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A Survey of BA Theses of English Majors at Hebei University of Technology (英文主标题times new roman,三号,加粗,居中,副标题(若有的话),四号,加粗,居中;与英文摘要正文空一行。阅毕删除本行文字。) Abstract: This thesis has made a preliminary investigation to the BA theses of English majors (2003, 2004, and 2005) of School of Foreign Language, Hebei University of Technology. The main purpose of this investigation is to find out the problems of the BA theses of the English majors and then solve the problems. This investigation has examined the titles, abstracts, style and references of the theses. We have found out the following problems: the excessive repetition of titles, inappropriate writing of abstracts, ignorance of style and the inappropriate references. These problems indicate the current situation of the BA theses of our school is serious. Through data analysis and discussion with the teachers and students in the school, the author has proposed some suggestions: the graduates should widen the range of titles, pay more attention to the training of the abstract, and improve thesis references. In the end, thesis supervisors should strengthen their guidance. (times new roman, 小四,1.5倍行距,与下面的英文关键词空两行。阅毕删除本行文字。) Key words: investigation; titles; abstract; style; references v

A Survey of BA Theses of English Majors at Hebei University of Technology

(主标题:times new roman二号加粗居中;副标题(如果有的话):times new roman四号加粗居中)(注意删除本页提示性语言)

by Liu Changjiang

under the supervision of Professor Shi Gengshan

A thesis submitted to the School of Foreign Languages in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of


Bachelor of Arts (为小二号加粗)

School of Foreign Languages(为三号)

Hebei University of Technology(为小二号)

June 2007(为小三号)


Acknowledgements(为三号Times New Roman加粗居中)

(致谢正文times new roman 小四,1.5倍行距,单独成页,本科毕业论文称thesis或paper,下面致谢实例仅供在较为规范的措词、致谢层次等方面提供参考,自己可以根据实际情况撰写,致谢对象要全面,语气要诚恳。)

I would like to give my heartfelt thanks to many people for their help over the past four years.

First of all, my deepest gratitude goes to my supervisor, Professor Shi Gengshan, for his kindness, patience, encouragement and excellent guidance in my studies at Hebei University of Technology has been so invaluable. Without his inspiration, sharp comments, criticism and great help in various ways, this paper would have never been possible.

I am also very grateful to Professor Wei Gen and Professor Yan Hui for their insightful suggestions on the methodology in this research.

I would like to express my thanks to Mrs. Yan who are so kind to offer me her references and so much help.

Last but not least, my best friend, Yu Peng, has shown his unremitting support and encouragement over the weeks by searching so many sources. To him, I owe a special gratitude.



1. Introduction ················································································································ 1 2. Research description ·································································································· 1 3. Findings and discussion ····························································································· 1 3.1 Topics of the theses ······························································································ 2 3.1.1 Current situation of topics ··········································································· 2 3.1.2 Titles of the theses ······················································································· 3 3.2 Current situation of the abstracts ······································································· 5 3.2.1 Requirements of writing an abstract ························································· 5 3.2.2 Problems of abstracts ·················································································· 6 3.3 Style of the theses ································································································ 7 3.3.1 Requirements of the style ·········································································· 7 3.3.2 Result of the style survey ············································································ 7 3.4 References of the theses ······················································································· 8 3.4.1 Collection and choice of references ···························································· 8 3.4.2 Quotation of references ··············································································· 8 3.4.3 Indication of references ··············································································· 9 3.4.4 Problems of references ················································································ 9 4. Suggestions for future BA thesis writing ································································ 10 4.1 Suggestions on topics ························································································· 10 4.2 Suggestions on abstracts ···················································································· 10 4.3 Suggestions on style ··························································································· 14 4.4 Suggestions on references ················································································· 15 5. Conclusion ················································································································ 16 References ····················································································································· 18 Appendix ······················································································································ .19 (字号为小四,1.5倍行距,各章题目加粗,本目录模板已经固定格式,只需替换内容!!增加条目(如4.5 Suggestions on …)后单击Tab键生成小点,然后直接加上页码即可。阅后删除)
