2015年广州市英语听说考试模拟试题及参考答1 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章2015年广州市英语听说考试模拟试题及参考答1更新完毕开始阅读b2d94e55aaea998fcc220e79


1. Listen and watch the video. (视频、音频和文字同时呈现)

When the English first arrived in America, the hardships they faced were totally

unexpected. Had it not been for some friendly Indians, they would never have survived.They knew nothing about planting crops, hunting animals, building grass houses, or making clothing from animal skins. Life in England had been much easier.

The settlers were taught to build canoes and snowshoes. The Indians also showed them how to burn trails through the forest, hunt large animals and trap smaller ones, and spear fish.

The natives also introduced to the settlers typical foods such as turkey and corn.

Everything possible was done to make their new settlement similar to the homes they had left behind.

(113 words)

Part B Role Play




(2)根据谈话内容回答你朋友的提问。 1) Please get ready to ask the first question in English.


学生提问: What do farmers use to grow organic food?

2) Please get ready to ask the second question in English.


学生提问: How can we get more information about organic food? 3) Please get ready to ask the third question in English.


学生提问: Is organic food usually more expensive (than traditional food)?

1) 录音问:M: How old is your son? 学生答: He is 18 years old. 2)

录音问:M: Why is organic food so popular? 学生答:Because it’s safe and healthy. 3)

录音问: M: Why do organic farmers prefer to use animal waste? 学生答:To keep the soil rich and free from pollution. 4)

录音问:M: How can people get a clearer idea about organic food? 学生答: Visit an organic farm. 5)

录音问:M: What will help reduce the price of organic food? 学生答: The development of technology./ New technolog A卷(2015年 1月 28日上午用)

Part A Reading Aloud

In this part, you will watch a video clip and read after the speaker in the video.

Part C Retelling

梗概:某个夏天,几个孩子去森林露营,但他们忘记了带火柴,在一位老 奶奶的帮助下,孩子们还是度过了愉快的一天。

关键词: go camping (露营) forest (森林) forget(忘记) match (火柴)

old woman (老奶奶)

1. Now listen to the story twice.(音频呈现两次) It was summer and Tom, Kate and Sue decided to go camping in the forest. The next day, they prepared for the trip, packing the usual gear --- sleeping bags, clothes, food, and a flashlight. They were all set --- but they had forgotten one important thing. It was sunny as Kate’s father drove them to the forest. They found a nice spot near the

river and put up their tents. After going for a swim, the teenagers felt hungry, so they decided to

cook dinner. But first they needed a fire! It was only then they realized that they had no

matches. ―It’s getting dark. I’m cold. What will we do?‖ asked Tom nervously. ―Follow me!‖

said Kate. Everyone followed Kate through the forest which became more frightening as the sky grew darker.

Finally they reached an old house and knocked at the door. An even older woman opened

it. The kids almost jumped in fright. But after hearing their problem, the old woman warmly

said, ―You must stay here tonight!‖ She cooked them a delicious meal. Then they lay down next

to the fire in their sleeping bags and enjoyed a comfortable night – all thanks to the kindness of a stranger. (203 words)


1. It was summer and some kids decided to go camping in the forest.

2. They packed everything but forgot something important. 3. They drove to the campsite./They went to the forest.

4. When they were going to cook dinner, they discovered they had no matches. 5. It was getting dark and cold and the kids were getting scared.

6. The kids followed Kate to an old house.

7. An old woman answered the door. (And it made the kids more scared.)

8. The old woman let them in and gave the kids something to eat. 9. The kids spent the night there.

10. Thanks to the kindness of a stranger, the kids enjoyed a comfortable night there.

B卷(2015年 1月 28日下午用)

Part A Reading Aloud

In this part, you will watch a video clip and read after the speaker in the video.

1. Listen and watch the video. (视频、音频和文字同时呈现)

This is the building that marks the very beginning of German unity. At first sight, you might take it for some romantic castle from the middle-ages, but it’s nothing of the kind. It’s a war memorial. It represents the military might of the state of Prussia and Prussia’s

determination to create a greater Germany. For a thousand years and more, Germany had been weak, divided, an easy target for foreign invaders. This monument declares that under Prussian leadership, and with Prussian technology, that will never happen again. ―Let us arm, let us fight, let us unite.‖ ―Let us build a great military machine.‖(104 words)

Part B Role Play


角色:你是 Kate。

任务:(1)向健身俱乐部的工作人员咨询入会事宜; (2)根据谈话内容回答朋友的问题。



学生提问: Can I use the swimming pool with my membership card? / Can I enter the

swimming pool with my silver card?



学生提问:Why is there a small round pool there?/ What is the small round pool there for? 3)


学生提问: When is the pool less/not crowded?


录音问:W: What type of membership card do you have? 学生答:I have a silver membership. 2)

录音问:W: How much is the gold membership? 学生答:370 yuan a / per month.

3) 录音问:W: How often does the gym offer swimming lessons? 学生答:Twice a week. 4)

录音问:W: What do the mothers usually do in the kids’ pool? 学生答:They teach their kids to swim there. 5)

录音问:W: Why is the swimming pool so crowded these days?

学生答:Because it is summer./ Because it is hot. / Because people love swimming in hot weather.

Part C Retelling



关键词:loan n.贷款 security n.担保 garage n.车库 billionaire n.

亿万富翁 park v.停车

1. Now listen to the story twice.(音频呈现两次)

A businessman walked into a bank in San Franciscoand consulted abank officer. He said he is going to Europe on business for two weeks and needed to borrow $5,000. The bank officer told him that the bank would need some kind of security for such a loan.So the businessman

handed over the key to a very expensive carwhich was parked on the street in front of the bank.

After checking/confirming that the car did indeed belong to the businessman, the bank agreed

to accept it as a guarantee for the loan. An employee drove it into the bank's underground

garage and parked it there.

Two weeks later, the businessman returned, and repaid the $5,000 and the interest, which came to $15.41.The loan officer said, ―We are very happy to have had your business, and it has

worked out very nicely, but we are a little puzzled.While you were away, we checked you out and found that you are a billionaire. What puzzles us is why you bothered to borrow $5,000?‖The

businessman replied, ―Where else in San Franciscocan I park my car for two weeks for $15?‖ (193 words)


1. A man was going to Europe.

2. He walked into a bank to borrow some money/$5,000. 3. The man offered his car as security for the loan/money.

4. The bank accepted it and put the car in their car park. 5. Two weeks later, the man returned.

6. The man repaid the loan plus the interest.

7. The bank employees checked and found the man very rich.

8. The bank employees were confused.

9. The bank employees asked if the man was so rich, why did he need $5,000?

10. The man explained that it was a cheap way to park his car for two weeks.