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How to Improve Self-Confidence

Improving your self-confidence can be a difficult task.Most people associate having a high level of confidence with being successful.In some way this is true,since most successful people have high levels of self-confidence and are able to take on any challenges in their path.

(26)_____It can take a long time to develop,but it certainly can have a massive positive impact on the rest of your life.

Self-confidence and be the route to achieving many of your other goals,whether it be asking certain person out to dinner,becoming successful in business or ever with your weight loss goals.(27)______

Face what you fear.Most of the time.what you rear will not really be as had as it seems.Whether it is being too embarrassed to go to a new fitness class since you think you will stick out like a sore thumb,or going for that promotion at work,you will find in time that everyone is fearful or has insecurities about something.(28)________They just deal with them in a different and positive way. Improve your self-confidence by finding out what you really want from life.(29)______Don’t be afraid of failing,since life is one big learning curve.I bet the most successful people you’ve met failed over and again before they hit it big.

(30)______By utilizing the techniques used in hypnosis(催眠),you can gain access to your subconscious mind,allowing you to plant positive thoughts that can greatly help you with your progress of becoming a more self-confident person.

A.There are a few basic tips to help make you into a self-confident human being. B.One method that can help to improve self-confidence is through the use of Hypnosis. C.Try new things that excite you.

D.Even the most self-confident people have certain issues. E.We aim to help people become more self-confident in life.

F.Developing self-confidence can be hard,especially of you are starting with little or no confidence. 第五部分:填词补文


The Power of Positive Words in the Family

As a writer and psychotherapist(心理医师),I have been using words carefully most of my life.While counseling a husband and wife,I notice that a (31)______word can stir.their emotions and take their conversation to a dark place that they both know in negative.

World peace(32)______with peace in the family.As a therapist,I’ve heard many adults recite hurtful words they heard decades ago from a parent or a brother or sister.Care in speaking to children requires a degree of self-possession,the ability to see past the blind emotion of the moment to the needs of the child.Good words(33)______from that greater vision.

For example,words of extreme praise can do(34)______for the injured ego (自我)of a child or spouse.Sometimes it’s helpful to give words to what is usually left unspoken.”I appreciate what you did for me.I’m happy that you’re with me.”Simple,direct and heart-self words of(35)______,appreciation and gratitude often go unsaid,when they could be a handy means of healing.Words hurt and words heal. Every day(36)______opportunities to say words of encouragement and recognition.No matter how strong or(37)______we are,we all need such words.But often they may seem unnecessary.My rule is:if the thought occurs to me to say something supportive,I say it.You can never speak too often in praise and appreciation.You can also receive that praise,when it comes,gracefully-with words.”Thank you for saying that.I need to hear that.” A friend of our family,an intelligent,progressive Catholic priest,(38)______praises our children to the skies.He is very extreme in his language,and we(39)______his friendship.We don’t need realism and moderation(适度)from such a friend.

Everywhere today,marriage partners and children are in distress.I have no(40)______that one simple solution would be to offer them words of support.When used with care,language can be therapeutic.Even,and maybe especially,when a person is being difficult and aggressive,words of understanding and affirmation,realistic and felt,can often help.

A.wonders E.always I.already B.Doubt F.successful J.treasure C.Come G.careful K.praise D.Begins H.single L.offers 第六部分:完形补文


Careful Use of Words

Words are powerful and can be very(0)damaging(damage)when used carelessly.They have the power to evoke potent emotions and they can help inspire,(41)_______(courage)and motivate people.They can transform the world that we live in and in a crisis they can be your strongest ally or your most damaging opponent.

One should always be very(42)______(care)when using words,but this is especially so in the midst of a crisis.Who can forget when,during the middle of the largest oil spill in US history,the Chief Executive of BP,Tony Hayward,said”I’d like my life back”?When a crisis breaks,a company needs to be(43)______(particular)careful in framing its response.While attempting to assert control it also needs to be aware of the (44)______(implicate)of the response and what it may mean in the future.Framed properly,a(45)______(train)spokesperson can use their language to calm nerves during a very anxious time and can give the public an(46)_________(impress)that the company is in control and working hard to resolve the crisis.

The language in all crisis(47)____________(communicate)materials should be carefully managed and reviewed.Have all professional expressions and academic langu

age been removed and adapted?The language should be simple and self-explanatory.Are the communication materials(48)_________(respect)of all audiences including stakeholders,employees,media and the general public?Are words the best method to explain what happened?It may be useful to have a graphic(49)________(design)/photographer available to allow you to communicate clearly what happened in a simple and(50)_________(logic)way.Can your press release be converted into 140characters or less for Twitter?It’s unlikely prepare alternative strategies to allow you to engage via social channels.

A serious crisis can destroy companies and/or individuals.However,proper preparation combined with an appropriate response can actually help improve the reputation of both.Language is a powerful weapon and should be treated as such in all communications. 第七部分:短文写作



We’re glad to announce that you’ve won the first place in the English Speech Contest.

Tomorrow afternoon we’re going to hold a press conference for you.

Please be prepared for everything that might be asked by the reporters concerning your success in English learning.

It would be best if you listed possible questions and proper responses.

Unit 5 Keeping Your Dreams Alive Text A Life Is Difficult Exercises

I.Checking Your Comprehension

Directions:Choose the best answer to each question from the information given in the passage. 1.The author believes that the statement that life is difficult______. A).is the greatest truth in the world B).is never known to people C).is not as true as before

D).is fully understood by few people 2.According to the author,life is______. A).a series of problems B).a heavy load of burden C).a series of truths

D).a unique kind of affliction

3.Solving all life’s problems requires______.

A).no moaning B).some discipline C).total discipline D).all tools 4.Problems evoke in us the following feelings except_____.

A).embarrassment B).regret C).pain D).anxiety 5.The author suggests that problems______the growth of the human spirit.

A).stop B).discourage C).encourage D).slow down II.Building Your Vocabulary

Section A

Directions:Complete each of the following sentences with the correct choice of the words given in the brackets.

1.Angela wished she could think of some words of_______for her friend,but her mind was a complete blank.(wise,wisdom)

2.She has been_______ignoring him all day.(deliberate,deliberately) 3.Waiting for exam results is a time of great______.(anxiety,anxious) 4.There is a general______that things will soon get better.(belief,believe) 5.He looked distinctly______when the subject was mentioned.(comfortable)

6.Is there a French word that is the exact_______of the English word”home”?(equal,equivalent) Section B

Directions:Fill in the blanks with the words given below.Change the form where necessary. Distinguish instruct equal conflict Anxiety guilt physical confront 1.She is a(n)_________novelist and philosopher. 2.He gives her regular__________in mathematics. 3.This achievement is unlikely ever to be__________.

4.The violence was the result of political and ethnic_________. 5.We have all been_______of selfishness at some time in our lives. 6.I’m very__________about the speech contest. Section C

Directions:Complete each of the following sentences with a suitable word. 1.A series________accidents disordered the shop. 2.She is always moaning________her bad memory.

3.Many beautiful fish are fast disappearing because_________the severe pollution. 4.We should distinguish________right and wrong.

5.A difficult situation can call_________a person’s best qualities. 6.He is courageous as well_______strong. III.Bridging the Gap

Directions:Fill in the blanks with a word or a phrase that best completes the passage.You may choose a suitable one from the list given.

Than inner focus on but fit

The middle satisfy thinking of sense challenged

The purpose of life is to_________the soul,and though acknowledging your accomplishments can help in this effort,it cannot take you the full distance.The only thing that can satisfy your soul is an answer to the question,who am I?You are an individualized expression of life,of greater consequence and magnitude______anything you will ever accomplish.

When we______the fact that we are enough now,the beginning,______and the end journey-whether it’s finding a mate or getting a better job-is filled with a______of well-being.We may complete an experience and even be thrilled by the outcome,______we know that we are no more complete than when we started out. You see,we are either enough right now or we’re not;and if we are,then we’re______,by our enoughness to live that way

The problem is,most of us don’t listen to the______voice that says,”You’re