东风节制闸设计毕业设计说明书毕业设计说明书(含图纸) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章东风节制闸设计毕业设计说明书毕业设计说明书(含图纸)更新完毕开始阅读c8bfe55b011ca300a6c390c4


section, shearing stress, trough stress of the door, mound bottom level sectional side direction stress of mound bottom while calculating, analyse result of calculation, is it mix muscle design to go on.

⑵Stress analysis of the baseplate:

Make gate as the boundry, divide baseplate into two part from head to foot, fetch single wide lath analyse in two part central vertical rivers direction separately. Accord to finishing and building one and using the operating mode of an improved variety, calculate the load on function and lath. Including the baseplate conducts oneself with dignity,china, mound and top structure are heavy, raise pressure and uneven to cut strength and is it assign to go to it, France check the watch calculates according to elastic ground roof beam guo, try to get ground and calculation lath each sectional internal force against strength, is it carry on baseplate mix muscle design to analyse.

6.The level gate is designed: ⑴Leaf structure of the door.

①The layout of the structure of leaf of the door:Confirm door leaf various kinds of component structure need, figure and position , Ge Liang and pattern, way of connecting, connection of department, pattern of walking and supporting and roof beam.

②The panel is designed :On the premise of giving full play to the intensity of the panel, design one thickness of panel with rational economy. And check some and crooked intensity of conversion stress with crooked whole of the panel after the girder section is confirmed.

③Level roof beam once, carrying, the botttom roof beam is designed: Adopt the section steel.By the internal force of every component, choose the section of every roof beam, carry on intensity, rigidity checking computation.

④The girder is designed: Confirm girder figure, position, sectional form, the size of section, the section changes, wing reason welding seam design and some steady checking computations of girder.

⑤Vertical roof beam once and horizontal vertical connection department design:Confirm its pattern and position , is calculated and chosen sectional size and intensity checking computations by the internal




⑥The roof beam is designed:Is it confirm to support to walk roof beam structure patern is according to construct requirement design roof beam, and carry on the intensity to check to its dangerous section.

⑦Walk and support designing: Confirm its structure pattern, size carry on intensity checking compitation.

⑧Lead the device to design: Confirm the inside out, side and walk and support the pattern, the position and way of connecting.

⑨Stagnant water, lifting lug are designed:Confirm the type of the stagnant water and assign the way, is opened door strength to design, hang the axle and board measurement of the lifting lug and carry on checking computations to the intensity of the lifting lug board.

⑵The door trough is buried the component underground.

①Confirm every track pattern of the door trough, the size of section, carry on the intensity to check to the main rail .

②Confirm stagnant water seat and door trough protect the horn component pattern.

③Lock the room device to design in the gate. ⑶Open and room device to design in the gate.

①Calculate and open the strength of the door, comfirm the type of headstok gear, type.

②Calculate and close the strength of the door, should take the project measure to lower the door to check.

③The hoist is designed: Opened door strength and designed the sling.

Key word: Sluice; floodgate room; level gate; prevention of seepage drain

off water and design to defend to disappear; girder



第一章 水闸枢纽布置

1.1 总体布置

本设计为节制闸,一般跨越河道修建,故又称为拦河闸。它是一种利用闸门进行挡水或泄水的低水头建筑物,既可控制流量又可调节水位。关闭闸门时,它可拦洪蓄水,挡潮或抬高闸前水位;开启闸门时,又可泄洪,排涝或对下游河道或渠道供水。这次我们主要设计修建在平原道上的 节制闸。节制闸一般跨越河道修建。用于枯水期蓄水,抬高水位以及供进水闸取水,洪水期开闸泄洪。在渠系中一般位于支、斗渠分水口稍下游,跨越干、支渠修建也称节制闸。用于抬高干、支渠水位,供支、斗渠取水。




<1> 进水闸:为了农田灌溉或其他水利事业的需要,进水闸往往建在河道,水库或湖泊的岸边,用于引水灌溉,发电或其他进水需要而控制流量。










⑴地基条件 是影响水闸总体布置的主要因素之一应尽可能选择土质密实,均匀。压缩性较小和承载能力较大的良好地基。此外,由于闸基土质的抗冲能力直接影响单宽流量的选择和闸后消能防冲设备的设计,而地下水位的高低及承压水的有无对地基的稳定性和施工期的排水措施也有所影响,故在选择闸址时应考虑这些条件。

⑵水流条件 是另一主要因素闸的位置应使进闸和出闸水流平顺,防止上,下游


⑶施工、管理条件 也是闸址选择时要考虑的一个因素要求有足够宽广的施工场




1.2 结构布置





