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14. Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided below. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage. Some answer choices do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage.

Human population on Earth is affecting both the atmosphere and the ecosystems. Answer Choices

(A) The survival of organisms on Earth is directly related to the amount of fossil fuels that are consumed.


(B) Atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations are rising quickly.大气中二氧化碳的浓度快速增加

(C) Scientists are working on ways to make precise forecasts of how the increase of greenhouse gases will affect


(D) Scientists predict that temperature changes would be greater at the poles than at the equator.


(E) Global circulation models can be used to measure the concentrations of chlorofluorocarbons in the


(F) The ability to make accurate predictions about global climate presents several difficulties.




第二篇 Europe in the Twelfth Century

【P1】11世纪的欧洲经历了巨大的社会,科技和经济变革,然而这没有创造出一个新的欧洲,而是创造出2个新欧洲。北部地区发展成为一个社会地位等级严格的社会,或者至少这么说,在这个社会中谁对土地拥有所有权,谁拥有控制权,谁在土地上劳作。而地中海南部地区则发展成为一个更加不稳定的社会结构,因此也更加混乱,在南部地区,工业和商业占主导地位,社会地位不但反映了同时也是一个人在社会公共生活中所扮演的角色的体现。换句话说, 在北部地区个人身份认同和社会群体建立在个人基础上,而南部地区则是建立在公民的基础上。12世纪初,北部和南部地区完全不一样,欧洲人自己也注意到了两个地区的差异,并对该差异加以评论。




1. The word \ (A) extremely. (B) normally. (C) obviously. (D) strictly. 答案:D

2. According to paragraph 1, which of the following was a deciding factor in person's place in society in northern Europe at the end of the eleventh century?

(A) Ownership of a commercial enterprise.商业企业的所有权

(B) Participation in social and technological changes.参与社会和科技变革 (C) Role in public life in the community.在社会中公共生活所扮演的角色 (D) Relationship to land through ownership or labor.土地关系所有权 答案:D

解析:定位词north Europe at the end of the eleventh century,原文对应是第一段第二句。ABC都是南部社会特征

3. According to paragraph 1, which of the following best characterizes the societies in European lands close to the Mediterranean Sea at the beginning of the eleventh century?

(A) They were civic societies dominated by industry and commerce. (B) They were based on individual social status.

(C) They had a fixed and hierarchical form of government. (D) They were established on the idea of individual responsibility.


解析:定位词Mediterranean Sea at the beginning of the eleventh century,原文对应是第一段第二句。BCD都是北部社会特征

4. The word \(A) associates.同事伙伴 (B) equivalents.对等的事务 (C) opponents.反对者 (D) admirers.仰慕者 答案:B

5. Why does the author mention the \(A) It had a population that spoke several different languages.

(B) Its artists and intellectuals were famous both in the north and south. (C) Its commerce made it richer than a large northern country. (D) It was a relatively small and unimportant Mediterranean state.


解析:定位关键词回原文,发现Palermo作为for example出现,例子都为了解释前面的主题句,往前看一到两句,从But southern Europe took the lead in economic and cultural life开始,通读抓住关键信息wealthier啊~定位选项C

6. The word \ (A) cultivated 有文化的 (B) famous (C) popular

(D) exceptional例外的 答案:A

7. According to paragraph 2, European intellectuals moved to southern Europe during the twelfth century because southern cities

(A) needed learned people for commerce

(B) paid educated people better than northern cities did

(C) were flourishing centers of science, literature, and other studies (D) needed teachers to improve the levels of general learning 答案:C

解析:定位词intellectuals move to southern Europe,回到原文是最后一句

8. Which of the following best describes the organization of paragraph 2? (A) A statement of fact followed by examples 有例子支撑的事实描述

(B) A description followed by a contrasting description 由对比性描述支持的描述 (C) A series of detailed comparisons 一系列细节对比 (D) A logical argument有逻辑性观点 答案:B

解析:分析第二段结构抓句子间连接词,判断句子意群,moreover是另外,还有的意思,通常连接上下内容在一个区域,但是分论点不同的地方,所以可以判断,上下为一个意思层次,都在讲北部。往下but转折到南部。 再看southern communities also也是为分论点的提示词。划分段落后,发现北部南部转折时,都用一句话做了内容的概述。北部是political dominance belonged to the north; 南部是but southern Europe took the lead in economic and cultural life。所以可以判断文章结构为“总起句北方+分论点1+分论点2, BUT转折总起句南方+分论点1,+分论点2”

9. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in paragraph 3? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.

(A) In political history, northern kingdoms tried to extend their control during the twelfth century, but the south

tapped into the rich treasures it had around the Mediterranean. 12世纪时,从政治历史上看,北部城市试图扩大他们的统治,但是环地中海的南部城市在创造财富。

(B) Political history demonstrates that during the twelfth century, while southern states enjoyed the

Mediterranean bonanza, northern countries increased the power of their kings.12世纪政治历史表明当南部