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Module 7 Unit 4


1. convey vt. 运送,输送;表达

2. unfortunately adj. 遗憾地,不幸地,可惜地

3. unbelievable adj. 非常坏(好)的,令人无法置信的 4. postpone vt. 延迟,延期 5. interval n. 间隔,间隙 6. choke v. 使窒息;使哽咽

7. undertake vt.承担,从事;承诺,答应 8. ownership n. 所有权,产权

9. authority n. 权力,权威;当权者;批准,授权 10. architect n. 建筑师

11. enlarge vt. 扩大,扩展,增大 12. anniversary n. 周年纪念日

13. enquiry vt. 询问,咨询;调查,探究 14. annual adj. 每年的,一年一次的 15. reservation n. 预订,预约;保留意见 16. timetable n. 时间表,时刻表 17. departure n. 离开,出发;背离 18. punctual adj. 准时的,守时的 19. arise vi. 出现,产生

20. aggressive adj. 好斗的,挑战的,富于攻击性的 21. fine vt. 处以罚金

22. drunk adj. 喝醉的;醉汉 23. violate vt. 违犯;侵犯

24. load n.负荷,负载; vt装载,装上 25. user-friendly adj.方便用户的,便于使用的 重点短语

1. pick up and drop off people at different stops 在不同的车站上下客 2. link up 联合,连接

3. at…intervals 每隔...距离或时间

4. put you through to the receptionist 给你接通接待处的电话 5. decide on/upon the best way 选定最好的方法 6. put your visit off 推迟参观 7. turn up 调高;出现,到来 8. fill in a form 填表格

9. a handful of students 少数学生 10. split up 分组,分解;分离 11. speed up 加速

12. arise from those accidents 由这些事故引起

13. come up 上来;发生

14. take down your details 写下细节

15. make out the words written on the wall 看清墙上的字 16. break out 爆发

17. try the drug out on animals 在动物身上实验这种药 18. pick up some milk at the shop 在商店买牛奶 19. take up too much space 占太多的空间 20. take over the business 接管业务 21. It turned out that… 结果是...

22. prevent the soil from being washed away 防止土壤被冲走 23. under repair 在修理中

24. in connection with… 与...相联系

25. be aimed at increasing people’s knowledge of the problem旨在提高人们对这个问题的认识 26. violate the law 违背法律

27. an invitation to accidents 诱发事故 28. It is recommended to do…建议做... 29. make reservations in advance 提前预定 30. accelerate the pace of...加快步伐 31. increase by 30 percent 增加了30% 重点句子

1. This traffic problem led to the development of the underground system.

The development of the underground system resulted from the traffic problem. 这一交通问题导致了地铁系统的研发。

2. Having seen the situation, a wealthy American businessman, Charles Yerkes undertook the job

of improving the system in 1902.

After a wealthy American businessman Charles Yerkes had seen the situation, he undertook the job of improving the system in 1902. 看到这种情况,一个叫Charles Yerkes的美国商人于1902年承担了改善地铁系统的工作。 3. Many underground stations functioned as bomb shelters.

Many underground stations were used as bomb shelters. 许多地铁站起到了防空洞的作用。 4. This helped make the system more user-friendly.

This helped make the system easier to use. 这有助于地铁系统更加便于使用。

5. Many new stations were constructed, the most famous of which were designed by an architect

named Charles Holden.

Many new stations were constructed, the most famous of them designed by an architect named Charles Holden.许多新的车站建成,其中最有名的那些是由建筑师查理斯.霍尔登设计的。

6. On the next page are some of the chief causes of road accidents related to cyclists and


Some of the chief causes of road accidents which are related to cyclists and pedestrians are on the next page.下一页讲得是与骑自行车的人和行人有关的交通事故的一些主要原因。


Module 7 Unit 4


1. U____________ for him, the police had been informed and were waiting outside. 2. It’s raining cats and dogs. I think we have to p____________ our picnic. 3. She announced that she would never do anything v___________ the rules. 4. You should be p____________ for the appointment. Don’t be late again. 5. Her illness a____________ from lack of rest. 6. Driving after being d___________ breaks our law. 7. The workers are l____________ the truck with peaches. 8. P____________ are not allowed to walk on expressways.

9. The police f__________ him heavily because of his breaking the traffic rule. 10. We have made r____________ for three rooms at the hotel. 11. She ________ (窒息) to death on a fish bone.

12. We all consider what you said to be _____________ (难以置信)

13. My parents are going to celebrate their twenty-fifth wedding ____________ (周年纪念日). 14. This computer printer is much more ____________ (容易使用的). 15. We ____________ (扩建) the house by adding a west wing. 16. Do not ____________ (承担) a project unless you can finish it.

17. Some members of the committee expressed ____________ (保留意见) about the proposal. 18. You can find the times of your trains in this ____________ (时刻表).

19. If we had known of your ____________ (离开), we would have seen you off at the airport. 20. A good salesman must be ____________ (有闯劲的) if he wants to succeed. 二、短语填空

1. break ______ 爆发

2. try the drug _______ ________animals 在动物身上实验这种药 3. __________ _______some milk at the shop 在商店买牛奶 4. take ______ too much space 占太多的空间 5. take ________ the business 接管业务 6. It turned _______ that… 结果是...

7. prevent the soil from _______ ________ ________ 防止土壤被冲走 8. _______repair 在修理中

9. ________ _______increasing people’s knowledge of the problem旨在提高人们对这个问题


10. an invitation ______accidents诱发事故

11. make ___________ in ________提前预定 12. ________the pace of...加快步伐

13. increase ________ 30 percent 增加了30%

14. pick _______and drop _______ people at different stops 在不同的车站上下客 15. link ________ 联合,连接

16. put you ___________to the receptionist 给你接通接待处的电话 17. decide _______the best way 选定最好的方法 18. put your visit ______ 推迟参观 19. turn _______ 调高;出现,到来 20. fill ____a form 填表格

21. a ____________of students 少数学生 22. split ________分组,分解;分离

23. arise _________those accidents 由这些事故引起 24. take ______your details 写下细节

25. make _____the words ______on the wall 看清墙上的字 三、同义句转换

1. This traffic problem led to the development of the underground system.

The development of the underground system _________ _________ the traffic problem. 2. Having seen the situation, a wealthy American businessman, Charles Yerkes undertook the job

of improving the system in 1902.

_________ a wealthy American businessman Charles Yerkes _________ _________ the situation, he undertook the job of improving the system in 1902. 3. Many underground stations functioned as bomb shelters.

Many underground stations _________ _________ as bomb shelters. 4. This helped make the system more user-friendly.

This helped make the system _________ _________ _________.

5. Many new stations were constructed, the most famous of which were designed by an architect

named Charles Holden.

Many new stations were constructed, the most famous of _________ ____________ by an architect named Charles Holden.

6. On the next page are some of the chief causes of road accidents related to cyclists and


Some of the chief causes of road accidents ________ ________ related to cyclists and pedestrians are on the next page.