玉米脱粒机的设计本科毕业论文 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章玉米脱粒机的设计本科毕业论文更新完毕开始阅读c20a1b14ff4733687e21af45b307e87101f6f820

摘 要





This design based on various kinds of threshing structure, the main research corn of transmission system of separating thrasher structure, working principle, and on this basis to complete parts design based on, and according to the relevant mechanical design software to complete parts design. In line with from the point of view of economy and practicability, according to the needs of the development of agriculture designed a kind of simple structure, high efficiency of the corn threshers. First should according to their own shape of corn dish on the preliminary design, and operate the overall scheme of the transmission design.

The main contents include corn threshing institutions, basic motor selection, with the structure design of the wheel. General mechanical design method, usually from the overall scheme started, the overall scheme and the analysis of the first from the agency began, determine the scheme more necessary design calculation and structure design, and finally to complete equipment drawings and design calculations as the whole design calculation results. In order to reduce the farmer labor intensity, improve agricultural mechanization of homework, fill a gap of agricultural machinery, aiming at the characteristics of the corn disk itself design, when the threshing nail tooth roller high-speed, make the corn in case wall constantly was nailed tooth between blow, but the effect and the cob collision between that constantly, in order to achieve the seed dish separate, then net grain, complete the threshing.

Key words: corn separating thrasher; Nail tooth roller; the transmission system; Belt round



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