2017-2019连续三年安徽省中考英语试题及答案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期日 文章2017-2019连续三年安徽省中考英语试题及答案更新完毕开始阅读c53eaeca6a0203d8ce2f0066f5335a8103d2664d

andma could make paper art

kilfully ( b?n?ut ). The red flowers, blooming like burning fire, light up her world. Now, everyone in the village__55__ her.

My grandma's story has shown me what it takes to realize one's dream. 46. A. nice B. real c.full D. sweet

47. A. spring B. summer C. autumn D. winter 48. A. sister B. aunt C. mother D. grandma 49. A. changes B. spreads C. places D. bums 50. A. city B. town C. villages D. block 51. A. art B. money C. walls D. books 52. A. buy B. steal C. learn D. borrow

53. A.ended up B.kept on C.put off D.thought about 54. A. before B. after C. while D. since 55. A. serves B. pardons C. respects D. warns


As a foreigner, it's hard for me to tell what Chinese people are like. But my __56__ in Beijing said something.

A couple of weeks ago, I went to buy four big suitcases for travel.__57___ I was going down

the street, it suddenly rained, heavily. A stranger called me into his ittle shop.He__58__ me a cup of tea

and a chair. When the rain got __59___ I thanked him and rushed to a__60____ nearby to buy my suitcases.

If you've ever tried to push four big suitcases by yourself, you may understand my___61___ . I looked

silly, for the suitcases were dancing wildly across the floor. Then I got


a __62__ on the shoulder. It was

he seller. He signed that I should wait. A few minutes later, he __63__ in a car, and put the suitcases

inside. Then we went driving ___64__ along the road to my home. I offered him some money, but he

__65_. In broken English he said, Feel good ... help you. Now, you can see Chinese people are always ready to help you. 56. A. friend B. teacher C. invention D. experience 57.A. If B.As C. Although D. Because 58. A. found B. bought C. made D. offered 59. A. harder B. lighter C. thicker D. fastero 60. A. store B. hall C.lab D. school

61. A. language B. sentence C. situation D. advantage 62. A. wing B. coin C. scarf D. touch

63. A. lay down B. drove up C. fell behind D. went away 64. A. happily B. lazily C. bravely D. poorly 65. A. missed B. nodded C. refused D. failed 第三部分 阅读理解(共两大题,满分45分) Ⅷ.补全对话(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)

根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,其中有两个为多余选项。 A:Hi,Alice. 66 B:Yeah,I’d like to do some traveling. A: 67 B: Not yet.

A: Do you want to travel in big cities? B: 68 A: How about Huangshan Mountain?


B: 69 A: Sure! In China, it's considered to be the king of all the mountains B: 70 A: Right. You can see special pines , rocks and clouds.You can enjoy hot springs as well. B: Great! Thank you.

A. Glad to help you. B. What else can we enjoy? C. Is it worth traveling there? D. Have you decided where to go? E. Then it must have something special. F. I dont think it fun to travel in big cities. G. Do you have any plan for the summer holiday? Ⅸ.阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)



Children's Games in Ancient China

During ancient times, children didnt have much to enjoy themselves. However, they came up with interesting games to play in their childhood. Kicking stone balls

During the Qing Dynasty, kicking a stone ball around was a popular game in the northern part of

China, and it was often played in winter to keep warm. Playing hide and-seek

Hide-and-seek is a traditional game for children, popular around the nation. There are two ways to


play: covering a child's eyes while other kids run around to tease (戏弄) him or, more commonly, others hide and one child must try to find them. Flying kites

Kites have quite a long history. The earliest kites were made of wood, instead of paper. The three

most famous kites are the Beijing kite, Tianjin kite and Weifang kite. Each has its own feature. For example, the bird-shaped kite with long wings is a special kind of the Beijing kite. Watching shadow plays (皮影戏)

The closest thing to watching a film during ancient times was going to see a shadow play. The artists

control puppets (木偶) behind the screen and tell stories to the music. 71. According to the text, the game of kicking a stone ball was _______ A. played in summer B. like flying kites C. invented in Beijing D. popular in North China 72.

How is hide-and-seek usually played? A. One plays and others watch. B. Others laugh and one must cny. C. Others hide and one tries to find. D. One runs and others try to catch.

73. What does the underlined word \ in the text? A. 特征 B. 地貌 五官 D.影片

74. Which ancient game is like watching a film?