山东省滕州市大坞镇大坞中学七年级英语下册Unit 2 What time do you go to 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期四 文章山东省滕州市大坞镇大坞中学七年级英语下册Unit 2 What time do you go to更新完毕开始阅读bcb5a0005ebfc77da26925c52cc58bd630869372

《Unit 2 What time do you go to school

Teaching and learning Goals: (一)语言知识及功能:

1. 能正确拼读、识记并使用本课时的词汇:quickly, either ,either… or…, lot, lots of, sometimes, taste

2. 能学会正确使用与日常活动相关的常用表达:get up, go to school, brush teeth, eat hamburgers/fruit/vegetables/ice-cream, play basketball/volleyball, watch TV, play computer games, do homework, go to bed, go home, swim, take a walk/shower,等。 3. 能运用快读略读和慢读细读等阅读技巧,理解文章大意,了解文章细节,能够分辨哪些日常活动属健康的范畴,哪些不健康。

(二)学习策略:自主学习、合作探究、Classifying 和Role-playing (三)情感目标:

学会合理安排自己的学习和生活,逐渐养成良好的作息习惯,能在生活中关心自己和他人。 (四)文化知识:了解英语国家人们的日常生活习惯。 Teaching and learning steps: Step I. Preview

Ask Ss to read the book and put the Chinese into English orally, then write them down without looking at your book. 1.英汉互译(短语)

①早起__________ ②吃蔬菜________ ③吃得快____________________ ④做运动_________ ⑤刷牙__________ ⑥吃顿丰盛的早餐____________ ⑦go to bed early___________⑧ eat ice-cream__________ ⑨take a shower___________ ⑩go to school_________ 2.翻译句子。

①我没有很多时间吃早饭 _______________________ ②我有时候打半小时的篮球 ____________________ ③当我到家时,我总是先做作业 ______________________ ④晚上,我要么看电视,要么玩电子游戏。

_______________________ ⑤她知道这对她没好处。 ____________________ ⑥晚上,她做作业然后通常游泳或者散步。


Step II. Warming-up& leading in.

T: Boys and girls, let’s enjoy a song Lazy Mary.

T:Do you like the song? Ss: Yes.

T: Well. Are you lazy? Ss:Yes. /No.

T: Do you often get up early? S1: Yes, I do.

T: Do you think it’s healthy? S1: Yes.

T: Do you often eat quickly? S2: Yes, I do.

T: Do you think it’s healthy? Ss:No.

T:OK. Let’s look at some activities in 2a.

What activities are healthy? What activities are unhealthy? Check (√)the activities you think are healthy.

1.go to bed early 4.eat ice-cream

2.eat quickly 5.eat vegetables

3.play sports 6.take a walk


学习兴趣,鼓励学生自由发表言探讨,探讨健康的生活方式,为学生顺利阅读铺平道路。) Step Ⅲ.While –reading activities Scanning

Give Ss 30 seconds to read the passage fast and silently to find the general idea. The general idea of the passage is about ----- ( )

A. Tony’s and Mary’s habits. B. Tony’s and Mary’s interests. C. Tony’s and Mary’s family.

(设计意图:给学生限定时间,快速阅读,对课文整体感知,了解文章大意。) 2. Careful reading

Ask Ss to read the passage carefully and silently to find the specific ideas. Task one: Answer the questions:

⑴ Whose life do you think is healthier, Tony or Mary?

_________________________________________________________________ ⑵ Does Tony like exercising in the evening?

_________________________________________________________________ ⑶ What food does Mary eat for lunch?

_________________________________________________________________ ⑷What sports does Mary play in the evening?

_________________________________________________________________ ⑸ When does Mary go to bed?

_________________________________________________________________ Task two: Read the passage and judge T or F

( ) 1. Tony likes get up late and usually has a quick breakfast. ( ) 2. Tony always does his homework in the end when he gets home. ( ) 3. Tony usually eats fast food for lunch.

( ) 4.Mary likes eating ice-cream after dinner. ( ) 5. Tony and his sister Mary like the same ball.

Task three: Complete the mind map with the information in the passage.

Task four: According to the mind map, pick out the unhealthy habits of each person. Then think of healthy activities for them. Names Unhealthy habits gets up late Tony eats breakfast quickly eats hamburgers for lunch goes to bed late Mary eats ice-cream after dinner Healthy activities gets up early eats breakfast slowly and well eats lots of fruit and vegetables for lunch goes to bed early eats some fruit after dinner

(设计意图:通过细读,让学生逐步了解文章的细节。问题式、图式和表格式解读文章,加强学生对篇章的理解。) Step IV. Post-reading Task one: Read aloud