丛林大反攻-中英文台词打印版 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章丛林大反攻-中英文台词打印版更新完毕开始阅读c80c7d9bf46527d3250ce0ca

丛林大反攻 煞星 Shaw? 戈帝,我? 我不知道该怎么办 Gordy, I didn't know what else to do. I-- 是时候了,贝丝 It's time, Beth. 打猎季节很危险耶 But what about hunting season? Take him above the falls. He'll be safe there. 送他到瀑布上面去,那里很安全 Take him above the falls. He'll be safe there. 放心好了 You're gonna be... 你不会有事的 You're gonna be fine. 我会很想你,大个儿 I'm gonna miss you, big guy. 好美哦 Pretty. 我的家呢? 不见了 Where's home? It's gone. 被人偷走了 Someone stole it. 小声一点好不好 Hey, could you keep it down? 我还想要再睡一下啦 I'm trying to sleep here. 都是你 You. -我怎么了? -你看清楚了,爱鹿特 - No, I didn't do it. - Take a good look, Elliot. 你看到什么了? 什么东西不见了? What do you see, Elliot? Something's missing, Elliot. 是什么,爱鹿特 是什么? What is it, Elliot? What is it? 等等,不要说,我? Wait, don't tell me. I... 山林村不见了 Timberline is missing! -我本来要猜这个的 -我的车库不见了 - I was just gonna say that. - My garage is missing. 早餐、午餐、晚餐都不见了 Breakfast, lunch, and dinner are missing. 演艺事业不见了 这一切都是你害的 My life is missing, and it's all your fault. 不然你想怎么样? What are you gonna do? 你好搞笑哦 You're funny. 我想你也许会?那我的小命就? 然后? I thought, \ 这是不可能的 一定是贝丝误会了 This ain't happening. It's some kind of mistake. 好好想想 她很气,但我可以搞定她 Think, Boog. She's mad, but you can fix this. 我要赶快回去对着她装可爱 All right, I'll go back and I'll give her the face. 装可爱 The face. 我现在就回去 免得她忘了我的可爱 Gotta get back before she forgets the face. 原声英语 www.ispeaken.com


丛林大反攻 没错,只要靠我这张装可爱的脸 一切搞定 That'll clear it all up right there. Yeah, yeah, yeah, the face. 我只要? Somehow... 布谷 Boog! 你不能像这样到处乱闯乱逛 You can't just go wandering around out here. 你根本就不知道你要去哪里 You don't know where you're going, Boog! 我要回家去 I'm going home. 等等,布谷,我? Wait. Boog. 我知道山林村怎么走 I know where Timberline is. -我可以带你回去 -谢了,不必麻烦了 - I can get you back. - Thank you, but no thank you. 安静 Quiet. 山林村一定在这附近 Timberline's gotta be around here somewhere. 不错,满快的嘛 Well, that was quick. 让我想想 屁屁向左,屁屁向右 Now, let's see. Righty-tighty, lefty-loosey. 布谷,是你吗? Boog, is that you? 布谷 Boog. 现在我只要摸清楚这个地方 Okay, I gotta get the lay of the land. 爬到最高处就可以了 ...if I get up high enough, then... 太好了 All right. 我做得到的 I can do this. 没问题啦 No problem. 你是什么玩意? 到处乱逛 Lost your way to Sunday school, pal? 这里是妙酷鼠的地盘 没有人敢惹妙酷鼠 This is McSquizzy's turf. Nobody messes with McSquizzy. 因为他就是我 Because that's me. -什么? -你要是敢碰这棵树的话 - What? - Touch a needle in this tree... -我就K得你满头包 -是吗? - ...and I'll give you such a doing! - Yeah? 就凭你一个? You and what army? 算你狠 Oh, that army. 不要惹火小松鼠军团 Mess not with the furrytail clan. 好料的捍卫者 正义的圣战士 Defenders of the good, crusaders of the righteous... 松树的守护神 ...guardians of the pine. 谁稀罕啊 我去找另一棵就好了 原声英语 www.ispeaken.com


丛林大反攻 Keep your tree. I'll find another one. Check it out. 快看,熊妈妈背着熊娃娃 好啦,要怎么走? Look! He's got a wee freakish twin growing out of his back. All right, where's town? 这棵不错 也许我的屁股应该叫做猴子屁股 Oh, this one will work. Or what we would call this, a moon burn. -啊呀! -这只是个小小的警告 你少打屁 快点说 Hey. That was a warning, all right? Look, just give me the directions. 你再乱来 我就踹得你眼冒金星,鼻孔开花 我真的很想回去 Try that again, and I'll be kicking your furry brown bahookie! I really need to get back. 这是另外一棵树耶 好可怜哦 - What? - Hey, this is a different tree. So sad. 这全是我的树 -你到底说不说? -好啦?我说 They're all my trees. - Where's Timberline? - Okay. Okay. All right. 我建议你闪远一点 滚回你原来的地方去 你在山林村过得很享受吧 I suggest you turn round and head right back from whence you You got it good in Timberline, right? came. 有咖啡、哇塞棒,还有保全 我也想那么做啊 只要跟我说山林村怎么走 Coffee, Woo Hoo bars, safety. That's what I'm trying to do. So just point me the way to town... -那又怎样 -不过你还少了一样 我马上走人 - Yeah, so? - And still, something is missing. ...and I'll be out of here. -有吗? -有,我 我受够了,这是你们自找的 - There is? - Yep. Me. That's it. You're asking for a whooping. 让我参一ㄎㄚ,布谷 我带你回去 预备? And I want in, Boog. I'll take you to town... Ready! 回到村里后,我们两个结拜 发射 ...but when we get there, we're partners. Fire! 怎么样啊? 哥儿们 布谷,快看,空手倒立哦 Deal, partner? Hey, Boog, look. No hands. 什么? 不?不可以 太阳把我的屁股晒得红通通的 What? Oh, no, no, no. I think I'm getting a sunburn, though. 那是不可能的事,不可能 你看嘛 That ain't never gonna happen. Never. 原声英语 www.ispeaken.com


丛林大反攻 难道你都没有家人吗? Don't you have a herd to get back to? 家人,他们? 我家人他们会谅解的 What--? My herd? They-- My herd will understand. 那些鹿是?是我的好哥儿们 These guys are my-- They're my buddies. -他?他们会祝福我的 -别作梦了 - They-- They want the best for me. - Forget it. 好吧,那我劝你快闪 Oh, well. Better start moving, then. 因为打猎季节过几天就要开始了 Because open season starts in a few days. 也许那些猎人会为了送你回家 Maybe one of those hunters can give you a ride back... 就把你绑在引擎盖上 ...on the hood of their truck. 猎人,可恶 Hunters. Dang. -好啦? -那我们讲定啰? - Okay, okay. - So we have a deal, then? 好,我要你亲口说 Okay, let me hear you say it. -好哥儿们? -你很恶耶 - Partners? - You're disgusting. -你说什么? -我?哥儿们 - What was that? - I... -抱歉,听不见 -我说我可以做好? - Sorry, can't hear you. - I said, I guess... 好?哥儿们 ...we can be partners. 好?哥儿们? Partners? 一言为定 Partners. 心动不如马上行动 Okey-dokey, this way! Move it or lose it! 我一直在想 应该来搞个秘密手势 You know, we should have a secret handshake... 想代号什么的 超酷的化名 ...and like nicknames and stuff. Like, cool nicknames, though. 我就叫你布谷侠 I'll call you Boogster... 你可以叫我超人特攻鹿 ...and then you can call me The Incredible Mister E. 很赞吧 我自己想出来的 Isn't that great? I came up with that myself. 神来的一笔 这一切都会很酷 I made that up. You know, this is gonna be awesome. 只有你和我 It's just you and me. 那个热裤妞是你什么人? Hey, who's the lady in the shorts? 希望还来得及 I hope I'm not too late. 他们出来一整夜了 They've been out here all night. 熊? A bear... 和鹿竟然联手出击 ...and a deer, working together. 这个阴谋诡计有多可怕? 原声英语 www.ispeaken.com