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Section 1 Tactics for Listening Part 1 Phonetics

Exercise: Complete the following short dialogue as you listen to the tape. Pay special attention to the weak forms , link-ups and contractions.

Susan: Oh, no! That was the last bus home! And we've missed it! Michael: Well, let’s walk… It's a nice, warm evening. Susan: lt's four miles! It's too far for me to walk. Call a taxi!

Michael: A taxi! My name isn't Rockefeller! We aren't rich enough to travel everywhere by taxi.

Susan: Michael! You've forgotten something! Michael: What?

Susan: We've got three suitcases. Do you really want to walk? Michael: OK…OK…Taxi!

Part 2 Listening and Note- Taking

On Mondays we have English, Religion, Art and Music. On Tuesdays we have English, Maths,and double Geography. On Wednesday we have Maths, Art, Religion and Sport. On Thursdays we have History, Maths, Geography, and Sport. On Fridays we have English, Maths, Music and History.

Exercise A: Listen to the passage and take notes. Exercise B: Complete the following chart.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday English

English Maths History English

Art Maths Maths

Religion Maths

Art Geography Religion Geography Music Music Geography Sport Sport History

Section 2 Listening Comprehension Part 2 Dialogues

Dialogue 1 Looking for a House

Paul Mack is at work. He is talking to a colleague who also lives on the Linden estate.

Brian: what are you going to do, Paul ?

Paul: I'm not true. Susan likes it here and doesn't want to moves, but I think we'll have to. What about you?

Brain: Oh yes, we're leaving. We're putting the house up for sale tomorrow.

Paul: But will anyone want to buy it now?

Brain: I don't know, but I'm going to ask for a reasonable price. I'd rather lose a little now than a fortune later.

Paul: I think you're right. I'm going to have another chat with Susan Are

you and Viv doing anything this evening?

Brian: We're looking at a house in Aston Road at half past six. Paul: What about later?

Brian: I don't think we're doing anything. why?

Paul: Why don't you come round for supper and we can all talk about it? It might make Susan change her mind.

Brian: Thanks very much. I'll do my best. What time shall we come? Paul: Is eight o'clock right? Brian: Fine.

Paul: I won't be long. I'm just going to phone Susan to let her know. Exercise: Listen to the dialogue and decide whether the following statements are true or false. Write T or F in the space provided. Discuss with your classmates why you think the statement is true or false.

T 1. Both of them want to leave the Linden estate.

T 2. Brian is going to see his house. (Brian: we re putting the house up for sale tomorrow.)

F 3. If nobody offers a reasonable price now, Brian would rather wait till a later time. (Brian still would rather sell it now. Brian: …I'm going to ask for a reasonable price. I'd rather lose a little now than a fortune later.) T 4. Brian has already found a house that they would like to have a look at it. (Brian: we're looking at a house in Aston Road at half past six.)

T 5. Paul is determined to leave. (Paul: Why don't you come round for supper and we can all talk about it ? It might make Susan change her mind.)

T 6. There are some attractions living there. (Paul: Susan likes it here and doesn't want to move...)

Dialogue 2 The Ghost

Heather: Oh, I do feel tired. Let's just sit down for a few minutes before we go on.

Jenny: No, come on. Let's go home. I get the creeps* in this place at night, and anything can happen here. You hear so many creepy* stories-what was that noise?

Heather: I don't know. Probably an old torn cat on the prowl*.

Jenny: I'm not so sure. I thought I saw a big shadow moving over there. Heather: Then I expect it was either a very big pussycat* or a tiny white tiger.

Jenny: Look! Over there…by the tree…a white shape!

Heather: Oh, come on-you'll be telling me that it's a ghost next! You must be seeing the moon-light reflected through the tree branches. Jenny: What about Victoria and Tom Howard? They both saw the ghost of a Roman soldier in a cellar in York last year.

Heather: Yes-through the bottom of a bottle! ...er...wait a minute! What