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The Trojan ['trod??n]特洛伊的 horse

队长站在特洛伊城的高墙上。 “希腊人走了,我们赢了,”他说。“十年来他们一直试图占领我们的城。现在,他们放弃了,乘船离开了!”“可是看那边,”一个士兵说。 “他们留下了巨大的木马。”“啊,是的,”船长说,“它太大,希腊人不想携带着它。帮帮手,把它拉入城内”。

The captain['k?pt?n]队长;首领 stood on the high wall of the city城市 of Troy [tr??]特洛伊. “The Greeks [gri?k]希腊人 have gone and we’ve won获胜,” he said. “They’ve tried to capture['k?pt??] 捕获;夺得our city for ten years. Now they’ve given up 放弃and sailed away[se?l]航行离开!”

“But look over there看那边,” a soldier 士兵said. They’ve left 留下a huge巨大的 wooden ['w?d(?)n] 木制的horse.”

“Ah, yes,” the captain said, “it’s too big. The Greeks didn’t want to take带着 it with them. Get some help and pull it into 拉进来the city.”

那天晚上,在城的主广场上,所有的特洛伊人都在狂欢庆祝。他们围着木马又唱又跳,并讲着关于愚蠢的希腊人的笑话。 “我从小到大都没有这样开心地笑过,”队长说。狂欢结束后,他们锁了所有的城门,然后都去睡觉了。

That night, in the main 主要的square广场 of the city, all the Trojans特洛伊人celebrated庆祝. They sang and danced跳舞 around 围绕the horse, and made jokes about开玩笑;取笑 the stupid愚蠢的Greeks. “I haven’t laughed大笑 like像 this since[s?ns]自从 my childhood['t?a?ldh?d]童年,” the captain said. After the party聚会, they locked[l?k] 锁门all the gates 大门of the city and then all went to sleep.



By midnight['m?dna?t]到了午夜, the main[me?n] 主要的square [skwe?]广场 was empty空的, except for[?k'sept; ek-]除了 the huge horse. Suddenly 突然a secret['si?kr?t]秘密的 door opened on the side 侧面of the wooden horse木马. The horse was full of充满了 the Greek soldiers['s??ld??]士兵! They quietly静悄悄地 climbed[kla?m]爬 out of the horse one by one一个接一个.


The soldiers opened the main gates主要的大门. The Geek army['ɑ?m?] 军队entered ['ent?(r)d] 进入the city.

For ten years, the Greeks could not capture ['k?pt??] 捕获;占领the city by fighting['fa?t??]通过战争. In one night, however然而, they succeeded in 成功地capturing['k?pt??r??] it through[θru?]通过 a clever 聪明的trick[tr?k]诡计


The story 故事of 100,000 arrows ['?r?us]箭

这是一个关于两个聪明人的故事——诸葛亮和周瑜。中国人千百年来一直在流传。有一天,周瑜让诸葛亮去完成一个不可能完成的任务。他要求他在十天内造十万支箭。 “没问题,”诸葛亮说,“三天内我就可以给你十万支箭。”

This is a story about two wise[wa?z]明智的 men—Zhuge liang and Zhou yu. The Chinese people have told it for many, many years.

One day, Zhou Yu gave Zhuge Liang an impossible [?m'p?s?b(?)l] 不可能的task [tɑ?sk]任务. He asked him to make 100,000 arrows within[w?e'?n]在..之内 ten days. “No problem,” Zhuge Liang said. “I’ll bring 带来you 100,000 arrows in three days在三天后.”


诸葛亮交待他的士兵,把 20 艘大船上装满稻草人。第三天的清晨,诸葛亮的士兵架着船朝着河对面曹操的军营驰去。士兵们一路大喊着,并击打着他们的战鼓。

Zhuge Liang asked his soldiers['s??ld??]士兵 to fill装满 20 large boats with用 many straw men[str??]稻草人. In the early morning of the third day, Zhuge Liang’s soldiers sailed[se?l]航行 the boats towards[t?'w??dz] 朝the camps[k?mp] 营地of Cao Cao’s army军队 on the other side of the river. The soldiers shouted大叫 and beat [bi?t]击打 their drums[dr?m]鼓 loudly大声地.


When Cao Cao’s soldiers heard the sounds, they thought认为 they were under attack[?'t?k]受到袭击. However然而, they could not see through通过the thick fog [θ?k] 浓雾on the river. Cao Cao ordered ['??d?]命令 his soldiers to shoot [?u?t]射箭 arrows towards朝 the sounds of the drums[dr?m] 鼓and the shouting ['???t??]喊声.


Zhuge Liang’s soldiers then turned调转 the boats around (掉转船)and shouted, “Thank you for your arrows, Cao Cao.” Zhuge Liang took all these arrows to Zhou Yu. There were more than超过 100,000 of them.


The Art 艺术of War [w??] 战争

《孙子兵法》是一本古老的关于战争战略的书。中国历史的春秋末期,孙子写了这本书。《孙子兵法》充满了精妙的名言。例如,“知己知彼,百战不殆。” 关于《孙子兵法》你知道什么吗?你记得其中任何著名的谚语吗?


The Art of War is an ancient ['e?n?(?)nt] 古代的book about the strategy ['str?t?d?i]策略 of war. Sun Tzu wrote this book during['dj??r??]在…期间 the late Spring and Autumn period ['p??r??d]时期 in Chinese history历史.

The Art of War is full of 充满clever sayings谚语;俗语.

For example, “Know the enemy['en?m?]敌人 and know yourself, and you can fight[fa?t]打仗 a hundred battles ['b?t(?)l]战役 with no danger['de?n(d)??]危险 of defeat [d?'fi?t]失败.” What do you know about The Art of War? Can you remember any famous sayings from it?

Unit 7 Memory['mem(?)r?]记忆 Corner ['k??n?]角 Henry


A great way方法 to help you remember记忆 something is to imagine[?'m?d??n] 想象 a picture of it in your mind[ma?nd]在你脑海中. If you make the picture big, strange or silly['s?l?]愚蠢的, you will remember it better. For example, to remember the word “smiles”, we can imagine there is a “mile[ma?l]”英里 between在…之间 the first letter['let?]字母 and the last letter. This makes it the longest word in the world. Remember: a picture is worth [w??θ]值得 a thousand 千words.

记住一个单词拼写的一个好方法是用这个单词的每一个字母来组一个简短的句子。例如:如果你想记住如何拼写单词“because(因为)”,你可以用一句“Big elephants can always understand small elephants(大大象总是可以理解小大象)”。 Paula

A good method ['meθ?d] 方法for remembering the spelling ['spel??]拼写 of a word is to make a short sentence ['sent(?)ns]造个短句 with each letter of the word. For example, if you want to remember how to spell[spel]拼写 the word “because”,. You can use the sentence句子 “Big elephants can always understand small elephants.”