ' t produce the extremely hot water it needed. Also, in most homes, dishwashing wasn' t considered very difficult compared to most other housework. In fact somepeople liked to relax at the sink after a hard day! Sales of the home model fin ally picked up

in the 1950s whe n people had more money and wan ted to have more time to enjoy themselves. Now many homes have electric dishwashers that aren

from the one Joseph ine Cochra ne inven ted more tha n 100 years ago. 4. Why did Joseph ine Cochra ne invent the dishwasher? A. To reduce the nu mber of serva nts. B. To avoid possible damage to the dishes. C. To host more dinner parties. D. To make the dishes clea ner.

5. What does the un derl ined words in Paragraph 3 suggest? A. The machine wasn ' t a s efficient as described.

' t very different

' s

B. Josephi ne Cochra ne could no Ion ger keep it a secret.

C. Josephine ' s friends soon began to talk about the new machine. D. The invention drew immediate attention of the public. 6. The smaller mach ine became popular only when ___ . A. people ' s living conditions improved B. hot water was not n eeded C. housework became easier D. people had more relax ing jobs

7. Compared with Cochrane ' s invention, modern electric dishwashers A. cost less money B. are quite differe nt C. wash many other things D. are much the same


For all the tech no logical won ders of moder n medici ne, health care-with its fax

machines and clipboards( 写字板)—is out of date. This outdated era is slowly drawing to a close as the industry catches up with the artificial-intelligenee revoluti on.

Eric Topol, an expert in heart disease and enthusiast for digital medicine,

thinks AI will be particularly useful for such tasks as examining images, observing heart traces for abno rmalities or tur ning doctors' words into patie nt records. It will be able to use masses of data to work out the best treatme nts, and improve workflows in hospitals. In short, AI is set to save time, lives and mon ey.

The fear some people have is that AI will be used to deepen the assembly-line culture of modern medicine. If it gives a

“ gift of time ” to doctors, they argue

rather than simply speeding

( AI) ____ .

that this bonus should be used to extend consultations,