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b) You’re so pale! You look as if you had seen a ghost. 4. a) he acts as if he has a very high opinion of himself. b) He acts as if he were the heir to the throne. Cloze


1 prone 2 in the long run 3 preclude 4 obsessed 5 though 6 distinguishing 7 positive 8 beneficial 9 Even if 10 therapy Translation IX.

成功鼓励人们重复过去的行为,因而远不及失败这个老师来得好。你可以从一次极糟的晚会中学会如何举办一次成功的晚会,从第一次不当的选房中学到下次选房时要注意些什么。即使一次看似彻底的失败也能激发新的思路,引起方向的改变。 X.

1. Protecting children from the knowledge that they have failed is anything but beneficial to their growth and development.

2. Emerson does not think there is a world of difference between success and failure. 3. A mature person is one who is good at turning failure into success.

4. She was so obsessed with becoming a success in ice skating that she never prepared herself for challenges of the real world.

5. He suffered a complete nervous breakdown when he learned that his company had gone bankrupt.

6. When talking about his success, Mr. Smith is very prone to exaggeration.

7. The company started by selling radios but now has branched out into selling computers as well.

8. In fact, failure is nothing to be afraid of. Once we learn how to use it, it can make a positive contribution to our growth and development. Reading analysis XI.

Presentation of one point of view: people are generally prone to what language expert S. I. Hayakawa calls ‘the two-valued orientation.’ We talk about seeing both sides of a question as if every question had only two sides. We assume that everyone is either a success of a failure.

Presentation of a contrasting view: in fact, infinite degrees of both are possible.

Support for the contrasting view: as Hayakawa points out, there’s a world of difference between ‘I have failed three times’ and ‘I am a failure.’ Indeed, the words failure and success cannot be reasonably applied to a complex, living, changing human being. They can only describe the situation at a particular time and place. Structured writing

XII. one example, for reference:

People are generally to the belief that a silent room is the best place to study. We act as if quiet surroundings were crucial to concentration. But in fact, noisy rooms can be more educational than quiet ones. When I study in my dorm room, for example, the constant noise my roommates make actually helps me think. 第五单元 课文翻译 UNIT5 TEXT A 矢志不渝追求梦想




不到一个月,普丽西拉就在一家餐馆找到了一份工作,并搬到了西雅图贫民区一套低廉的公寓房去住。她还报名参加了城里的一个职业培训班,学的是秘书专业。那是一种很难适应的生活方式。“我早上6点起床,坐很长时间的公交车去学校,下午2点下课,3点开始工作, 晚上11点下班,然后回到家就累垮了。”





普丽西拉决定攻读考古专业, 并在1992年夏天获得了检验自己对这一学科兴趣的第一个机会。华盛顿州立大学的野外考古中心正在发起一个夏季研究项目,发掘位于华盛顿州斯内克河边的一个遗址。普丽西拉全力投入这项工作,给项目管理人留下了深刻印象。 夏季结束时, 有一个教授给她提供了一份工作。“他说,‘我们刚拿到北达科他州一个项目的合同。 如果你愿意休学一个学期,我们就聘用你。’”这份工作偏离了普丽西拉要获得学士学位的追求。“但那时我已不再怀疑我最终会完成学业,所以很坦然地抓住了这次机 会,”她说。





Text comprehension II.

A. 1. f 2. t 3. f 4. t 5. f 6. f 7. t 8. t 9. f 10. f B. 1. N 2. N 3. I 4. I 5. N 6. I Vocabulary III.

1. sponsor 2. determination 3. claim 4. prospective 5. minimum 6. ultimately 7. eligible 8. employment 9. setting 10. loans 11. exhibit 12. priority

IV. The exact translations, definitions and synonyms may, of course, vary somewhat, but here are some answers for reference. 1. come up with; translation:筹划

2. take some time off; definition: arrange for a break/ a vacation/ some free time 3. throws herself into; definition: participates very enthusiastically, wholeheartedly, etc. in

4. get by; synonym: make ends meet, manage to survive

5. on his own; synonym: independent adjust to; synonym: get used to 6. tired of; translation: 厌倦了 7. stay up; translation: 熬夜

8. ended up; definition: finally and unexpectedly (won) 9. as of; synonym: starting from

10. get put down; definition: run into setbacks, barriers, etc. V.

1. gets off (work) 2. couldn't take it 3. dependents 4. postpone 5. make your dream come true 6. alongside 7. look back on