职业技能鉴定初级题库 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章职业技能鉴定初级题库更新完毕开始阅读ceb3c48002d276a200292e84

P: OK.

答案: 值机员:对不起,王先生。我们还无法确定您的行李现在在什么地方。 旅客: 那我怎么办呢? 值机员:请不要担心,王先生。我们先要填一张行李迟达表及一张海关放行单。只有这样,您的行李确实运到时,我们才能顺利通过海关检查。 旅客: 好的。


C:Thank you for waiting.(say :“sorry to have kept you waiting so long” if the passenger has waited for longer than 10 minutes ). May I have your ticket and passport please? P: I’ve got so many papers, Here you are.

C: Thank you. Are you traveling by yourself today, Mr, Smith? (address the passenger by his name right after checking his travel documents). P: yes.

答案: 值机员:谢谢先生。让您久等了。(如旅客已等了10分钟以上,则可说:“对不起,让您久等了”)我可以看一下您的机票和护照吗? 旅客: 我这里的证件很多,给你。 值机员:谢谢您! 史密斯先生。今天就您一个人旅行吗?(检查了旅客的旅行证件后,要称呼姓氏)。 旅客: 是的。(对)。


C: Mr, Smith, I see that you are traveling to New York today.

Is that your final destination?


P: yes.

C: How many baggage would you like to check-in? P: Two.

C: I see. Would you kindly place your baggage on the conveyor? P: Yes.

答案: 值机员:史密斯先生:我知道您今天是去纽约的,请问纽约是您旅行的最后一站吗? 旅客: 是的。 值机员:您有几件交运行李? 旅客: 两件。 值机员:好的。您把行李放在传送带上好吗? 旅客: 好的。


C: Mr, Smith ,I see that you have no identification(标签) attached to your checked baggage. Would you please to write your name, city, and the phone number on these baggage, so that you can easily identify(识别) them at your destination? Here are name labels for you.

P: Thank you. I’ll fill them up right away.

答案: 值机员:史密斯先生,您的行李上没贴标签,请把您的姓名,所在城市,电话号码写在标签上,再贴到行李上好吗?这样到目的站时容易查找。 旅客: 谢谢。我这就(马上)填写。


C: Mr, Smith, I’ve checked two pieces of baggage on CA 981 to New York for you, Is that correct? P: Yes.


C: Here is your claim tags in your ticket jacket folder(票封) .you seat number is row 22A, a window seat in economy class. CA981 is a non-smoking flight . Is that okay? P: That’s Okay.

答案: 值机员:史密斯先生,我收运了您两件行李,由CA981运往纽约,没有错吧? 旅客: 对。 值机员:这是您的行李领取牌。放在了票封里。您的座位号是22A。是经济舱的一个靠窗座位。CA981是一个全程禁烟航班,好吗? 旅客:好的。知道了。


C: Mr, Smith, I’m placing priority door-side tags on your baggage, because you are traveling with us in first class today.

P: so that my baggage will come out earlier than others in the baggage claim area after arrival? C: Exactly.

答案: 值机员:史密斯先生,您今天乘坐我们的头等舱旅行,我给您的行李挂上了优先舱口行李牌。 旅客: 这样在飞机到达领取行李时,我就可以比其他乘客先拿到行李了。 值机员:对极了。


C: would you please put your typewriter(打字机) on the scale? P: I’m told that it is a free carry-on item and should not be weighted.


C: Mr, Smith, maybe you were misinformed, according to IATA and Air China regulations, a typewriter is not a free carry-on item. An overcoat , an umbrella(雨伞),some reasonable(少量的) reading matter are free of charge , they need not be weighted.

P: well then, I have a few kilos overweight.

答案: 值机员:请您将打字机过一下磅好吗? 旅客: 听说这属于随身携带物品,不称重的。 值机员:史密斯先生,您也许误会了。根据国际航协和国航的规定,打字机不属于随身携带物品。一件大衣、一把雨伞几少量读物等可以免费携带,无须过磅。 旅客: 那么好吧。我的行李有几公斤逾重了。


P: I’m just wondering if I can take my dog with me. C: yes. But pets can only travel in cargo compartments according to our Air China regulations. You may not keep it in the cabin. P: that’s OK.

答案: 旅客: 我想知道我能否带我的狗一同乘机? 值机员:可以的。 不过根据我们国航的规定,宠物只能放在货舱,您不能把它带进客舱运输。 旅客: 好的。


A: Mr, Smith , would you like any assistance through


P: No. thank you just the same. My son has come to see me

off and he will assist(帮助) me.