2011中石油职称英语考试及答案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期四 文章2011中石油职称英语考试及答案更新完毕开始阅读b8f53da3b0717fd5360cdc0b

C. the McDonalds sold only fresh homegrown vegetables D. California is the best place to go into business 60. As used in Para.3, the word \A. to copy

B. to grant a special right C. to deprive

D. to follow the example Section B

Directions: There are 10 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Then mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.

About nine men in every hundred 61 from color blindness in some way; women are luckier--only about one in two hundred is affected in this manner. Perhaps, after all, it is safer to be driven by a woman.

There are different forms of color blindness. In some cases, a man may not be able to see deep red. He may think that red, orange and yellow are shades of green. Sometimes a person cannot 62 the difference between blue and green. In 63 cases, an unlucky man may see everything in shades of green--a 64 world indeed.

Sometimes color blindness can be dangerous. For example, when in the forest 65 soldiers use 66 to signal to 67. A green light may mean\light may mean \thinks that is green.

61. A. fall ill B. suffer C. get D. lose 62. A. tell B. say C. tall D. speak 63. A. little B. less C. rare D. few 64. A. beautiful B. ugly C. usual D. strange

65. A. at the night B. at night C. at afternoon D. in the morning 66. A. fire B. lights C. smoke D. flags

67. A. another B. the other C. the enemy D. each other 68. A. Advance B. Hazard C. On board D. Come back 69. A. bright B. weak C. red D. deep green 70. A. find B. cause C. happen D. disappear IV. Translation

Directions: There are some passages in this part of the test. You are to translate the passages into Chinese on your Answer Sheet. 71.(第34 课:地震时刻)

Earthquakes are the most terrible of all natural disasters. Asia has a history of huge earthquakes within its borders.

What causes these earthquakes? To answer this question we must first

understand some things about the earth itself. The earth's crust is composed of many different layers of rocks. These layers of rocks are not laid evenly, as a bricklayer would build a wall. On the contrary, areas of the earth's crust are irregular and weak. As a result of the great stress that is put on these parts of the crust, the rock beds fold

down towards the earth's core, which results in unstable spots along the earth's crust. This instability results in breaks along the crust. When a break occurs, or when two different sides of the crust rub against each other, the result is an earthquake. Geologists would like to be able to predict earthquakes accurately by using laser beams, gravity-measuring devices and some other devices. Should predictions of a quake in the future be accurate, many people may be able to save both their lives and their property.