2020年上海市浦东新区高考英语一模试卷 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期日 文章2020年上海市浦东新区高考英语一模试卷更新完毕开始阅读b44d3600ba4cf7ec4afe04a1b0717fd5370cb212

these individuals, while ignoring such people as Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich可知,阿布拉莫维奇的例子被用来表明环保主义者对真正的原因的无知.故选C.

(4)B.细节理解题.根据文章第四段的句子While we complain about environmental destruction over Christmas, environmentalists often forget what the holiday season

actually means for many people.可知,从课文中可以得出结论,告诉人们圣诞节不要购物不过是一种偏见.故选B.

Section CDirections: Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.

A.Regrettably, that point has not yet come. B.Elephant numbers started falling.

C.The existence of even a small legal market increases the opportunities for illegal trade. D.They point out that they have devoted huge resources to the elephant. E.In the long run technology can help make trade coexist with conservation.

F.One animal, as so often in the past, will attract much of the attention: the African elephant.

The Ban on Trading Ivory(象牙) is Unfair but Necessary

As in some countries elephant population have recovered, there are competing proposals about how absolute the ban on elephant trading should be. Countries seeking a modest relaxation have a strong case to make. But it is not strong enough. The ban must stay. Understandably, countries that have done a good job protecting their elephants feel this is unfair. (1)________And the real burden of all this is borne by poor local people who are in competition with wildlife for resources, and sometimes in conflict with it﹣elephants can be destructive. People and governments, so the argument goes, need to have an economic stake(利害关系) in the elephants’ survival. The ivory trade would give them one.

To understand why these reasonable﹣sounding proposals should be rejected, consider what has happened to elephant numbers since some legal trade was authorised, when Botswana, Namibia and South Africa were allowed in 2007 to sell a fixed amount of ivory to Japan.(2)________A survey conducted in 2014﹣15 estimated that elephant numbers had fallen by 30% across 18 countries since 2007.

(3)________ In better﹣resourced national parks, drones are used to make it easier for park keepers to spot illegal hunters. DNA testing of ivory can identify where they came from, and thus whether they are legal. As prices of the technologies fall and countries get richer, both technologies are likely to spread.

The objection to trade in products of endangered species is not moral. When the world is confident that it will boost elephant numbers rather than wipe them out, the ivory trade should be encouraged.(4)________ And until it does, the best hope for the elephant﹣and even more endangered species, such as rhinos(犀牛)﹣lies not in easing the ban on trading their products, but in enforcing it better. 【答案】 D,B,E,A 【考点】 说明文七选五 【解析】



必要的. 【解答】

1.D. 推理判断题.根据前文Understandably, countries that have done a good job protecting their elephants feel this is unfair.可以理解的是,的国家在保护大象方面做得很好,认为这是不公平的.可知 他们指出他们为大象投入了大量资源;故选D

2.B. 推理判断题.根据后文A survey conducted in 2014﹣15 estimated that elephant numbers had fallen by 30% across 18 countries since 2007.2014﹣15年进行的一项调查估计,自2007年以来,18个国家的大象数量下降了30%.可知大象的数量开始下降;故选B.

3.E. 推理判断题.根据后文In better﹣resourced national parks, drones are used to make it easier for park keepers to spot illegal hunters.在资源更丰富的国家公园,无人驾驶飞机被用来让公园管理员更容易发现非法猎人.可知从长远来看,技术可以帮助贸易与保护共存;故选E.

4.A. 推理判断题.根据前文When the world is confident that it will boost elephant numbers rather than wipe them out, the ivory trade should be encouraged.当世界相信它会增加大象的数量而不是消灭它们的时候,象牙贸易应该受到鼓励.可知遗憾的是,这一点尚未实现;故选A Ⅳ.Summary Writing

Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible. How Supermarkets Are Changing Britain

The British love their supermarkets. And there are more and more of them every year. But is this a good thing?

Not necessarily. For a start, many small shops can’t compete on price with superstores such as Tesco. And they don’t have as many products either. As a result, 36% of the UK’s small shops shut down between 1990 and 1996 while the number of supermarkets increased from 457 to 1,102. Supermarkets have even had a negative effect on the British pub. Beer and wine is much cheaper in a supermarket than in a pub. There are now over 55,000 supermarkets in the UK, but less than 55,000 pubs. A decade ago there were more than 61,000. These days, pubs are closing at the rate of 39 a week! Supermarkets are also bad for animal welfare. The UK has high standards in this field, but some supermarkets get their meat from abroad. And in many cases, this meat is

produced under conditions that would be illegal in the UK. But once they’ve got the meat, supermarkets put a British flag on the product as the meat is packed there. Dishonest? Not exactly, but it isn’t entirely true either!

Supermarkets have a poor environmental record too. Many of them don’t store food

products themselves as storage space is expensive, so they get food producers to do it for them. This means that supermarket lorries have to make more trips to collect supplies. In turn, this increases the amount of petrol used, which leads to more

pollution. Supermarkets also use a lot of plastic packaging, which isn’t good for the environment either.

So, what can be done to help the “little guys”? Not much really. Supermarkets have a lot of power. Many political parties receive donations from supermarkets. And

supermarkets often use their money to influence decisions. For example, just before the year 2000, one supermarket gave the government £12 million to help build the Millennium Dome in London. Later, plans to tax supermarket car parks were dropped.



The British are fond of their supermarkets. (英国人对超市的爱)But it is not necessarily a good thing. (未必是好事)Supermarkets have a negative effect on many small shops and the British pub.(超市对小商店和酒吧的影响)Supermarkets are also harmful to animals, which are killed for their meat for sale.【高分句型一】(超市对动物的影响) Supermarkets lead to a poor environmental record.(超市对环境的影响)All this is because supermarkets have a lot of power.【高分句型二】(原因) 【考点】 概要写作 【解析】

高分句型一:Supermarkets are also harmful to animals, which are killed for their meat for sale.

译文:超市也对动物有害,因为动物被杀是为了出售它们的肉. 分析:which引导非限制性定语从句.

高分句型二:All this is because supermarkets have a lot of power. 译文:这一切都是因为超市有很大的权力. 分析:because引导表语从句. 【解答】

The British are fond of their supermarkets. (英国人对超市的爱)But it is not necessarily a good thing. (未必是好事)Supermarkets have a negative effect on many small shops and the British pub.(超市对小商店和酒吧的影响)Supermarkets are also harmful to animals, which are killed for their meat for sale.【高分句型一】(超市对动物的影响) Supermarkets lead to a poor environmental record.(超市对环境的影响)All this is because supermarkets have a lot of power.【高分句型二】(原因)

Ⅴ.TranslationDirections: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.

何不喝杯咖啡提一下神?(Why)________ 【答案】

Why not have a cup of coffee to refresh yourself? 【考点】 汉译英 【解析】

何不喝杯咖啡提一下神? 【解答】

答案:Why not have a cup of coffee to refresh yourself?考查汉译英.1. why not跟不带to的动词不定式,用来提出建议,表示“为什么不…”;2.动词不定式to refresh yourself作目的状语.

随着每年元旦的临近,人们常常会反思这一年的得与失.(reflect)________ 【答案】

AseachNewYear’sDayapproaches/comesnear/drawsnear,peoplewouldoftenreflectontheirgainsandlossesintheyear 【考点】 汉译英 【解析】




答案:As each New Year’ s Day approaches/comes near/draws near, people would often reflect on their gains and losses in the year.考查汉译英.1.因表示的是一般事实,主

句用would表示猜测或不确实的语气,从句用一般现在时;2. reflect on考虑; 反思.

几个月前举行的展览如同一扇窗,从这里,世界能看到这个国家古老的文明从哪里来, 向何处去.(which)________ 【答案】

The exhibition held several months ago was like a window, through which the world could see where the ancient civilization of this country came from and where it was heading. 【考点】 汉译英 【解析】

几个月前举行的展览如同一扇窗,从这里,世界能看到这个国家古老的文明从哪里来, 向何处去. 【解答】

答案:The exhibition held several months ago was like a window, through which the world could see where the ancient civilization of this country came from and where it was

heading.考查汉译英.1. 根据时间状语 several months ago ,主从句都用一般过去时;2. 先行词window在定语从句中作介词through的宾语,用关系代词which;

3. where the ancient civilization of this country came from and where it was heading是宾语从句;4. come from来自; 起源于.

登山运动的吸引力不仅在于运动员之间的激烈竞争,还体现在运动员与自然环境的抗争中.(Not only…)________ 【答案】

Not only does the appeal/attraction of mountain climbing lie in the fierce competition between athletes, but it is also reflected in the athletes’ fight against the natural environment. (the fight between the athletes and the natural environment) 【考点】 汉译英 【解析】

登山运动的吸引力不仅在于运动员之间的激烈竞争,还体现在运动员与自然环境的抗争中. 【解答】

答案:Not only does the appeal/attraction of mountain climbing lie in the fierce

competition between athletes, but it is also reflected in the athletes’ fight against the natural environment (the fight between the athletes and the natural environment).考查汉译英.1. 因表示的是一般事实,主从句都用一般现在时;2. not only…but also意为“不仅…而且…”,not only置于句首时,句子要部分倒装,本句用助动词does构成倒装;3. 1ie in在于;fight against对抗, 抵抗. Ⅵ.Guided Writing

Directions: Write an English composition in 120﹣150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.

