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Salt 盐 ; MSG 味精 ; Soy Sauce 酱油; Vinegar 醋 ; Garlic 酸 ; Hot Pepper 辣椒;


Tomato Sauce 番茄酱; Mustard 芥末; Pepper 胡椒面;

Basic Ingredients

Ribs 排骨; Lean Meat 瘦肉; Fatty Meat 肥肉; Offal 内脏; Lung 肺 Liver 肝; Kidney 肾脏; Stomach 肚; Intestines 大肠; Brain 脑 Seafood

Catfish 鲶鱼; Carp 鲤鱼; Cuttlefish乌贼鱼; Yellow Croaker 黄花鱼 Hairtail Fish 带鱼; Squid 鱿鱼; Shrimp 虾; Crab 螃蟹; Lobster 龙虾 River Crayfish 河虾; Oysters 花蛤; Jelly Fish 海蜇


Aubergine / Eggplant 茄子; Round Cabbage 卷心菜; Cauliflower 菜花 Bok Choy 油菜; Spinach 菠菜; Broccoli 西兰花;Celery 芹菜; Leek 韭菜 Cucumber黄瓜; Sponge Cucumber 丝瓜; Winter Melon 冬瓜; Soy beans 黄豆 Green Beans 绿豆; Snow Peas/ Mange Tout 毛豆; Bean Sprouts 豆芽 Wood Ear Mushrooms 木耳; Golden Needle / Enoki Mushroom 金针菇

Cooking Methods

Stir Fried 炒; Shallow Fried 煎; Deep fried 炸; Boiled 煮;

Steamed 蒸; Stewed 炖; Braised in Soy Sauce 红烧; With Oyster sauce 蚝油

Dishes Menu: Pork

Sweet and sour pork 糖醋里脊

Slightly Spicy pork strips in a mushroom, garlic, ginger and pepper sauce 鱼香肉丝 Pork strip in a sweet sauce with onions and Tofu wraps京酱肉丝 Red braised pork红烧肉 ; Twice fried spicy pork 回锅肉 Shredded pork and eggs with dried mushrooms木须肉 Stir fried pork slices with scallions 葱爆肉片 Stir fried pork and garlic 蒜爆肉 Stir fried pork with green onions 葱爆肉

Stir fried pork and green beans 芸豆炒肉 ; Deep fried pork 干炸里脊 Spicy pork 辣子肉 ; Pork fried with pickled cabbage酸菜炒肉 Pork brisket with cumin 孜然肉脯

Stewed mushrooms with tofu and porkqing dun 清顿磨菇豆腐肉 Pork spices in an extremely spicy soup 水煮肉片

Stir Fried Pork Slices 爆炒肉片 ; Stir fried pork strips 炒里脊丝 Pork slices stir fried with glass noodles 粉皮肉片

Pork strips fried with hot pickled mustard tuber 炒肉丝榨菜 Stir fried pork and winter melon冬瓜炒肉

Stir fried pork, Chinese cabbage and glass noodles 白菜粉条肉 Stir fried pork and cabbage 卷心菜炒肉 Stir fried pork and string beans 豆角炒肉 Stir fried pork and mushrooms 磨菇炒肉 Stir fried pork and alfalfa 苜蓿肉

Pork ribs stewed with winter melon 冬瓜炖排骨 Pork ribs stewed with Chinese cabbage 白菜炖排骨 Red braised pork intestines 红烧大肠 Pork intestines with tofu 大肠豆腐 Stir fried pork stomach strips 炒肚丝 Stir fried pork stomach slices 炒肚片

Stir fried pork stomach with coriander 芫爆肚丝 ; Stewed pork stomach 扒肚片 Stir –fried pork kidneys 爆炒腰花

ChickenJi Rou鸡肉

Stewed chicken with wide glass noodles and Chinese cabbage 白菜粉皮炖鸡 Stir fried chicken strips 炒鸡丝 ; Spicy stir fried chicken pieces 辣子鸡丁

Stir fried spicy chicken with peanuts 宫爆鸡丁 ; Stir Fried Chicken Stomach 爆炒鸡珍花 Red braised chicken chunks 红烧鸡块 ; Tenderly braised chicken pieces 软烧鸡块 Pineapple Chicken 菠萝鸡块

BeefNiu Rou牛肉

Beef in a spicy soup 水煮牛肉片 ; Stewed Beef and Potatoes 土豆炖牛肉 Red Braised Beef 红烧牛肉 ; Scallions and Beef 葱爆牛肉

Mutton Yang Rou羊肉

Mutton slices in an extremely spicy soup 水煮羊肉

Stir fried mutton and garlic 蒜爆羊肉 ; Mutton and cumin 孜然羊肉 Congealed sheep’s blood stir fried with scallions 葱爆羊血

SeafoodHai Xian海鲜

Sweet and Sour Fish 糖醋鱼 ; Fish and pickled cabbage 酸菜鱼 Ba fish with cornbread 金饼烧巴鱼 ; Catfish and tofu 豆腐鲶鱼 Catfish and eggplant 茄子鲶鱼 ; Pan fried hairtail fish 干烧带鱼 Red braised hairtail fish 红烧带鱼 ; Red braised chunks of fish 红烧鱼块

Red braised yellow croaker 红烧黄花鱼 ; Yellow Croaker fried with onions 干炸黄花鱼 Fish fried with onions 葱油鱼 ; Red braised carp 红烧鲤鱼

Stir –fried cuttlefish 清炒乌贼鱼 ; Clams fried with peppers 辣炒花蛤

Crayfish stir fried in soy sauce 酱爆龙虾 ; Shrimp stir fried with celery 清炒虾仁 Whole canola fried with dried shrimp 海米扒油菜

Squash fried with dried shrimp 海米西葫 ; Octopus fried with garlic stems 蒜黄炒八带

VegetarianSu De素的

Crispy fried tofu with cumin 香酥孜然豆腐 ; Garlic tofu 蒜蓉豆腐

Red braised tofu 红烧豆腐 ; Spicy tofu with sesame 麻辣豆腐 Five Spice (salt, pepper,hot peppers, fennel, and MSG) tofu 炒五香豆腐 Tofu in a sweet sauce 内脂豆腐 ; Fried tofu and scallions 葱烧豆腐 Tofu,green peppers,and onions in a brown sauce 家常豆腐 Stir fried cabbage and tofu skin卷心菜炒豆腐皮

Tofu with sesame seeds and hot peppers 麻辣豆腐 ; Fried tofu 炒豆腐 Deep fried tofu with cumin 孜然豆腐

Eggplant in a mushroom, ginger, garlic and pepper sauce 鱼香茄子 Braised Eggplant, Potato and Green Pepper 地三鲜 Stir fried eggplant with salt and pepper 椒盐茄子 Red braised eggplant 红烧茄子

Mushrooms in a mushroom, ginger, garlic and pepper sauce 鱼香磨菇 Stir fried mushrooms with salt and pepper 椒盐磨菇 Stir fried green beans and dried mushrooms 香菇豆角 Stir fried golden needle mushrooms 炒金针菇 Mustard greens fried with mushrooms 香菇油菜

Potato strips stir fried in vinegar/and red peppers 醋溜/酸辣土豆丝 Stir fried spicy potato strips with peanuts 宫爆土豆 Stir fried sweet and sour potato strips 糖醋土豆

Stir fried tomatoes and eggs 西红柿炒鸡蛋 ; Fried eggs and cucumbers 黄瓜炒鸡蛋 Eggs and leaf shoots 香椿鸡蛋 ; Eggs fried with green onions 葱炒鸡蛋 Stir fried spinach and egg 菠菜炒鸡蛋 ; Stir fried broccoli 西兰花 Stir fried sponge cucumber and egg 丝瓜炒鸡蛋 Bean sprouts stir fried in vinegar 醋溜豆芽

Chinese cabbage fried in vinegar/and red peppers 醋溜/酸辣白菜

Fried green beans with garlic 清炒芸豆 ; Fried spinach with garlic 清炒菠菜 Lettuce fried with oyster sauce蚝油生菜

Stir fried Cauliflower and tomatoes 菜花西红柿 ; Stir fried canola 油菜 Cold green beans with garlic and sesame paste 麻汁豆角