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about the worlD. But, it also has some disadvantages. People 81.______

waste too much time in watching TV and his normal life 82._______

and work are affecteD. To the children who they spend too 83._______

much time in watching TV, it can do harmful to their sight 84._______

and healthy. So we should control the time of watching TV. 85._______

⑶ A few months after returning the US from Germany, I took 76._______

part in a college course in French. Since I have learned 77._______

to say German well in Germany, I thought it might be 78.______

interested to begin studying another language. At the 79._______

first class, the teacher asked us to do a pronunciation 80._______

exercise in it he would say a word or two in French, and 81._______

each student would do their best to copy. When he got to 82._______

me, he kept having me to say more words, and I 83.______

finally asked him why. “I find it great fun,” she explained 84._______ it. “In 25 years of teaching at school, it’s the first time 85._______ I’ve heard an American speak French with a German accent.”

⑷ The Huaihe River has been serious polluted. Day and nigh76._______ millions of tons of waste water is being poured down to from 77._______  hundreds of factories. The waste water is harmful. At present 78._______ there is no fish in it. The river water cannot be drunk. People in 79._______

either bank have to dig wells to take drinking water. The Huaihe 80. _______

River is such dirty and poisonous that people don’t dare swim 81._______ in it. Something must be done to stopping the pollution. The 82._______ government and the people near the river must try to clear water 83._______


as soon as possible. Now special attention has paid to the 84._______

pollution by the government and more scientists. The pollution 85._______

will be prevented in the near future. ⑸ Dear Abby,

How are you? Today I’ve got a wonderful news to tell you. 76._______

I have offered a scholarship at a university in Australia for my 77._______

further education. One hundred and twenty students took exam 78._______

for it, but only a few was chosen and I was one of them. However, 79._______

my parents are not happy about it. They are strong against me 80._______

going there. They say it is too far away that they will not see me 81._______

for a whole year and they are afraid of I will feel lonely. They 82._______

can’t imagine a girl so young live alone. They advise me to study 83._______

in the capital instead. Then I’ll be able to continue living with 84._______

them. How can I persuade them to accept the fact I have grown up?

85._______ Best wishes,


⑹ A person’s age no longer tells you something about 76.

________ his social position, marriage or healthy. There’s no longer, 77. ________

a particular year which one goes to school or goes to 78. ________

work or gets married or start a family. The social clock 79. ________

that kept us on time and told us when go to school, get 80. ________

a job, or stop working isn’t as strong as it was used to be. 81. ________

It doesn’t surprise us to hear a 28-year-old university 82. ________

president or a 35-year-old grandmother, or 70-year-old 83. ________


man who has become a father for the first time. What we 84. ________

all know, public’s ideas are changing nowadays. 85. ________

⑺ It is difficult for parents to teach your children to be responsible 76.________

(有责任的) for housework, but with one of the followed suggestions, 77.________

you really can get your children help you at home. If you give your 78.________

children the impression which they can never do anything quite right, 79.________

then they will regard themselves unfit or unable persons. Unless they 80.________

believe they can succeed, they will never become totally independence. 81.________

Don’t always scold and give lots of praise instead. Talk about 82.________

what they’ve done right, but about what they haven’t done. If your 83.________

children complete a difficult task, reward (酬劳) him with a Sunday 84.________ trip or a ball game of Dad. 85.________

⑻ Before I went to senior middle school, some peoples told 76._______

me. “A life of senior middle school is unforgettable.” 77._______

While I first entered my senior middle school, everything 78._______

seemed unpleasant. Face all the strange things around me, 79._______

I often miss my old friends and classmates. I didn’t want 80._______

to talk others or make friends with others. Little by little, my 81._______

school record went from bad to worse, especially my 82._______

maths. I couldn’t even pass the exam. I lost the heart and 83._______

missed the happy times all day long. I told me, “I don’t 84._______


belong to it. I don’t like the life here.” 85._______

⑼ Tom and Dick are next door neighbour who work 76.________

in the same office so they walked together to and from 77.________

office. Some day as they were walking home together it 78.________

sudden started to rain. Tom quickly opened his umbrella 79.________

and said, “My wife surely has foresight (预见) . She said 80.________

on this morning it would rain and told me to carry my 81.________

umbrella with me.” Dick smiled and walked to him, said, 82.________

“My wife has even great foresight. She told me not to 83.________

carry an umbrella and as she knew you would certainly 84.________ have with you.” 85.________

⑽ Dear Sir or Madam,

I see your advertisement in a student magazine and 76. ______

I’m interesting to know more about your diving courses. 77. ______

First of all, I should explain that although I can swim I’m 78. ______

not very confident in the water. But you mentioned your 79. ______

advertisement that your instructors are full qualified(称职), 80. ______

so I believe they’ll able to teach someone like me to dive. 81. ______

I have one week’s holiday in the three week of June 82. ______

and would like to know that if there’s a course running at 83. ______

that time. How much does a week’s course worth? Finally, 84. ______

if I decide to go ahead, are there any special equipment I 85.