2012注册会计师机考真题税法A卷 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期五 文章2012注册会计师机考真题税法A卷更新完毕开始阅读b69c3b31ccbff121dd368355


(1)应缴纳的营业税=500x5%+270x20%=25+54=79(万元) (2)应缴纳的营业税=1Ox5%=0.5(万元) (3)应缴纳的营业税=20x5%=1(万元)

(4)应缴纳的营业税=(80010 650)x5%=7(万元) (5)取得的特许权使用费应缴纳的营业税 没有纳税义务或应纳税额=0 3.(本小题6分。) 答:


应纳城市维护建设税和教育费附加=15x(7%+3%)=1.5(万元) 转让仓库应纳印花税=8OOx0.05%=0.4(万元) 合计=15+1.5+0.4=16.9(万元)


扣除项目金额=500+20+16.9+500x5%x3=536.9+75=611.9(万元) (3)仓库转让收入=800(万元)



应纳土地增值税=188.lx30%=56.43(万元) (4)可以实行核定征收.




(2)甲先生8月从境外取得的特许权使用费在国内不交个人所得税. 因为甲在中国境内无住所,且居住未满5年,其来源于中国境外的所得仅就由中国境内公司、企业以及其他经济组织或者个人支付的部分缴纳个人所得税. (3)转租住房应缴纳的个人所得税=(6500



受赠人取得赠与人无偿赠与的不动产后,再次转让该项不动产的,在缴纳个人所得税时,以财产转让收入减除受赠、转让过程中缴纳的税金及 有关合理费用后的余额为应纳税所得额.



应缴纳的个人所得税=[40000x(120%)?9000?14000]x20%=1800(元) 英文答案:

(1)The housing allowance obtained by Mr. JIA would be exempted from the PRC Individual Income Tax while the Meal allowance would not.

Pursuant to the PRC Individual Income Tax law and regulations, housing allowance and/or meal allowance paid to an expatriate employee on a reimbursement basis would be exempted from the PRC Individual Income Tax while the allowance in cash would not.

(2)The royalty Mr. JIA collected from overseas in August shall not be subject to the PRC Individual Income Tax.

Mr. JIA IS a non-domicile of the PRC therefore is taxed in accordance with his length of

residence in the PRC. Pursuant to the PRC Individual Income Tax law and regulations, Mr. JIA,a non-domicile who is a resident of the PRC for less than five years,is taxed on income derived within in China only.In particular, or the income collected from overseas, the PRC Individual Income Tax shall only be applicable to the extent that is paid by the PRC entries or PRC individuals.

(3)Mr. JIA shall calculate Individual Income Tax for the re-leasing of the house in September as below:

Individual Income Tax=RMB (6500500500800)x10%=RMB70

(4)Taxable income=RMB(1600000?100000)=RMB1500000

For the real estate Mr. JIA sold to others which was originally gifted,the taxable income shall be calculated as below:

Taxable income=selling price(considerations collected from the buyer)--taxes and reasonable expenses related to gifting and selling.

(5)Mr. JIA shall calculate Individual Income Tax for the gifts from the shopping mall and the prize won from the luck draw in November as below:

Individual Income T ax=RMB5000x20%=RMB1000

(6) Mr. JIA shall calculate Individual Income Tax for the labor service remuneration in December as below:

Deduction limitation =RMB40000×(1?20%)


Individual Income Tax=RMB [40000×(1?20%)?9000?14000]×20%=RMB1800 四、综合题(本题型共2小题31分。) 1.(本小题15分。) 答:


若是小规模纳税人,公司2013年毛利=7040-(40x17%)=70-40-6.8=23.2(万元) 若是一般纳税人,公司2013年毛利=70-40=30(万元) 申请认定为增值税一般纳税人更为有利.


模式二下商贸公司获利=70-40-(14-14÷1.17x17%)=18.03(万元) 选择方式二更为有利。

(3)方式一下商贸企业获利=70x0.9-40=23(万元) 方式二下商贸企业获利=70-40-7=23(万元) 方式三下商贸企业获利=70-40xl.l=26(万元)



交付代销和销售代销货物,属于增值税法规所称的视同销售的情形. 无论采用手续费式代销或是采用购销差价式代销,商场均需要就所代销货物的销售额计算销项税额.

如果该商贸公司不开具增值税专用发票给商场,商场将无法据以抵扣进项税额。 2。(本小题16分。) 答:


对利息收入,应按照合同约定的债务人应付利息的日期确认收入的实现。 商标使用权收入应调增应纳税所得额60万元. 对特许权使用费收入,应按照合同约定的特许权使用人应付特许权使用费的日期确认收入的实现。



(3)非股权支付对应的资产转让所得=(265-180)x(26.5÷265)=8.5(万元) 应调减应纳税所得额=(265-180)-8.5=76.5(万元) (4)应调减应纳税所得额=15(万元)

(5)计算广告费和业务宣传费扣除的基数=2500+1300=3800(万元) 可以扣除的广告费限额=3800x15%=570(万元)


可以扣除的招待费限额=380Ox0.5%=19(万元) 实际可以扣除的招待费=(30-20)x60%=6(万元) 应调增应纳税所得额=30-6=24(万元)

可以扣除的福利费限额=280x14%=39.2(万元) 应调增应纳税所得额=(20+44.7)-39.2=25.5(万元) 可以扣除的工会经费限额=280x2%=5.6(万元) 工会经费可全额扣除

可以扣除的教育经费限额=280x2.5%=7(万元) 应调增应纳税所得额=9-7=2(万元)

(6)可扣除的借款利息=500x2x5%=50(万元) 应调增应纳税所得额=105-50=55(万元) (7)技术转让所得=1200-300=900(万元)

应调减应纳税所得额=500+(900-500)+2=500+200=700(万元) (8)可以抵减的应纳所得税额=500x10%=50(万元) 可以免税的所得额=30-13=17(万元) 应调减应纳税所得额17万元

(9)会计利润=2500+1300+240-600-460-210-240-120-130-105+282=2457(万元) 应纳税所得额=2457-40+60-10-76.5-15-65+24+25.5+2+55-700-17-100=1600(万元) 应纳所得税税额=1600x25%-50=350(万元)