《了不起的盖茨比》分析英语专业毕业论文 联系客服

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p11) And that was the body capable of enormous leverage-a cruel body. His words and his voice were full of cruelty. When Carraway came to New York with Tom he lived in Tom and his mistress‘s apartment for one night. That night Carraway heard Tom Buchanan and Mrs Wilson discussing in impassioned voices, standing face to face. Tom beat Myrtle and broke her nose when she said Daisy‘s name. Tom was so crude that even his mistress he beat.

4.2.2 Tom’s selfishness and his awareness of his status and his possessions Tom and his wife, Carraway and Jordan, and Gatsby went to city by driving car. On the way to New York, he refueled Gatsby‘s yellow car at George‘s garage and he knew that his possession-Myrtle would leave him. So he turned his head and looked back for Daisy‘s driving car, and if the traffic delayed Daisy and Gatsby he slowed up until they came into sight just because he was afraid to lose Daisy and Myrtle. When he went to New York with Myrtle, he let her seated in another car in order to avoid the sensibilities of those East Eggers who might be on the train. After Daisy killed his mistress, he told George selfishly that it was Gatsby who killed his wife for owning his Daisy. All he concerned were his possessions and he did not allow anyone to grab from him. He could do anything to grasp them.

5 The description of the follies

In Gatsby‘s splendid party, all the guests were not invited by Gatsby except a few of them. They got into automobiles which took them to Gatsby‘s house or they were introduced by somebody who knew Gatsby. And after that they conducted themselves according to the rules of behavior associated with an amusement park. They came to Gatsby‘s house without seeing him or knowing him but for a simplicity of their heart for joy. In the party, there were some celebrities, rich men, businessmen, who came from both East and West Egg. They did not know about Gatsby, so they guessed that Gatsby was killed a man once or Gatsby was a German spy. What they could guess the role Gatsby was bad. They came for enjoying their emotion. They danced on the canvas in Gatsby‘s garden; old men pushing young girls backwards in eternal graceless circles, superior couples holding each other tortuously, and keeping in the corner, many young girls dancing individually or relieving the orchestra for a moment of the burden of the banjo or the traps. With the dancing continuing, the hilarity was upsurged. They came all the summer to do these.

However, when Gatsby died no one came to see Gatsby; instead, they stayed away from Gatsby. When Carraway called them to take part in Gatsby‘s funeral, they all said they had no time, especially Gatsby‘s friend Wolfshiem. Carraway sent Gatsby‘s butler to New York with a letter to him and asked him to come to see Gatsby. He did not come but returned only a letter which said that he was sad to hear this news but he was very busy and his business could not mix with Gatsby‘s affairs. When Carraway phoned Gatsby‘s friends to come to his funeral, his friends just said that they would have a picnic or something else on Gatsby‘s funeral day and they said deliberately that they would do their best to get away and attend Gatsby‘s funeral. Even when Carraway went to New York to invite Mr. Wolfshiem to attend Gatsby‘s funeral, Wolfshiem did not see Carraway at first and after seeing Carraway he told him something about Gatsby‘s past and said that he would not come to Gatsby‘s funeral because he did not want his business disturbed by Gatsby‘s affairs. Gatsby‘s funeral was very cold and cheerless, without friends but his father, Carraway and the owl-glasses man. On that day it was rain as if God sympathized with him.

All of Gatsby‘s guests and friends were very selfish, indifferent and callous. They only concerned their wealth, money, social status and material enjoyment. They were the same class in which Tom and Daisy lived.

6 Conclusion

In the years when people desired material enjoyment, Gatsby‘s na?ve and mirage ―dream‖ doomed to fail. During those years, people did not care about other‘s feeling, even if the one was his or her relative. In the novel Fitzgerald vividly described the relation between people and people and this relationship was the reflection and refraction of the roaring twenties‘ life. Because there were Tom and Daisy who stood for the upper class, Gatsby‘s would not success for the upper class was cold and cruel. Gatsby was the incarnation of his idealistic ―American Dream‖ and he did every thing to realize his unpractical ideal. He was great although his dream was failed at last and he was killed eventually compared to the cold and cruel Tom, Daisy, and all the follies. His perseverance of achieving his dream was great, his unswervingly love for Daisy was great, his kindness for his guests was great, and his filial piety for his father was great.

―Gatsby was worth to sympathize with, and his life was beginning with a dream and ended with a dream. Gatsby‘s tragedy reflected a main contradiction that was the

contradiction between ideal and reality. Gatsby and Tom stood for the two main powers-one was the idealism which broke away from the reality, the other was extremely crude pragmatism.‖(娜仁花) It showed Gatsby‘s greatness by describing Tom‘s meanness. Even if Gatsby and his dream were lost he was still great for his doings.


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