[高中英语]高中英语《Unit4 Body Language 词汇》导学案 新人教版必修4 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章[高中英语]高中英语《Unit4 Body Language 词汇》导学案 新人教版必修4更新完毕开始阅读b412410d7e192279168884868762caaedd33ba8f

Unit 4 Using Language词汇导学案 编号4 Unit 4 Book 4 Body Language

There is always a way out. 天无绝人之路 Section Four : Key expressions in in Using Language Teaching Aims:

To learn some useful words and expressions in this part. Step1. Lead-in

在文中划出这些短语并翻译成中文. 1.lose one’s face _____________ 2.as well as _______________ 3.even if ____________

4.means of communication_________________ 5.be based on ________________ 6. in most cases ____________ 7.make a fist ____________

8.give a hug to sb / hug sb __________________ 9. turn one’s back to ________________ 10. at ease ________________ 11 an amazing thing ______________

12.be wrong about each other ___________________ 13. be respectful to _____________ 14. intend for sb to do sth _______________ 15. have some similarities in ___________________ Step2. Learning &Thinking

It is possible to “read” others around us, even if they do not intend for us to catch their unspoken communication.

我们可以了解别人, 即使有时他们并不想要我们了解他们没说出来的语言. even if/though 是连词词组, 用来引导 让步状语从句,

意为“尽管; 即使”.

注意: 若主句与从句皆表示将来情况, even if 从句可用一般现在时代替将来时. (1).Even if I __________( leave) now, it’ll be too late. (2).We have decided to visit the Museum even though it ____________ (rain) tomorrow.

2. The most universal facial expression is, of course, the smile — its function is to show happiness and put people at ease. 1). function n.[C]作用;功能;职能 vi.起作用;运转 (1) function as ; ___________ (2) function properly. ___________

(3) The function of a chairman;______________________ (4) The function of a cash-machine ______________________

2). ease n.[U]安逸;舒适 vt. 减轻(痛苦、忧虑) (1) feel at ease ___________________ (2) with ease; = easily; ________

(3) live a life of ease; ________________________ (4) ease your pain; ________________________

(5). The new manager has a good sense of humor, which puts people who work with him


A. in trouble B. at present C. in debt D. at ease 介词填空:

1.Her mind was _____ ease knowing that the children were safe. 2.He passed the examination ______ ease.

3. There are unhappy smiles, such as when someone “lose face” and smiles to hide it. (1)lose face ___________ (2) save face _________ (3) face to face _________ (4) in face of; __________ (5) make faces ___________ (6) to sb’s face ___________ 【相关拓展】:

(1) lose heart; ____________ (2) lose weight __________ (3) lose courage; _________ (4) lose one's temper ________ (5) lose one’s head _________ (6) lose one’s way _________ (7) lose one's life __________ (8) lose one's heart to_________ (9) lose sight of _________ (10) be lost in thought________

4. In most places around the world, frowning and turning one’s back to someone shows anger. (1) turn one's back to him; __________ (2) put one's back into ___________ (3) back to back ___________ (4) on one’s back____________

5.Looking away from people or yawning will, in most cases, make me appear to be uninterested. 如果把眼光从某人身上移开, 或者打了个哈欠, 这就会让人知道我不感兴趣.

(1) look away from__________________ (2) look at _____________

(3) look back _____________ (4) look down on/upon ________ (5)look for _____________ (6) look forward to __________ (7)look into ____________

(8) look out ___________ (9) look on ____________ (10) look over ___________ (11)look through___________ (12)look up ___________

6. Not all cultures greet each other the same way, nor are they comfortable in the same way with touching or distance between people.

【句式点拨】 这个句子是由一个中心短语not…nor…连接起来的,意为“既不…也不…”.后半句采用了部分倒装形式.

(1) “nor/neither+be动词/助动词/情态动词+主语”,

表示“也不”.当前面的句子用否定,后面的句子表示“也不”时,运用此句型. —I haven't finished my homework yet. —Really? If so, nor have I.



②So it is with+sb./sth.或It is the same with+sb./sth.

前面的句子的谓语动词有多个,并且不同类,或有的用肯定有的用否定时. 1.Tom likes sports and games. _____________________ __(Jack也是如此). 2.If you don’t go to Cathy’s birthday party this weekend ________________________________________ (我也不去).

3.Tom studies hard and is never late for school. _________________ ____________________(迪克也是如此).

4.—Tom doesn't like watching TV but he enjoys playing football. —____________________________ . (我哥哥也一样).

5. I have not been asked to leave my job, _____ to do so. A. so do I intend B. so I intend C. nor do I intend D. nor I intend Step3,Testing: Fill in the blanks with proper words or phrases from the text on Page 30.

Body language is one of the most powerful means of communication. Though people don’t intend for us to understand their (1) ___ communication, we still can read their emotions through their gestures and actions.

The smile is one of the most widely used(2) ___ expressions in the world. Its(3) ___ is to show our happiness and put people(4) ___. However, the smile does not always mean that we are (5)___ happy. Smiles can be (6)___ sometimes, hiding other feelings

like (7)___, fear and worry. In many places around the world, we show our anger by frowning and turning our

(8) ___ to some one. We make a(9) ___ and shake it to show that we are angry. Nodding our head is considered a means to show our agreement almost all over the world. It is not a good idea to give a (10)___ to our boss or teachers. It is not good to stand too close to a person of a higher rank. Money lost, little lost; time lost ,everything lost. 失去金钱损失小,失去时间全完了.