员工就业规则 Employee Manual MV8 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期四 文章员工就业规则 Employee Manual MV8更新完毕开始阅读b38226c33186bceb19e8bb58

第七条 乘车

1. 乘车按指定的车辆乘坐;

2. 上班请提前在指定站点指定的时间范围内候车,若迟到自行解决交通;下班因加班需要安排

车辆的,请提前半小时通知综合管理部落实安排车辆送至指定的公交车站点; 3. 按顺序上下车、避免拥挤,严禁爬窗、拦车、扒车; 4. 乘车时发扬友爱精神,绝不以各种理由占座位;

5. 保持车内卫生,不得随意扔杂物、吐痰,禁止在车内吸烟; 6. 严禁做出任何危及行车安全的行为;

7. 发生突发事件或不可抗力因素时,应服从驾驶员的指挥;

8. 驾驶员严格按照交通法规驾驶车辆,乘车人员遵守乘车法规,驾驶员及附乘座要佩戴安全带。

Article seven Using vehicles

1. Take the specified vehicle;

2. Wait for the vehicle at the designated station ahead of time in the morning; if come later, solve

transportation by oneself; those who work late and need to take the company vehicle should inform the comprehensive management Dept half hour in advance, and the comprehensive management Dept will arrange a car to send them to the specified bus station;

3. Get on or off the vehicle in order, avoid pushing; it is forbidden to climb in through the window, or

stop the vehicle or climb into a running vehicle;

4. Carrying forward friendly spirit when taking the car; do not occupy seats for various reasons; one

person can only have one seat;

5. Keep the car clean; it is not allowed to throw rubbish freely, spit and smoke in the car; 6. Any actions endangering driving safety are not allowed;

7. When emergencies or expected factors happen, obey the command of driver.

8. The driver should drive the car strictly according to the traffic law, and the drivers and person that

sitting in the front passenger seat should wear safety belts.

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第八条 就餐

1. 按规定时间就餐,在规定时间内用餐完毕; 2. 取餐时遵守秩序,排队轮候,举止文明;

3. 厉行节约,对不限量供应的食品按需取用,杜绝浪费;

4. 保持餐厅卫生,不得随意扔杂物、吐痰,禁止在餐厅非指定区域吸烟、饮酒,只准在餐厅指定的


5. 用餐后自觉清理桌面,座凳推回原位,餐具送到指定位置; 6. 不得在餐厅以外的任何区域用餐; 7. 严禁在公司内饮酒;

8. 发生突发事件或不可抗力因素时,应服从管理人员的指挥。

Article eight Dining

1. Dining according to scheduled time and finish within scheduled time;

2. When taking food, wait in line and keep In order; manner shall be civilized;

3. Be economical, and take food according to your need so that the food will not be wasted.

4. Keep clean of the dining room; it is not allowed to throw rubbish or spit freely and it is forbidden to

smoke or drink in the non-smoking area of the dining room Smoke in the stipulated area and throw the cigarette end in the ashtray on the dining table;

5. Keep clean when dining after dining and send the tableware to designated position; 6. It is not allowed to dining in any areas outside the dining room; 7. It is forbidden to drink in the company;

8. When have emergencies or unexpected factors, obey the command of administrative staff.

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第三章 Chapter three


Entry and Exit rules and regulations

第九条 进出公司规定

1. 进出公司应主动出示工作牌,不得佩戴他人工作牌进入公司; 2. 工作时间内外出,应主动出示所属领导签字的《请假单》;

3. 在公司内应按规定行驶、停放车辆,严格遵守《车辆通行证管理规定》; 4. 严禁携带没有《物品出门单》(的公司物品离开公司; 5. 严禁擅自携带各种危险品进入公司。

Article nine

Entry and Exit rules and regulations 1. Initiatively show working card when going in and out of the company; it is not allowed to wear

other’s working card to enter the company;

2. Initiatively show the leave application with signature of subordinating leader when going out

during working hour;

3. Drive and park the vehicles in the company strictly according to management regulations of


4. It is forbidden to bring the company articles out of the company without article exit form; 5. It is forbidden to bring all kinds of dangerous articles into the company without permission.

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第四章 Chapter four


Safety and Health

第十条 安全行为准则

1. 积极参加安全生产教育和培训,掌握本职工作所需的安全生产知识,提高安全生产技能,增强事


2. 严禁在非紧急情况下埋压、圈占消火栓或者占用消防间距、堵塞消防通道和安全逃生门,或者损

坏和擅自挪用、拆除消防标识、消防器材、消防设施; 3. 发现各种安全隐患及时告知所属领导或通知综合管理部门; 4. 进入生产区域各个工作岗位,必须按要求佩戴防护用品;

5. 特种岗位必须持证上岗,严禁无上岗证擅自操作(叉车证、电工证、驾驶证、电梯管理证、消控

管理证等法律法规规定的持证上岗证件); 6. 严禁上级违章指挥、威胁强令下属冒险作业; 7. 严禁未经审批动用明火作业;

8. 严禁未经审批登高2米以上或私自拉接临时线;

9. 严禁在非指定吸烟区域(包括办公区、生产区范围)吸烟; 10. 禁止入内的场所,未经许可不得擅自进入; 11. 未经公司许可不得将箱包带入生产区域。

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