A320主起落架收放原理分析及运动仿真 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章A320主起落架收放原理分析及运动仿真更新完毕开始阅读ce5460e0700abb68a982fb76

分类号 V226.3 U D C 621.8

编 号 20090815022 密 级 公开




题 目 Principle Analysis and Simulation of the

Extension and Retraction of the A320 Landing Gears

作者姓名 专业名称 飞行器制造工程 指导教师姓名及职称 提交日期 2013年6月4日 答辩日期 2013年 6月7日 答辩委员会主任 评 阅 人

20 13 年 6 月 4 日



学生: 指导教师:

摘 要






Principle analysis and simulation of the extension and retraction

of the A320 main landing gears


The landing gear is one of the important structures of the plane, when the aircraft takeoff, landing and parking,it plays an important role.Landing gear system can make the gear up or down during take-off or landing , effectively reduce the flight resistance, improve the efficiency of the flight, is one of the important function of the landing gear.

This paper introduces the modern aircraft landing gear system in detail,analyzes the extension and retraction of the A320 main landing gears.The main landing gear parts and assembling them into system was established by Pro/E software as well as simulation the process of landing gear extension and retraction. According to the principle of motion design motion parameters of landing gear’s actuating cylinder and lock mechanism, and output the important simulation data and motion animation. Based on this research, analyzed in detail of the relationship between the closes lock structure and actuating cylinder in the process of gear system movement.

Based on Pro/E software build landing gear and simulation it’s movement, lay a technical foundation for landing gear structure optimization and retrofit design, performance analysis and movement. It also has certain reference value for the study of landing gear system. Through the software debugging, this paper points out the next step of future research directions, improvements to the landing gear system release study has certain reference value.

Key Words: landing gear , the extension and retraction, simulation