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I am one of the middle classes. I can never think 1 earning millions of dollars. 2 there is nothing wrong in hoping that I might win a lottery (彩票). If I am 3 to win a lottery of millions of dollars, I will 4 to spend it in the most proper way.

My friends advise 5 that I should have a big house and a car for the family. But my 6 of life is quite different. Rather than improve my own 7 , I am much more interested in helping 8 people in the country.

There are millions of people in my country 9 cannot get two meals a day. 10 of them are farmers. I will lend them money to buy fertilizers (肥料). So they will 11 a better life.

I will also build a good hospital. There will be many great 12 working in it. This hospital will also be free of charge (免费) for the poor. That will 13 people from death.

There may be people laughing at my idea. 14 they do not know that a man can get happiness in helping the poor. Such pleasure is greater than that a man can 15 from the money he has. To spend money like this will be my dearest hopes!

1. A. of B. to C. from D. in 2. A. However B. But C. So D. Because

3. A. good B. beautiful C. big D. lucky 4. A. try B. help C. set D. find 5. A. them B. me C. him D. you 6. A. class B. home C. idea D. school 7. A. body B. head C. life D. foot 8. A. rich B. great C. small D. poor 9. A. what B. why C. who D. how

10. A. All B. Most C. Any D. Both 11. A. live B. buy C. sell D. hear 12. A. teachers B. players C. students D. doctors

13. A. save B. give C. have D. send 14. A. Also B. Though C. Maybe D. Yet 15. A. lose B. smell C. start D. get 思路点拨:本文讲述了假如我是百万富翁,我将要做的事情。 答案解析:

1.A。句意为:我从没有想到能挣到一百万美元。think of意为“想到”,是固定词组,故选A。

。分析前后句的逻辑关系可知,它们是转折关系,故选B。 3.D。理解本句可知,中大奖是幸运的,故选D。

4.A。由下文所述可知,我将试图用最适当的方式花掉这些钱。try to do sth.尝试做某事,故选A。

5.B。理解上下文可知,朋友建议我用这些钱来买房买车,故选B。 6.C。由下文可知,我对于生活的想法与别人不同,故选C。

7.C。理解前后句所述可知,我不仅仅想改善自己的生活,故选C。 。由下文所述可知,我更愿意帮助穷人,故应选D。



。理解句意,所以他们将过上更好的生活。live a better life是固定搭配,指“过上更好的坐活”,故选A。





John Cleaned His Mother's Hands约翰为妈妈洗手

A big company wanted a clerk, so John went there. In the interview the director asked

him a question. \


Hearing this,the director asked John to show his hands. John showed a pair of hands that were perfect. The director said,\ hands,and then see me tomorrow morning. \

When John went back,he happily asked his mother to let him clean her hands. However,

his tears fell ~s he cleaned his mother's hands. It was the first time he noticed that there were too many bruises (伤痕) in his mother's hands. After finishing the cleaning of his mother's hands,John quietly washed all the remaining clothes for his mother.

Next morning,John went to the director's office. The director noticed the tears in John's

eyes and asked,\

John said,\l,1 know now what appreciation(感恩) is. I would not be successful

if my mother didn't do these things. Number 2,by helping my mother,now I realize how difficult it is to get something done. \ You can get the job. \

l. John went to the big company to .

A. look for his mother B. ask for a job

C. ask the director for help D. look for the director 2. John's mother was a(n) ____________.

A. office clerk B. director C. farmer D. clothes cleaner 3. From the underlined sentence, we learn . A. John tried his best to wash clothes for his mother B. John often helped his mother do the housework C. John hardly helped his mother wash clothes D. John often helped his mother wash hands

4. John felt when he cleaned his mother's hands.

A. happy B. sad C. angry D. tired 5. Why did the director hire (雇佣) John

A. Because he thought John learned appreciation. B. Because he thought John had a good education. C. Because he thought John worked very hard. D. Because he thought John could help his mother.

思路点拨:本文讲述了约翰到一个公司应聘一个工作岗位,公司经理要求约翰给做洗衣工的妈妈洗手,他为妈妈洗手后,懂得了感恩和做事情的艰辛,赢得了公司经理的信任,并得到了这份工作。 答案解析:

1.B。从第一段的第一句话“A big company wanted a clerk,so John went there”推断,约翰去这个公司应聘一个工作岗位,故选B。

2.D。由“My mother paid for it by washing clothes”可知,约翰的妈妈是一位洗衣工,故选D。

。画线句子意为“约翰伸出了他一双完好的手”,分析知约翰很少帮妈妈洗衣服,故选C。 4.B。由文章第四段的第二句话“However,his tears fell as he cleaned his mother's hands”可知,约翰在给妈妈洗手时很伤心,故选B。


The Cactus' Wish仙人掌的愿望

A cactus stood all alone in the desert. It sighed,\阴凉) or juicy fruit to any passing traveller. I can't see that I have any use to others. I wish I could do something useful.\

One day some birds circled high over its head.

\ At night, the moon moved in the sky, looking at it coldly.

A lizard (蜥蜴) passed by, leaving a little trail (痕迹) in the sand with its tail. \

\forms for us all to admire. The moon hangs high like a lantern at night, so we can see our way home. Even I have something to do. I decorate (装饰) the desert with these beautiful trails as I pull my tail along. But you can do nothing. \

As time went on, the cactus grew old and it knew that its time was short. It cried out, \

But just then, a beautiful flower opened from the cactus' head like a crown.

The desert had never seen such a flower before. It brought happiness to all those who passed by. The butterflies stopped to admire its beauty, and that night even the moon smiled when it rose to find such a beautiful flower.

In the desert, a voice was saying, \ 1. What was the cactus' wish

_______________________________________________________________________ 2. Did the cactus do anything for the birds

_______________________________________________________________________ 3. How did the lizard leave a trail in the sand

_______________________________________________________________________ 4. When did a beautiful flower open from the cactus' head
