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5. The right coronary artery arises from A A. right aortic sinus B. left aortic sinus C. coronary sinus

D. orifice of the coronary sinus E. orifice of the pulmonary trunk

6. The branches of the aortic arch don’t include E A. brachiocephalic trunk B. left common carotid artery C. left subclavian artery

D. some small branche to trachea and bronchus E. coronary artery

7. Which of the following arteries is not a branch of the external carotid artery D A. superior thyroid a. B. facial a. C. Lingual a.

D. inferior thyroid a. E. superficial temporal a.

8. Concerning the carotid sinus, the right description is B

A. It is a dilatation at the posterior wall of the common carotid artery.

B. It is a dilatation at the point of the bifurcation of the common carotid artery.

C. It is a small ball struture behind the point of division of the common carotid artery. D. It is a chemoreceptor. E. All above are wrong.

9. The facial artery comes from B A. internal carotid A. B. external carotid A. C. Angular A. D. lingual A.

E. superficial temporal A.

10. Which artery is not derived from the arteries of the celiac trunk'? D A. gastroduodenal B. left gastroepiploic C. right gastric

D. inferior pancreaticoduodenal


E. superior pancreaticoduodenal

11. The short gastric arteries come from D A. celiac trunk B. right gastric a C. left gastric a D. splenic artery

E. superior mesenteric a

12. The axillary artery C

A. begins from the medial border of the ist rib B. gives off the internal thoracic artery

C. ends at the lower border of the teres minor

D. its branches distribute to the pectoralis major m. only E. gives off the anterior intercostal artery

13. Deep palmar arch A

A. is formed by the anastomosis of the terminal part of the radial artery with deep branch of the ulnar


B. is formed by the anastomosis of the terminal part of the ulnar artery with deep branch of the radial


C. lies superficial to the tendons of flexor muscles D. lies superficial to the lumbricales

E. gives off three common palmar digital ateries

14. Which is wrong about the internal iliac artery (D) A. It arises from the common artery.

B. It is a short trunk descending into the lesser pelvis. C. The ureter runs anterior to it. D. It gives the inferior epigastric a.

E. The internal iliac vein accompanies the artery on its medial side.

15. The internal pudendal artery(D)

A. arises from the anterior trunk of the internal iliac artery.

B. passes through the lesser sciatic foramen to enter the gluteal region. C. runs along the lateral surface of the obturator internus. D. supplies the perineum.

E. runs below the pudendal nerve in the pudendal canal.

16. Which artery is palpable deep to the ingunal ligament B A. anterior tibial a. B. femoral a. C. politeal a.


D. profunda femoris artery E. peroneal a.

17. The following structure which may be damaged by supracondylar femoral fracture A A. politeal a. B. femoral a.

A. common peroneal n. B. anterior tibial a. C. posterior tibial a.

18. The anterior tibial artery: D A. is abranch of the femoral a.

B. is related to the medial malleolus.

A. divides into medial and lateral plantar arteries. B. supplies the dorsiflexor muscles. C. is palpable in the foot.

19. The posterior tibial artery: BC A. is abranch of the femoral artery. B. is related to the medial malleolus.

C. Divides into medial and lateal plantar ateries. D. supplies dorsoflexor.

E. is accompanied by the sural nerve.

20. The following statements about the superior vena cava are true, EXCEPT: A. It begins at the level of the right first costal cartilage.

B. It receives the right and left brachiocephalic and the azygos veins. C. It follows the right phrenic nerve. D. It follows the right vagus nerve. E. It enters the right atrium.

21. The cephalic vein E

A. arises from the medial side of dorsal venous rete of hand B. accompany the radial artery C. drain into the brachial v.

D. receives the superficial veins of the hand and the medial side of the forearm E. runs along the lateral side of the biceps brachi.

22. Concerning the basilic vein, which is true? A

A. begins at the ulnar side of the dorsal venous network of hand B. begins at the radial part of the dorsal venous network of hand C. ascends along the lateral part of the arm

D. pass through the groove between the pectoralis major and deltoid


E. end in the subclavian vein

23. The azygos vein commences as the continuation of the A A. right ascending lumbar vein B. left ascending lumbar vein C. hemiazygos vein

D. accessory hemiazygos vein

E. posterior intercostal veins of the right side

24. Obstruction of the portal vein may result in all of the following, EXCEPT: B A. dilation of veins around the umbilicus B. varicosities of the great saphenous V.

C. dilation of veins around the lower esophagus and, possibly,vomiting of blood D. enlargement of veins along the large bowel E. bleeding into the rectum or anal canal

25. Enlargement of the superficial inguinal lymph nodes may be a sequel to: A A. a sore on the big toe B. a boil on the buttock

C. an infected Bartholine's (greater vestibular) gland D. a sore in the popliteal fossa E. a sore on the fifth toe

26. The thoracic duct begins at the C A. right lumbar trunk B. left lumbar trunk C. cisterna chyli D. intestinal trunk

E. left bronchomediastinal trunk

27. The thoracic duct ends by opening into the B A. right venous angle B. left venous angle C. left subclavian vein D. left jugular vein E. right subclavian vein

Multiple choice questions of circulatory system to top


Which structures do belong to the right atrium? (ABC)