Bill Gates 英语介绍 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章Bill Gates 英语介绍更新完毕开始阅读baf30e31856a561253d36fa8

Bill Gates was the CEO of Microsoft Corporation, the world’s leading of software for personal computers.

Bill Gates was born on October 28, 1955. He went to public primaryschool before moving on to the private Lakeside School in North Seattle. It was at Lakeside that Gates began his career in personal computer software, programming computers at age 13.

In 1973, Gates entered Harvard University, where he lived down the hall from Steve Ballmer, who is now Microsoft’s president. Gates dropped out of Harvard to devote his energies full-time to Microsoft, a company he had started in 1975 with his boyhood friend Paul Allen. They thought that the personal computer would be a useful and important tool in every office and every home, they began developing software for personal computers.