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罗宾汉一躲,第二守卫打在第一守卫的头上。然后,两名守卫就打了起来。 Robin Hood enters进来.

Robin Hood: Did somebody call my name? Maid Marian: Robin Hood! I knew you’d come! Prince John: Guards守卫! Capture ['k?pt??]抓住him! Robin Hood: It’s a trap [tr?p]陷阱!

The first guard takes Robin Hood’s arms [ɑ?mz]手臂 from behind and the second guard tries to hit打 him. Robin Hood ducks [d?k]躲闪 and the second guard hits the first guard in the head. The two guards then start fighting ['fa?t??]打架. 约翰王子:愚蠢的守卫! 罗宾汉抽出一把剑。


女仆玛利亚:谢谢你救了我,罗宾汉! Prince John: Foolish ['fu?l??] 愚蠢的guards! Robin Hood pulls out a sword [s??d]拔出剑. Robin Hood: Now you’re mine, Prince John! This castle ['kɑ?s(?)l] and all your gold [g??ld]金子 now belong to 属于the poor穷人!

Maid Marian: Thank you for saving [se?v] 救me, Robin Hood!