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opportunities offered by alternative energy sources, as well as illustrating the multidisciplinary nature of the endeavour. Much work remains to be done before they start competing with conventional sources, but if we want continued prosperity and energy security while enjoying a safer and cleaner environment, we must face up to our responsibilities and ensure that these technologies start affecting our everyday life sooner rather than later.

11. In the next decade, __________ will be one of the major energy sources. A. fuel cell B. fossil fuel C. tidal force D. sunlight

12. It can be inferred that the current energy sources are __________. A. very clean B. environmentally-friendly C. Limited D. not efficient

13. ___________ is a kind of renewable energy source. A. Fossil fuel B. Coal C. Petrol D. Solar cell

14. The research and study of new energy sources is characterized by ___________. A. its coverage of many fields in science B. the face that it is time-consuming C. the large investment it requires D. the great profits it may bring about 15. The passage is most probably adapted from __________. A. an introduction to a collection of papers B. a science report C. a thesis D. a popular science book

Passage Four

Prior to Hiroshima, the worst man-made explosion occurred on December 6, 1917, at precisely 9:06 a.m. in the town of Halifax, Nova Scotia. Two thousand people were killed, and 9,000 were injured. Three hundred and twenty-five acres were destroyed. What caused this devastation? World War I was raging in Europe but Halifax was prospering as a jump-off port for troops, supplies and munitions. That morning a Belgian ship, the Imo, was leaving the harbour, and a French, Mont Blanc was arriving. The Mont Blanc was filled with TNT, guncotton, benzol and picric acid, enough combustibles to blow up a city. As a result of the traffic in the channel, the Imo was forced to the wrong side of the channel. Misunderstood signals between the 2 ships resulted in a collision. The crew of the Mont Blanc knew what they were carrying. They immediately lowered their lifeboats and headed in the opposite. Direction of Halifax. The damaged ship started to burn from sparks lit during the impact. The floating bomb floated towards Halifax while most of the citizens watched it come toward them with interest.

When it exploded at 9:06 a.m., much of the area was leveled. Then the fire started and burned a great deal of the city. Portions of the ship were found miles from the harbour. Every year on December 6 at 9 a.m., the Memorial Bells are rung in remembrance. 16. The disaster was caused by __________. A. the gunfire in WWI B. the eruption of a volcano C. a ship collision D. an earthquake

17. In the first paragraph, “jump-off” means __________. A. starting B. busy C. important D. transition 18. Imo collided with Mont Blanc __________. A. because their crews had deserted them

B. as a result of misunderstanding

C. because both of them were trying to leave the harbor

19. when the former was trying to surpass the latter The Halifax citizens __________. A. were frightened by the ship collision B. tried to save the crew of the Mont Blanc C. didn?t notice the accident

D. were not aware of the danger after the ship collision had happened 20. The explosion _________. A. brought about great casualties B. happened at 9 a.m. sharp C. was not accidental

D. was caused by the crews on the French ship

Passage Five

The U.S.A. was the first country to turn film into a popular form of entertainment and important industry. There are many film studios in America today, among which Hollywood is the earliest and the best. From 1911, Hollywood, in California, became the center of the U.S.? film industry. In 1915 the first major feature film Birth of a Nation was made, and at the same time, the famous film star Charles Chaplin made his first silent comedies. Then many studios were formed. In 1928 sound was introduced, and it brought in new styles of film acting and new types of film in particular. It made possible the development of Hollywood musical during the 1930?s the 1930?s also saw the rise of gangster and thriller films. But a large proportion of Hollywood film has always been “romance”, since 1960 the main tradition of the American film industry has been kept up by such films as Cleopatra and The Sound of Music and spy thrillers.

Although the increasing popularity of TV has meant that the cinema is no longer the most popular form of entertainment, the quality of the films and techniques in making films have been greatly improved. Many films are produced by independent producers with new ideas and approaches. New faces constantly appear on the American screen including foreign film stars such as those from Britain, Australia and Brazil. For recent development of American movies we will have to mention one important person-Steven Spielberg. Spielberg has been dominating the movie industry from the 1980s. The name of “Spielberg” has become splendidly famous all over the world. His name is the symbol of success. Four of his films are among the top-ten box-office hits of all time which include Jurassic Park (1993).

21. Charles Chaplin made his first silent comedies __________. A. in 1911 B. in 1912

C. before Birth of a Nation was made D. in 1915 22. Birth of a Nation _________.

A. was the first silence film B. was the first sound film C. came out in 1915 D. was the first comedy 23. The development of musicals _________. A. started in 1920s

B. was attributable to the introduction of sound led to the development of thriller films C. was at its peak in 1930s

24. According to the passage, __________ has a dominating position in many Hollywood films.

A. romance B. music C. thrills D. animation

25. It can be inferred that __________.

A. today TV is the most popular form of entertainment B. TV programs are not as attractive as films C. Spielberg is very famous in the film industry D. Many foreign stars appear on American screen

Passage Six

The Indians living in America originated from Asia some 25,000 years ago by crossing the Bering land bridge, which later became the Bering Strait. The migration continued for thousands of years. From Alaska the men kept traveling southward until they had covered the whole continent after many centuries. The Indians have been identified to be the descendants of Mongoloid.

The name of Indians was given by Christopher Columbus,. When he first discovered the American continent, he mistook the natives there for the people of India. The name was so given and has been misused ever since.

Although the Indians were scattered over the continents, most of them lived in Central and South America, with only over one million in North America. They are all red-skinned and dark-haired. The Indians had their own social structure. They lived in tribes. The smallest unit was clan with kinship as the basis. Some clans formed a tribe and some tribes were united into a tribe confederacy. Private property was forbidden and everything was shared by all.

The Indians had their own culture though it developed rather slowly. They have made contributions to the world as well as to the American history. 26. The Indians got their name because ___________. A. they were the descendants of Mongoloid B. Columbus mistook them for the people of India C. They had the similar culture with the people of India D. They were all red-skinned and dark-haired

27. The smallest unit of the Indian tribes is based on __________. Clan B. kinship

C. religion D. convention 28. The Indians __________.

A. lived only in South America B. didn?t welcome Columbus C. didn?t like farming D. were descendants of Asians 29. An Indian tribe ___________.

A. could from union with some other tribes B. was made of people from different confederacy C. often fought with the other tribes D. was the smallest unit of India society

30. Which statement is NOT true according to the passage?

A. The Indian can keep pace with the development of the outside world. B. In the Indian society, everything is shared by all. C. Indians have their own culture. D. Indians usually live in tribes.

VI. Translation (翻译)

1. Even the automobile industry, which has remained largely unchanged for the last seventy years, is about to feel the effects of the computer revolution.


2. It can sense if a driver is drunk via electronic sensors that can pick up alcohol vapor in the air, and refuse to start up the engine.


3. The monotonous, almost hypnotic process of staring at the center divider for long hours is a grossly underestimated, life-threatening hazard.


4. I shrug my shoulders when people tell me that their first impressions of a person are always right. I think they must have small insight or great vanity.


5. Unless I had heard the story from his own lips, I should never have believed that he was capable of such an action.


6. He was handsome in a way with curly hair and pink-and-white cheeks.


7. The mere fact that America still attracts millions of people is evidence that it is not in decline. ______________________________________________________________________________________________

8. It is so hard to think of this nation in decline when you know that there are vast regions of the planet which are absolutely paralyzed, incapable of any improvement at all.


9. Historically speaking, America may not decline, but instead fuse with the Pacific culture to create a kind of vast Pacific collage, a mix of Hispanic and Asian cultures linked through the most modern communication technologies.


VII. Writing (写作)

Directions: 请在30分钟内以The Book I Like Best(《我最喜欢的书》)为题参照给出的提纲写大约80字的作文。

1. 我最喜欢的书是____________ 2. 它的主要内容 3. 我为什么喜欢这本书