大学英语精读第三版第四册课后习题答案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章大学英语精读第三版第四册课后习题答案更新完毕开始阅读c3d10bb0750bf78a6529647d27284b73f3423611

2)Some doctors believe it is brutal to tell dying patients the truth about their condition because they may become so distressed as to commit suicide.

3)We note with satisfaction that all these activities have helped to promote mutual understanding and friendship between our two countries. 4)Contrary to the belief of some doctors,even very old and sick people want to know the details of their illness so that they can prepare for death in their own special way.

5)Corruption in government is not tolerated in any country that wants to achieve rapid economic growth and improve the life of its citizens. 6)Mary betrays her friends by going back on her words.

7)The author brings the first chapter of his book to a close by giving a brie account of the advances science has made since liberation. 8)In that accident Julian risked her own life to help a disabled woman. 9)It pays in the long to introduce new techniques.

10)Mrs.Queen gave us a distorted account of what had happened;that’s why we no longer believe in the sincerity of her utterances. 11)In every country parents always remember the first time their child utters the word \

12)At times the oral English class was noisy, with everyone participating in an activity at the same time,but at others,the class just sat there and didn't say anything.


1) Months of training were a necessary prelude to the championship bout(拳 击竞标赛).

2)It’s important that everyone on the project keeps to the schedule. 3)Seeing that they were very busy then,we took our leave very quickly

lest we should be in the way/get in the way.

4)Applications should be addressed to the committee and not to individuals.

5)The teacher singled out Jennifer for special praise,for she was good at writing short,clear sentences arranged in logical sequence. 6)A special commission will be set up within three months to study the question of how to preserve historical houses in the city.

7)Her appearance isn’t relevant to whether she can be a good teacher. 8)It is not very easy to integrate yourself into a society whose culture is so different from your own.

9)So graceful was the dancer that she just seemed to glide over the floor. l0)The ultimate object of scientific inquiry is to discover the laws of nature.

11)The driver was still conscious when the ambulance arrived at the scene of the accident.

12)Despite continual pain,he refused all drugs.

13)Reading between the lines,her husband figured out that she was still bitter about his recent behaviour in spite of the apparently cheerful tone of the letter.

14)Owning sets of books is useless unless you read them.

15)My aunt almost fainted when she was told that what she bought at a very high price was not the original drawing,but just a copy of it.


1)The nurse on duty hurried to Mr.Spenser's ward in answer to his bell. 2)Catching sight of its mother,the little child stopped crying and toddled to meet her.

3)The football players were trying to make an impression on the national coach.

4)Banks have to think of ways of making long-term savings more attractive individuals and businesses.

5)Though he had done a day s hard work,he said he wasn’t in the least tired.

6)Mr.David in the habit of knitting his brows whenever he concentrates on a difficult problem.

7)Mother always taught me to be thrifty and not to live beyond my means 8)Fruit is best and cheapest when it is in season

9)All of a sudden the train jerked to a stop and in the same instant Everyone on the train knew that something must have gone wrong. 10)We would have succeeded in fulfilling the task ahead of schedule if the weather had not taken a hand in/a hand in our plan.

11)The two kidnappers him into the back of a jeep and then drove off at full speed.

12) The night was very dark,and suddenly a of lightning lit the sky. l3)The Browns were very hospitable to us when we visited Chicago in the summer of 1995.They showed us around most of the city.

14)Ways must be found to assure our children a decent start in life. l5)In some countries,the constitution forbid the military use of nuclear energy.


1)Some teachers claim that recreation is necessary for children to be able to earn in school but others do not feel that leisure activity is all that imporat.

2)In order to stabilize the economy,the government has worked hard to lower the rate of inflation.

3)At first thought the problem may seem far too involved but it can certainly be solved when seriously dealt with.

4)There is no commercial excuse for hunting an endangered species,such as the whale,out of existence.

5)Manmade or artificial fibers(纤维)such as nylon(尼龙)are not as popular nowadays as natural fibers like wool or cotton.

6)The book is too difficult for the children.We are trying to simplify it.

7)The film has been exposed light.How can you expect the photographs to develop?

8)It seems to me that the Americans are a highly mobile people.Most of them like to travel whenever they get the chance.

9)The convenience of living underground may not be attractive to people who cannot stand being away from natural sunlight.

10)“Did you say you agreed with him?”“Yes,but mind you,I didn’t make any commitment.”

11)As these vases are handmade,each one varies slightly.

12)After such a long delay the house was finally ready for occupation.


1)Throughout history people have been intrigued by the question of whether there is intelligent life elsewhere in the universe. 2)The stream was quite shallow so we were able to wade(涉水)across sit. 3)The mountains acted as a natural barrier to the spread of the highly infectious disease.

4)Western culture has been greatly enriched by contact with the civilizations of Asia and Africa.

5)I’ve read very little about your work,so I hope you’ll forgive my ignorance.

6)Since the war that country has been divided;it is no one political entity.

7)Can you specify longer the dimensions of the room?\Well,it is 10 feet wide,l6 feet long and 12 feet high.

8)The gambler had fled to Canada and was beyond the grasp of his creditors. 9)When we had the extension to our house built,the concept for it was ours,but we employed an architect to realize it for us.

10)How the massive stones were brought here from hundreds of miles away remains a mystery.

11)In the Declaration of Independence Thomas Jefferson said that human rights included the preservation of life,liberty,and the pursuit of happiness.

12)If the new leader does manage to unify his warring party it will be quite an achievement.

l3)He has an inquiring mind and he's never satisfied until he gets to the root of things.

l4)The plate fell to the floor,sending bits of china flying in all directions.

15)Jane spent the five-minute break between games collecting her wits /gathering her wits and rethinking her strategy for the second half of the match.

l6)The pilot and several passengers were held prisoner by the gunmen for 57 hours.