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combine business with pleasure 寓工作于娱乐之中 3、carnivorous(adj)食肉的 ◎ carnivore(n)肉食动物

★ vegetarian(n)吃素的人,食草动物

◎ vegetarianism(n)素食,素食主义


polar bears,denizens of the frozen north 北极熊,北极冰天雪地的老住户。

★ inhabitant(n)(某地的)居民,住户;栖息的动物

The oldest inhabitants of the island 岛上最早的栖息者

5、frenzy(n)state of extreme excitement;extreme and wild activity or behavior 极度激动的状态;极度狂乱的活动或行为 The speaker worked the crowd up into a state of frenzy。讲演者煽动起群众疯狂的情绪。 ★ ferment(n)发酵剂,酵母


The country was in a state of ferment。这个国家处于动荡不安中。

6、incapacitate(vt)make sb unable to do sth;weaken or disable sb 使某人不能做某事;使某人孱弱或伤残 ~ sb fro sth ~ sb from doing sth

Poor health incapacitated him for work 他身体不好,一辈子不能工作。

★ disable(vt)make sb unable to do sth;esp by making a limb or limbs useless 使某人丧失能力;使某人残废(尤指肢体) a soldier disabled by leg wounds 腿部受伤致残的士兵 7、massacre(n)大屠杀


The game was a 10-0 massacre 比赛结果是10-0惨败。 ★ slaughter(n)the killing of animals,esp for food 屠宰(尤指供食用

8、ponder(v)think about sth carefully and for a long time,esp in trying to reach a decision;consider 长时间的仔细考虑某事物(尤指以便作出决定);深思 ~ on/over sth

I pondered over the incident,asking myself again and again how it could have happened 我反复思考那件事,一再自问究竟是怎么回事。

★ meditate(vi)think deeply,esp about spiritual matters 深思,沉思,冥想(尤指精神方面的问题) ~ on/upon sth

I meditate in order to relax 我沉思冥想以松弛精神。 9、riddle(n)puzzling question,statement or description,esp one intended to test the cleverness of those wishing to solve 谜,(尤指)谜语


★ enigma(n)question,person,thing,circumbstance,etc that is difficult to understand;mystery 难于理解的问题,人,物,情况等;奥秘

◎ enigmatic(adj)难以理解的;神秘的

10、spank(vt)slap esp a child with a flat hand,esp on the buttocks,as a punishment 掴(尤指小孩)(尤指打屁股惩罚) ★ beat(vt)hit sb/sth repeatedly,esp with a stick (接连的)打(某人某物)(尤指棒打)

Who’s beating the drum?谁在敲鼓?

11、totter(vi)walk or move unsteadily;stagger 走得或动的不稳;踉跄;蹒跚

The child tottered across the room。那孩子跌跌撞撞走到房间那一边。

★ stagger(vi)walk or move unsteadily as if about to fall from carrying sth heavy,being weak or drunk,etc 蹒跚,踉跄,摇晃着移动

She staggered and fell 她踉跄了几步,跌倒在地。

刘毅词汇10000学习笔记 lesson 5(3)

1、appease(vt)make sb/sth quiet or calm,usu by making concessions or by satisfying demands 使某人某事物安静或平息(通常为作出让步或满足要求)

appease sb’s anger 平息某人的怒气

◎ appeasement(n)平息的行动或政策(尤指为避免战争对潜在敌人作出的让步);安抚,姑息

★ placate(vt)make sb less angry;soothe or pacify 安慰,抚慰某人,使某人平静,息怒

◎ placatory(adj)安慰的,抚慰的,和解的

2、catastrophe(n)sudden great desaster or misfortune 突如其来的大灾难或大灾祸

The earthquake was a terrible catastrophe 这次地震是可怕的灾难。

◎ catastrophic(adj)灾难性的

★ calamity(n)serious misfortune or disaster 灾祸,灾难 There are worse calamities than failing your driving test 比起你驾驶考试不合格来,更大的灾难还多着呢。 3、daunt(vt)(通常用于被动语态)discourage sb;frighten 使某人气馁,威吓;

I was rather daunted by the thought of addressing such an audience 我一想到要对这样的听众讲话,就有些胆小。 (习语)nothing daunted 毫无惧色,毫不气馁

★ dismay(n)feeling of shock and discouragement 惊愕,气馁,灰心

We watched in blank dismay as she packed her bags 我们瞧着她打行李,感到无可奈何。


4、gape(vi)(贬)stare with an open mouth,usu in surprise 目瞪口呆的凝视,张嘴注视 ~ at sb/sth

What are you gaping at?你目瞪口呆的看什么呢?

★ gawk(vi)(口)stare impolitely or stupidly;无礼的或呆呆的瞪眼看 ~ at sb/sth

I hate being gawking at。我讨厌任佳直瞪着我。

5、duration(n)time during which sth lasts or continues 持续时间,期间

for the duration of this government 本届政府执政期间 ★ period(n)length or portion of time 一段时间,时期

He has had several long periods of time abroad。他在国外长期工作过几次。

◎ periodic(adj)定期的,周期的

6、implore(vt)ask or beg sb earnestly;beseech 恳求或乞求某人;哀求;

They implored her to stay 他们恳求她留下。 ◎ imploring(adj)哀求的,恳求的 ★ entreat(vt)ask sb for sth earnestly and feelingly;beg (为某事)恳求某人 ~ sth of sb

May I entreat a favor of you?您能帮帮忙么? ◎ entreaty(n)恳求,请求,要求

7、muffle(vt)wrap or cover sb/sth for warmth or protection 包裹或覆盖某人某物(为保暖或保护) ~ sb/sth up in sth

He walked out into the snow,heavily muffled up in a thick scarf and warm overcoat。他雪天出门,裹着厚厚的围巾,穿着暖和的大衣。

★ wrap(vt)cover or enclose sth in soft or flexible material (用软的或可弯曲的材料)包或裹某物 ~ sth up in sth

I have wrapped up the parcels and they’re ready to be posted。我把包裹都包好了,可以寄出去了。

8、prank(n)playful or mischievous trick 玩笑,恶作剧

★ trick(n)thing done in order to deceive or outwit sb 诡计,计谋,花招,骗术

We need a trick to get past the guards 我们需要用计骗过岗哨。

9、saunter(vi)walk in a leisurely way;stroll 漫步,闲逛 saunter down the avenue 沿着林荫道漫步

★ stroll(vi)walk in a slow leisurely way 散步;漫步;闲逛;溜达

He strolls in and out as he pleases 他随意的出来进去闲逛。 10、trickle(v)cause sth to flow in a thin stream 使某物成小股流动

Blood trickled from the wound 血液从伤口流出来。 ★ drip(vi)fall in drops 滴下


Rain was dripping down from the trees 雨水从树上滴下。

刘毅词汇10000学习笔记 lesson 5(4)

1、astound(vt)(通常用于被动语态)overcome sb with surprise or shock;amaze 使震惊,使大吃一惊;使惊奇

We were astounded to read your letter 我们看了你的信大吃一惊。 ◎ astounding(adj)使人震惊的

★ amaze(vt)(尤用于被动语态)fill sb with great surprise or wonder 使某人惊异或惊奇

We were amazed at the change in his appearance 他的样子变得使我们大为惊奇。 2、clan(n)group of families,esp in Scotland,descended from a common ancestor 宗族,家族;(尤指苏格兰氏的)氏族;大家族,大家庭 ★ tribe(n)racial group(esp in a primitive or nomadic culture)united by language,religion,customs etc and living as a community under one or more chiefs 部落

3、distort(vt)pull or twist sth out of its usual shape 使某物变形,扭曲,弄歪某物

a face distorted by pain 因疼痛而扭曲的脸

(vt)make sth look or sound unnatural 使某物失真

The announcement was so distorted that I couldn’t understand what was said 通告播出的声音严重失真,我听不懂说的是什么。 ★ falsify(vt)alter falsely 窜改(如文件);伪造; falsify records 伪造记录

(vt)present sth falsely 歪曲(某事物) falsify an issue 歪曲问题

4、entrust(vt)trust sb to take charge of sth/sb 委托某人负责某事物(照看某人) ~ A to B ~ B with A

He entrusted his children to me 他托我照看一天孩子。

★ commit(vt)do sth illegal,wrong or foolish 做不合法的、错的或愚蠢的事;犯

commit murder 犯凶杀

5、glutton(n)person who eats too much 贪吃的人,吃的过多的人

You’ve eaten the whole pie,you glutton 你把整块馅饼都吃了,你这贪吃鬼!

★ gormandizer(n)(贬)大吃大喝的人

6、invalid(adj)not properly based or able to be upheld by reasoning 无适当根据的,无道理的,站不住脚的; an invalid argument 站不住脚的论据 (adj)not usable;not officially acceptable (because of an incorrect detail or details);not legally recognized 无用的,不能正式接受的,法律上不承认的,无效的