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如果你对一种东西没好好理解,你会忘记得非常快。例如:你可能不记得水循环的步骤列表。但是如果你了解了水循环的过程,记住这些步骤就更容易了。 Millie

You will forget忘记 something very quickly快 unless [?n'les]除非 you understand it well. For example, you may have trouble 困难remembering the list清单 of steps[step]步骤 in the water cycle['sa?k(?)l]水循环. However然而, it is easier to remember these steps步骤 if you understand how the water cycle['sa?k(?)l] works.


How to improve [?m'pru?v]改善;提高 your memory记忆


Memory is very important. It helps you remember who you are, where you live, what you have learnt and what you plan计划 to do in the future['fju?t??]在将来. So, how can you improve your memory?


It is important to exercise['eks?sa?z]锻炼 your brain[bre?n]大脑. For example, you can do new things and change改变 your daily habits ['h?b?ts]日常习惯. If you walk a different way to school or take a different bus, you will keep 保持your brain大脑 active['?kt?v]活跃的.


You can try to memorize['mem?ra?z]记忆 something new. You can try a Maths [m?θs] 数学puzzle ['p?z(?)l]难题. You can also try to learn new skills技能 or study a foreign 外国的language['f?r?n] ['l??gw?d?]语言. Your brain gets lots of regular['regj?l?] 定期的exercise锻炼 if you do any任何 of these things.



If you live a healthy life['helθ?]过健康的生活, your memory will work better. You must have a balanced 平衡的diet ['da??t]饮食. You must give your brain enough time to rest. Unless除非 you get enough sleep every night, you will not remember things well.


If you want your brain to work well, you also need to relax[r?'l?ks]放松. If you get too worried['w?r?d]变得太焦虑, your brain will slow down慢下来, and your memory will become less sharp [?ɑ?p]敏捷的;锋利的.


So, to 为了improve 改善your memory, you should exercise your brain, live a healthy life and stay relaxed[r?'l?kst]保持放松. Unit 8


English Week at Rosie Bridge School



Last week上周, students at Rosie Bridge [br?d?] 桥School worked hard 努力工作to make their English Week a big success一次大的成功

There was an English book fair [fe?]书展 in the library ['la?br?r?; -br?]图书馆 and a treasure ['tre??]财宝 hunt [h?nt]搜寻 . Some students put on上演 an English play戏剧. Other students took part in 参加an English singing competition [k?mp?'t??(?)n]比赛.There was also a speaking competition演讲比赛. The students had to speak on a topic ['t?p?k] 主题in English for two minutes.

我们采访了冠军——Henry。“我很高兴我赢了,”他说。 “我建议人们讲话慢一点。如果他们想成为优秀的公开演讲者。他们最好是说得清楚自信。”

We spoke to the winner ['w?n?]获胜者, Henry. “I’m so happy that I won,” he said. “I advise [?d'va?z] 建议people to speak slowly. If they want to be good public ['p?bl?k] speakers公共演说家, they’d better最好是speak clearly and confidently ['kɑnf?d?ntli]自信地.”

我们还采访了英语周的其他几个同学。其中之一是 Amy。“我真的很喜欢英语周(活动)。它给了我一个机会学习新单词。在我看来,每个学校都应该举办英语周(活动),很值得做。”她说。

We also spoke to several ['sev(?)r(?)l] 几个other students about English Week. One of them was Amy.

“I really enjoyed English Week. It gave me a chance [t?ɑ?ns] 机会to learn new words. In my opinion [?'p?nj?n]在我看来, every school should have an English Week. It’s well worth doing [w??θ]非常值得做,” she said.

英语周的最后一天,校长对整个学校发表了讲话。他给学生如何提高英语水平提出了一些建议。 “你应该尽你所能用英语与你的朋友进行交流,应该多阅读英文书籍和杂志,收看英语电视节目。最重要的,你应该享受英语!”他说。

On the last day of English Week, the head teacher校长 gave a speech [spi?t?]演讲 to the whole整个 school. He gave students some suggestions [s?'d?est??nz] 建议on how to improve [?m'pru?v]提高 their English. “You should communicate [k?'mju?n?ke?t]交流 in English with your friends whenever [wen'ev?]无论何时 you can. You should read English books and magazines 23

[m?g?'zi?n]杂志, and watch English television programmes ['pr??gr?m]节目. Above all [?'b?v]最重要的是, you should enjoy English!” he said.


Robin Hood and Prince [pr?ns] 王子John

约翰王子已抓到了女仆玛利亚并已为罗宾汉设下了陷阱。 在约翰王子的城堡里。

约翰王子:现在告诉我,罗宾汉藏在哪了? 女仆玛利亚:不可能!罗宾汉会来救我的。

约翰王子:罗宾汉是没办法闯过我的守卫的。用不了多久,我就会抓到罗宾汉的! Prince John has caught抓住 Maid Marian and has set a trap [tr?p] 设陷阱for Robin Hood. Inside在..里面 Prince John’s castle ['kɑ?s(?)l]城堡.

Prince John: Now tell me, where’s Robin Hood hiding [ha?d]躲藏? Maid Marian: Never! Robin Hood will come and rescue ['reskju?]救 me.

Prince John: There’s no way绝不可能 Robin Hood can get past 通过my guards [gɑ?d]守卫. Soon Robin Hood will be mine!

罗宾汉进入。 罗宾汉:谁在叫我?

女仆玛利亚:罗宾汉!我知道你会来的! 约翰王子:守卫!抓住他! 罗宾汉:这是一个陷阱!
