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发布时间 : 星期日 文章商务英语写作课后答案更新完毕开始阅读b46f5a9d854769eae009581b6bd97f192379bf1f

1. translate the following letter into chinese: 参考译文:



这些样式有下列颜色可供:41号为蓝色或绿色;53号为灰蓝或米褐色;42号仅有红色;67号为黑白或蓝白。恐怕18号已无货可供。 所有的花样价格都一样,如下: 50米以下—每米6美元

50-100米—每米5.50美元 100米以上—每米5美元


对于所有在1月底前收到的订单我们还额外给予10%的折扣。所以如果您想订货,为什么不尽快,并利用这一优惠呢? 如您需要任何更多信息请尽管和我联系。 您真诚的

martin stacey 销售经理

2. translate the following sentences into chinese:

1) 我们的哔叽所享有的国际声誉见证了其高质量。过去二十年以来我们一直在生产这种产品,现在完全可以当之无愧地声称我们生产的布料是竞争对手无法在同样的报价条件下生产的。

2) 我们认为您的价格有些出格。如果您可以在不牺牲整体产品外观和质量的情况下降价15%,我相信我们可达成协议,而且相关工作就可立即开始了。

3) 尽管由于英镑兑换值下降、近来进口酒关税上升以及管理费用持续提高等导致了成本的上升,而我们的报价却尤其低。我们想如果考察一下现行市场价格您就会相信这一点的。

4) 我们的报价仅留有微薄的利润额,再削减价格的话会使我们几乎毫无利润可言了。因此很遗憾情势不容许我们给予您所要求的特殊折扣。

3. fill in the blanks with the words given:


1. 建立业务关系的信函





销你自己的产品,想与对方建立合资公司等)。 ●表达与对方合作和早日收到回复的愿望。 sample letter may 10, 2003 dear sirs,

we have obtained the name and address of your corporation from the commercial counselor’s office of your embassy in our country, through whom we learned that you are the manufacturers and exporters of bamboo products.

we are very pleased to communicate you for the possibility of trading together. we have been in business as importers of general merchandise since 1965 and can particularly boast of having vast and wide experience in the business line of bamboo products. our bankers are guarantee trust bank,

holland, from whom you will be able to get any information you may require concerning our business character and financial standing.

we should appreciate it if you would let us know your trade terms and forward us copy of your catalogue or helpful literature and your latest price list.

we look forward to the pleasure of hearing from you soon. yours faithfully 2. 订购函

你公司准备向某公司订购一批产品。请你写一封订购信,其内容应 包括一下几点:

◇ 订购的原因(公司信誉、产品质量、销售服务等)及订购数量 ◇ 要求对方详细介绍该产品的性能及售后服务。 ◇ 询问价格及付款方式 ◇ 提出交货时间和地点 sample letter april 26, 2005 dear sirs

we are appreciative of your telex response of april 12 to our request for an 8% reduction in price and through your full cooperation we are able to confirm the following order with you at your revised price:

“50 long tons of tin foil sheets at dm138.50 per long ton cfr guangzhou for shipment in june, 2005”, for which we enclose our purchase contract no. 2688 in duplicate. please

countersign and return one copy to us for our file at your earliest convenience.

we are arranging for the establishment of the relative l/c with the bank of china, guangzhou branch, and shall fax you the copy once it is opened.

as we are in urgent need of the goods, we find it necessary to stress the importance of making punctual shipment within the validity of the l/c. any delay in shipment would be detrimental to our future business. yours faithfully 3. 答复函

请你为一封订购信写一封答复函,可以是接受订单,也可以是谢绝订单。 接受订单内容应包括: ● 表示高兴接到订单

● 表明接受订单中的价格及其他条件

● 告知对方按双方约定的付款方式准备付款,以便及时发货 ● 希望将来继续合作 谢绝订单内容应包括: ● 首先感谢对方的订货

● 为不能按要求供货而表示歉意

● 把拒绝订货的原因简洁清楚的,毫不隐瞒地说出来 ● 借机推销其他产品供对方参考

● 希望再次接到对方的订单并保持合作 sample letter 9 march, 2005 dear sirs,

thank you for your march 6 order for woolen sweaters. we are pleased to confirm that we accept the order and enclose our proforma invoice totaling us$ 20,000 cif san francisco. please arrange for the opening of an irrevocable l/c in our favor. as soon as we receive it, the goods will be shipped.

we hope that you will find everything completely to your satisfaction and welcome more opportunities of doing business with you. yours faithfully 3. 求职函:

1) write a letter of application for the position as ....try to make the letter

interesting and show that you have enthusiasm for the job. also state

the qualifications you have for the job and your work experience.

2) read the following advertisement carefully and write a letter of

application about 120 words. you have seen the following recruiting

advertisement in the local press and would like to apply for it: assistant sales manager wanted by an international

company manufacturing textile goods. the applicant must have had

adequate experience in the sales division of a large company and be

willing to accept responsibility.

write to box 135 before october 1, 2006, giving details of previous


3) directions: write a letter in about 120 words to a company to apply for

the position as an assistant manager. do not sign your own name at the

end of your letter, using “jenny green” instead. your letter should include:

◆ 说明从何种渠道获得的招聘信息,并充分表达自己对该工作的渴求,态度要诚恳。 ◆ 应尽量展示自己的技能和经历,陈述要符合事实。

◆ 表明态度和决心(可简要地提及获得录用后的工作设想,表达作好工作的决心与信心。 ◆ 恳请对方在方便的时候给予面谈机会以及盼望被录用的诚恳心情。
