人教版新课标高中英语 2019-2020学年 选修七 Unit5单元综合测试 含答案详解 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章人教版新课标高中英语 2019-2020学年 选修七 Unit5单元综合测试 含答案详解更新完毕开始阅读cd3c3142743231126edb6f1aff00bed5b8f3736d

F.If not, keep the shoes on.

G.You’ll likely be met with silence.


I spent last summer volunteering at a hospital.It was a gift to 16 so many amazing people and I’d like to share one of these moments.One day,I was called to a room where a(n) 17 woman was staying.Usually I helped with 18 who were ready to leave.Instead,she 19 to go to the gift shop.I got a 20 , helped her into it,and headed down to the entrance.

When we got there,it wasn’t open yet.After a 30-minute 21 , we entered the gift shop.As I pushed her around,I could see the 22 on her face as she looked at everything, happy to be out of her room.She 23 some window decorations,and then saw chocolates.

She asked me to push her in that 24 , and then I helped her 25 all the different chocolate arrangements. 26 she decided on three different boxes.

She told me to write the numbers 1,2 and 3 on the boxes.She 27 that the nurses were taking such good care of her,so she 28 chocolates for each of the three shifts of nurses.As we gave the current shift of nurses their box of chocolate,they 29 offered some to me before taking some themselves.

There were 30 all around.Witnessing the old lady’s 31 and getting the opportunity to spend time with someone who got so much joy from life were a 32 in itself.I have so many more stories,and each person made an impact on my life.I’ve 33 that health has a way of bringing people together. 34 is a blessing,and being in a place where health is so 35 and appreciated is unlike anything else.

16.A.introduce B.meet C.attract D.describe

17.A.elderly B.strange C.important D.famous 18.A.nurses B.kids C.patients D.parents

19.A.pretended B.wanted C.failed D.promised 20.A.car B.shopping cart C.wheelchair D.bike 21.A.ride B.walk C.drive D.wait

22.A.relief B.anxiety C.joy D.puzzle 23.A.chose B.made C.used D.received 24.A.manner B.case C.direction D.point

25.A.prepare for B.make up C.figure out D.look through 26.A.Suddenly B.Eventually C.Fortunately D.Actually 27.A.explained B.declared C.expected D.imagined 28.A.exchanged B.designed C.tasted D.bought 29.A.in fact B.at a loss C.in turn D.at ease 30.A.whispers B.smiles C.shouts D.cheers 31.A.kindness B.choice C.decision D.loneliness 32.A.lesson B.chance C.gift D.fact

33.A.concluded B.imagined C.predicted D.learned 34.A.Health B.Luck C.Virtue D.Praise

35.A.tested B.valued C.maintained D.promoted




It was my first time visiting the United States. Before 36. (leave) for Washington D.C., I downloaded some introductions about some tourist 37. (attract) in the city. Therefore, I knew something about this city before the trip. A lot of things happened during my trip to Washington D.C. However, 38. impressed me most is the International Spy Museum, which I visited on the 39. (three) day of the trip.

In my spare time, I often watched movies about spies with my parents because I was 40. (extreme) interested in spies. I acquired 41. good knowledge of that after I read the descriptions in the museum. I learned that spies usually hid important letters in an umbrella, in a shoe, or even in a pair of ordinary 42. (glass). When they thought they were probably found out, they could have their appearances 43. (change) in a few minutes. They put on fake hair, eyes or teeth. If they had an emergency, they even changed a smaller pair of shoes to change their walking styles in order not to 44. (recognize).

45. conclusion, it was a nice trip. I had a good time in Washington D.C. I will remember this trip forever. Ⅳ.写作(共两节,满分40分) 第一节:应用文写作(满分15分)


1.感谢Peter夫妇的帮助; 2.自己的感受和收获。 注意:词数80左右。 Dear Mr and Mrs Peter,

Hello! How time flies! I have already returned to China for nearly two months. I do faithfully hope you can pay a visit to China soon.

Yours, Li Hua


阅读下面短文, 根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。

After study for hours, I went outside and up to the roof nearby for a break and watched people swimming in the sea. It was a sunny day—a blue, cloudless sky over a calm sea. But then, as I looked in the distance, I discovered a series of three or four big waves heading towards the shore. I’d seen these mini-tsunamis(小型海啸) many times before. They were heading at high speed in the direction of the swimming area. Most people knew to look out for them, but from the screams that started coming from the beach, I could tell someone was in trouble.

Without thinking, I ran down into the street, holding my bodyboard(俯伏冲浪板)

on the way, and shouted at a stranger to call the coastguard(海岸警卫队). My neighbour Tom had heard the screaming as well and was also outside with his bodyboard, so together we rushed to the steps that led down to the sea.

Once we got closer, we discovered the waves had pulled a boy and a girl into the open sea. I knew that the nearest boat would take at least 30 minutes to reach us. I wasn’t used to this sort of emergency—I’d never been trained as a lifeguard—but I didn’t think twice about trying to save them. I suppose in a way I wanted to impress everyone; at 19, a deal like that can seem like a good opportunity to show off. Tom and I dived into the water and it took us 10 minutes to get to them. When we finally reached them, they were almost lifeless with only their heads coming in and out of the water. We could tell they were still alive from their small breaths but it was clear that they wouldn’t have been able to stay there much longer. I held the boy and pulled him over my board. Tom then moved the girl onto his board.



2.至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语; 3.续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;

4.续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。 Paragraph 1:

We discussed pushing them back to the shore, but we were too far out. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Paragraph 2:

That night, word came from the hospital that the two kids were in good condition. ____________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________




【文章大意】 本文反映“人与自然”话题,主要介绍了美国华盛顿州在90号州际公路上方为野生动物建造过路桥梁,从而来减少动物与车辆之间的碰撞事故。 1.B 细节理解题。根据第三段的“They all aim to keep drivers and animals away from each other. Collisions between animals and drivers are rarely deadly to people. But they are often deadly to wildlife.”可知动物的过路通道主要是为了防止野生动物被车辆撞到。A项与文中“人类事实上不太会在与动物的撞击中丧生”矛盾;C项错是因为该工程的目的并不是教育全体民众保护动物;D项“为穿越危险道路提供一个较安全的选择”范围太大。

2.B 细节理解题。根据第四段的 “Jen Watkins, whose organization has helped campaigns for animal crossings, says the fund for more crossings is ‘the number one barrier’.”可知主要的挑战是筹集更多的钱来建造更多的野生动物过路通道。 3.A 推理判断题。根据最后一段“She says the $6 million bridge will one day pay for itself because the highway will not have to be fully or partly closed each time a large animal is struck. She said, ‘If you shut down Interstate 90, you shut down interstate commerce.’”可知有了野生动物过路通道后,公路就不需要因为动物碰撞事件而关闭,从而州际的贸易就不会受到影响,所以在不久的将来,野生动物过路通道会“物有所值”。C项中“促进经济”和原文中“不影响经济”意义还是有所不同。B项和D项并没有在文中提及。

B 【文章大意】 文章指出,如果你把宜居城市作为度假地点,你会错过很多非常棒的旅游目的地。根据美世公司2018年生活质量调查发现,美世公司在给宜居城市排名时更关心这座城市是否对商业和投资有吸引力,是否有良好的学校、医院和住房等利于商业发展的条件,而这些因素很少会对游客有影响。文章同时指出美世的生活质量调查对游客还是有用的,因为它还涵盖了自然和文化环境以及娱乐活动。

4.B 推理判断题。根据第一段第一句 “If you’re looking at livable cities as inspiration for your holiday, you’ll miss out on many great tourist destinations.”可知如果你把宜居城市作为度假地点,你会错过很多很棒的旅游景点。即可推测宜居城市可能并不是好的旅游景点,故选B。

5.C 细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句 “In short, Mercer considers whether cities are attractive to business and investment, and have good schools, hospitals and housing while such factors seldom influence tourists.”可知美世公司在给城市排名时更关心这座城市是否对商业和投资有吸引力,是否有良好的学校、医院和住房等利于商业发展的条件。故选C。