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1. 经营范围

课文中用法: As this item falls(be, lie) within the scope(sphere) of our business activities,(lines) 棉布属于我公司经营范围。


The item you inquired for es within the frame of our business activities.你们所询的商品正属于我们的业务经营范围。

We handle the import business of textiles.我公司经营纺织品的进口业务。

We deal in Chinese textiles.我们经营中国纺织品。

We are engaged in the exportation of chemicals.我们经营化工产品的出口。

This shop trades in paper and stationery.这商店经营文具纸张。

We are in the cotton piece goods business. (line)我们经营棉织品。

Cotton Piece Goods are our line.棉布是我公司经营的产品。

Cotton Piece Goods are our main exports.棉布是我们的主要进口商品。

2. 建立业务关系

课文中用法:to enter into direct business relations with you与你公司建立直接的业务关系。

注意:relations 必用复数; business 可用trade 替代。

与某某建立业务联系,一般用法:to establish business relations with……;to enter真的不掉线


into business activities with……;to build up business relations with……;to make business contact with ……。