江苏省南京市、盐城市2018届高三第一次模拟考试英语含答案 联系客服

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江苏省南京市、盐城市2018届高三第一次模拟考试 英语 49. A. visit with 【答案】A

B. stick with C. deal with D. hold with

【解析】本题考查词组搭配。根据上下文,为了知道房子的细节,作者准备通过与母亲聊天的方式 (

因此本空应该选填A 选项,visit with,意思为看望,在……家里做客,与……交谈,聊天。B 选项 意为坚 见后持,继续做;C 选项处理;D 选项支持,赞同均不符合题意。 文 中

50. A. management B. equipment C. arrangement D. measurement c

【答案】C on

【解析】本题考查名词。根据上下文,作者希望从母亲那儿知道有关房子的颜色以及房间布局的细 节(根ve据r下s a文 t

51. A. briefly B. partly C. thoroughly D. vaguely iow【答案】C nh

【解析】本题考查副词。可以用代入法一一排除。当和母亲聊起房子细节的时候,她一定会 )e来

告诉我所有有关颜色和布局的细节。A 选项短暂地,简略地;B 选项部分地,在一定程度上地;C 选项得r知完全地,彻底地;D 选项模糊地,不明确地。根据文章大意,母亲一直都心心念念老房子,对 于谈到这e母

个话题一定是知无不言的,因此选C 最符合题意。 亲 对i于 房B. join C. welcome D. receive t52. A. fetch 子

【答案】A 细节【解析】本题考查动词。当天,Emily 把母亲接到了自己家并给她展示礼物,因此这个空应该表示 “接”w的

的意思,只有A 接来符合题意。B 选项加入;C 选项欢迎(虽然 welcome sb to 有欢迎某人来 的意思,但a记忆是s( 没 见 有后i53. A. embarrassed B. shocked C. inspired D. confused 文接n【答案】B 的g 【解析】本题考查形容词。当 Katherine 进门,看到许多人在屋里唱生日歌的时候,当时的感受应该 是i意t“,震惊的;震撼的。A 选项尴尬的;C 选项有灵感的;D 选项困惑的均不符合题意。 vshocked”思e h ,ed因e t为h

江苏省南京市、盐城市2018届高三第一次模拟考试 英语

54. A. sorted 【答案】B

B. wrapped C. folded D. restored

【解析】本题考查形容词。Emily 把她细心 的复制品递给了 Katherine。既然是礼物,而且是

细心准备的礼物,应该是细心包裹的,因此选 B。A 选项挑选的不符合题意,因为本文的礼物并非 挑选,而是专门制作的。C 选项折叠的;D 选项精力充沛的均不符合题意。

55. A. recent 【答案】C

B. distant C. fond D. selective

【解析】本题考查形容词搭配。Have fond memories of sth/sb 的意思是对某事/某人有愉快的回忆, 符合

【点评】 本篇完型填空难度中等偏上。与往年同期相比,生词和难词的考查比重相对减少,而重点考查了

平 时大家所熟悉的单词及其搭配用法,容易出错。例如 keep sb. in the dark, visit with sb., fetch sb. to 等。 在K

回归基础的同时,又强化了对词汇活用的考查。同学们在平时一定要重视积累,全面掌握考纲词 a汇及其在具体语境的活用。 t


15 小题:每小题 2 分,满分 30 分) 请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给e第三部分 阅读理解(共

A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡 上将该项涂黑。 r的 ine

Inspired by the USA?s recent solar eclipse(日蚀)? These equally impressive events and activities will


inspire your desire for a visit. 对老

房Occasionally, the normally dry Mojave Desert, Sonoran Desert, and Chihuahuan Desert will burst into a 子carpet of yellow, purple, and pink flowers in spring. This is a surperbloom, and it happens if there?s 的

significant rainfall between September and November. There?s one wildflower bloom every 5.3 years on 感

average, and a superbloom on average once every 11.2 years. 觉。其他选

WHERE TO GO: Death Valley National Park, California, the USA WHEN

Witness a desert superbloom

江苏省南京市、盐城市2018届高三第一次模拟考试 英语 TO GO: February—March

Watching rockets launching

Every launch is very impressive and exciting because you don?t know what will happen until the last moment. You hear the fire and fury for several minutes—seeing a launch in person is a billion times better than watching on TV. The current hot ticket, though, is going to watch a SpaceX reusable rocket launch, then land back at Cape Canaveral.

WHERE TO GO: Wallops Fights Facility, Virginia or Kennedy Space Center, Florida BEST TIME TO GO: Check www.kennedyspacecenter.com or www.nasa.gov

Enjoy a never-ending lightning storm

Think lighting never strikes twice? The odds are more generous over the mouth of the Catatumbo River at Lake Maracaibo, Venezuela, which hosts lighting storms for up to 297 nights a year, thanks to its unique geographical location. “Watching the Catatumbo lightning is an experience you will get nowhere else,” says Jonas Piontek, a German photographer who has travelled there twice to capture the storms. “You are basically isolated from everyone no network, no Internet, no real civilization around. It?s just you and nature, and one of the best shows on Earth.”

WHERE TO GO: Catatumbo Camp, Venezuela WHEN TO GO: October—November

56. What causes a superbloom to happen in the desert?

A. Steady rainfall in a year.

B. Occasionally rainfall in winter. D. Abnormal rainfall in autumn.

C. Heavy rainfall in spring. 【答案】D

【解析】细节理解题,根据题干 superbloom 定位在第一小节,第二行 This is a superbloom, and it happens if there is a siginicant rainfall between September and November . 这就是 superbloom,这种现象 的出现取决于九月份到十一月份的是否有显著的的降水. A 选项 Steady rain in a year 不符合文中 significant rain ... November,排除。B 选项的 in winter 和 C 选项的 in spring 不符合文中 September and November,故排除,答案选择 D

江苏省南京市、盐城市2018届高三第一次模拟考试 英语

57. If you want to escape from reality, you can go to


B. Wallops Flight Faacilities D. Death Valley National Park

A. Mojave Desert

C. Catatumbo Camp 【答案】C

【解析】细节理解题,根据题干\from the reality\,定位在第三小节,最后两行 You are basically isolated from everyone, no network, no Internet, no real civilization around .It's just you and nature, and one of the best shows on Earth. 你独立于所有人,没有络,周围没有真正的文明,只有你和自然以 及地球上最好的景观。本句说明此种情形下,你可以得到诸如此类的感受。这种景观发生的地点也 则是你可以去的地方: Catatumbo Camp, Venezuela, 所以答案选择 C

【点评】A 篇中等难度,56 题可以根据题干关键词直接定位到小节句子,根据句意得知答案。57 题 则需要跳过第二节在第三节才能找到相关信息,需要考生根据题干在文中找到关键句并理解句意。


If every public interaction were filmed, would the world be a better place? Common sense suggests it would, and to some extent, we already live in such a world, with closed-circuit television cameras everywhere and smart phones in every pocket.

However, the routine filming of everyday life is about to go to the next level. A number of countries are rolling out body cams for police officers and other public-facing agencies such as school. Private citizens are getting in on the act too: cyclists increasingly wear headcams as an insurance against aggressive drivers. As camera technology gets smaller and cheaper, it isn?t hard to foresee a future where we?re all filming everything all the time, in every direction. Would that be a good thing?

The available evidence suggests that it discourages behavior such as police brutality. Another upside is that it would be harder to get away with crimes or to escape blame for accidents. But a world on camera could