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It is named for Saint Valentine who was an early Christian churchman. He was executed more than 1,700 years ago for his Christian beliefs on February fourteenth.

How Do Americans Celebrate Valentine's Day:

They send cards and gifts such as flowers and candy. They may go out to an eating place for a special meal. Sometimes a man will ask a woman he loves to marry him.

Part 2 Oral Work

A description of the piano was in the letter. Mr Brody read the description very carefully and decided to mail the company $10 for the piano.

Two months later Mr Brody received a box in the mail. It was his piano!

He opened the box and found pieces of newspaper. He reached through the newspapers, ... and reached…and reached. Finally, he felt something small and hard. He pulled out his piano. The piano was made of plastic and it was only five inches by two inches. It had 13 tiny buttons. When Mr Brody pushed the buttons, the piano made a beeping sound. The piano costs $ 1.99 in most stores.

Exercise: Listen to the passage and then give your opinion on the

following topics.

1. Could you resist a temptation like this?

2. What advice will you give to people like Mr Brody?