人教版英语选修七 Unit 2 Robots 单元测试(含答案) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章人教版英语选修七 Unit 2 Robots 单元测试(含答案)更新完毕开始阅读c8721dcc58eef8c75fbfc77da26925c52cc591b0

2.The fire ________(put out) before the firemen arrived. 3.My homework ________(finish); so I can play football now.

4.Having been warned of danger in the street at night, she had to go home, with a friend ________(accompany) her. 七、书面表达(共25分)

请根据以下任务说明和写作要求,写一篇150词左右的英语短文。 [任务要求]

你准备参加一个题为“是否应该让机器人干家务”的讨论会,讨论会上你将做一个书面发言。请认真阅读下面短文,然后完成以下任务: 1.概括短文内容要点,该部分的字数大约60—80;



2).让机器人干家务可以减轻家人的负担。高智能机器人还可以照顾家人。 3).但使用、维修的成本高;机器人的行动缓慢,不能与人类真正沟通。 4).机器人的价格昂贵,一般人家负担不起。真正普及还需一段较长的时间。 As science developed rapidly in the direction of technology, it supplies an a better and ore cofortable life. en will be working shorter and shorter hours, while housewives will also be able to have ore free tie. Can you iagine doing housework without a housewife? Scientists believe this will be turned into realities in not very long tie, and perhaps during your lifetie house-robots will take the place of housewives.

When I discussed this kind of achine with housewives, soe 90 percent of the replied iediately, “How soon can I buy one?” The other 10 percent said, “I would be terrified to see it oving about y


house.” But when I explained to the that it could be turned off or stopped, they quickly realized that it is a useful object.

In y own hoe we have found that the washing-up achine is regarded as a good hand in the roo. There’s no greater pleasure than to go to bed in the evening and know that the washing-up is being done downstairs after we are asleep.

Soe failies would like to have their robot slaves doing all the downstairs housework after they were in bed at night, while others would have it done in the ornings. But this would be entirely a atter of choice.


一、1.junior 2.elegant 3.digital 4.declaring 5.satisfaction 6.declared 7.assessment 8.satisfaction 9.sympathy 10.accompanied 11.desiring 12.Alarmed 13.sympathy 14.framework




(一)(1)C(2)D(3)B(4)A (二)(1)C(2)A(3)B(4)D(5)C 四、G;D;B;E;A

五、1. only to be told 2.It;was;when;that 3.to;be;taken;home


六、1. to be sent 2.had been put out 3.has been finished 4.accompanying 七、

Will house-robots replace housewives? Scientists believe that the house-robots will replace housewives in the future with the rapid developent of science so that housewives will be freed fro daily boring housework and enjoy a better life.

I agree with the author to a large easure. I consider that the use of robots eans the social developent of science and technology because robots can free people fro such dull housework. What’s ore, soe high-intelligence robots can be designed to take care of the faily reebers, such as babies and elderly ones as well. However, it is still too expensive to use the achine nowadays, which will cost a lot to repair it when it is out of order. Furtherore, the achine oves slowly, unable to counicate with people in a real sense. Not every faily can afford a high-intelligence robot. In brief, robots are useful for our failies. But it should be built like huans, and it should not be too expensive. I think it will take quite a long tie to actually bring the house-robots into our failies.