新世纪大学英语综合教程第一册第三单元网络课程学习测试题及答案 联系客服

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Spot Dictation

Directions: You will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 11-20 with the exact words you have just heard. When the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written. (10 points)

It was found in a study that women actively involved in both English and Spanish interpreted the same events differently, depending on which language they were using at the time . People in

general can switch between different ways of interpreting events and feelings — a a phenomenon known as frame shifting . But the research shows that bilingual people do it

more readily . One part of the study got the volunteers to watch TV advertisements showing women in different scenarios (情节). The participants initially saw the ads in one language and then six months later in the other. Researchers found that women classified themselves and others as more assertive (自信的) when they spoke Spanish than when they spoke English.

Reading Comprehension

Directions: There are two passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices. Click on the best choice. (20 points)

Passage One

Musical tastes and personality type are closely related, according to a study of more than 36,000 people from around the world. The research, which was carried out by Professor Adrian North of Heriot-Watt University, is said to be the largest such study ever undertaken.

It suggested that classical music fans were shy, creative and introverted, while heavy metal aficionados were gentle, creative, not hardworking, not outgoing and at ease with themselves. Country and Western music (美国西部音乐) lovers were said to be hardworking and outgoing, while dance enthusiasts were creative, outgoing but not gentle. Professor North described the research as \and \He said, \have always suspected a link between music taste and personality. This is the first time that we've been able to look at it in real detail. No one has ever done this on this scale before.%uses in marketing, adding, \you know a person's music preference you can tell what kind of person they are, who to sell to.\worried about declining CD sales.

\heavy metal. They're both creative and at ease but not outgoing. The general public has held a stereotype (模式化见解) of heavy metal fans being suicidally depressed and of being a danger to themselves and society in general. But they are quite delicate things.\

More than 36,000 people from all over the world were asked to rate 104 musical styles and also questioned about aspects of their personality.

The study is continuing and Professor North, who is head of the university’s department of applied psychology, is still looking for participants to take part in a short online questionnaire.

21. The underlined word \A. a kind of music B. songs C. fans

D. musical instruments

22. It can be inferred that ___________. A. this study is the biggest of its kind

B. there were similar researches in the past studying the relationship between musical tastes and personality

C. this is a very detailed study D. the finding is very surprising

23. The passage talks mainly about ___________.

A. the benefits the music industry will get from the study

B. the similarities between fans of classical music and heavy metal C. the significance of the study

D. a study on the relationship between musical tastes and personality 24. It is out of people's expectation that ____________. A. musical tastes and personality are related to each other B. there are so many participants in the study C. heavy metal music fans are gentle and at ease D. classical music fans are shy

25. The participants probably __________. A. helped with the study on the Internet

B. were interviewed face to face by Professor North C. come from the Western countries D. are Professor North's acquaintances

Passage Two

In a six-year study of the personalities of almost 620,000 Americans, a group of Cambridge University researchers found that character traits closely tracked the country's different regions. The research showed that Americans on the eastern seaboard were \anxious and impulsive\

The researchers, led by Dr. Jason Rentfrow, Cambridge lecturer in social and political sciences, identified strong correlations between personality traits and social phenomena like crime and life expectancy rates.

\from West Virginia or more religious because they happen to live in New Mexico, but we did find pretty clear signs that there are meaningful differences in the personalities of people living in different areas of the United States,\friendly but stressed). \is particularly impressive is that the results show the effects of personality on people's social habits, values and lifestyles are so pronounced (显著的) that they have an impact on much bigger social forces.\

In that regard, the study found that populations in places with the strongest personality

traits reinforced (增强) them by influencing the state's cultural atmosphere.

For instance, New York, where the population was \imaginative and intellectual\is the media and publishing capital of the U.S., boasts a vibrant (充满生气的) fashion scene and is home to some of the country's pre-eminent museums. Those institutions then attract people from outside the area, and deter people who do not share those personality traits, the researchers found.

Participants in the study answered an online questionnaire in which they were asked to read short statements, such as \see myself as someone who is outgoing\or \see myself as someone who is very religious,\

26. According to the study, people from California are __________. A. anxious and impulsive B. religious

C. friendly but stressed D. relaxed

27. Something particularly impressive about the study is that ___________. A. personality may influence much bigger social forces indirectly B. it is the first of its kind

C. people in New Mexico tend to be more religious D. it lasted for six years

28. Which of the following is NOT true of the study? A. It was carried out on a large scale.

B. People must be more anxious if they are from West Virginia.

C. People living in different areas of the U.S. tend to have different personalities.

D. Personality may have very deep effects on people's social habits, values and lifestyles. 29. In the 5th paragraph, New York is cited as an example to illustrate ___________. A. that it is a very attractive city

B. that New Yorkers are creative, imaginative and intellectual

C. that New Yorkers' personality traits get reinforced by influencing the city's cultural atmosphere D. that there are very famous museums

30. According to the passage, people who don't share New Yorkers' personality traits may ___________.

A. be attracted to stay in the city as well B. not be attracted to stay there

C. be attracted by the museums there

D. love the cultural atmosphere of the city

Vocabulary and Structure

Directions: Each of the following sentences is provided with four choices. Choose the one that best completes the sentence.(60 points)

31. He _______ a huge fortune from his father. A. accepted B. received

C. succeeded D. inherited

32. She tried to appeal to our _________ rather than to our reason. A. passions B. emotions C. sensations D. enthusiasm

33. The noises and crowds are ________ of big city. A. characteristic B. peculiar C. particular D. special

34. Honesty is one of the chief __________ of success. A. compounds B. methods C. ingredients D. elements

35. Many new _______ will be opened up in the future for those with university education. A. realities B. necessities C. opportunities D. probabilities

36. We have created all favorable _____ for foreigners to make their investment in China. A. circumstances B. environment C. settings

D. surroundings

37. Every summer they ________ the neighbors at an outdoor party. A. treat

B. accommodate C. serve D. entertain

38. The car _______ well to the controls. A. reflects B. replies C. responds D. corresponds

39. She suddenly _________ (the fact) that she was not married. A. showed B. revealed C. displayed D. exhibited

40.The weatherman broadcasts the _______ in temperature twice a day. A. variation