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I promise to come here at 7:00

Expressives表情句------: expressing feelings or attitude towards an existing state.表达说话者的一种心理状态。

It‘s very kind of you to help me. I‘m sorry for the mess I have made

Declarations宣布句------: bring about immediate changes by saying sth.说话者的话将引起规约事态的变化。

I appoint you monitor of the class. I now declare the meeting open

Representatives----sentences that commit the speaker to the truth of something. Typical cases are ―I think the train is moving.‖ And ―I‘m sure John has stolen the book‖. The degree of commitment varies from statement to statement. The commitment is small in ―I guess John has stolen the book‖ but very strong in ―I solemnly swear that John has stolen the book.‖

Directives----sentences by which the speaker tries to get the hearer to do something. ―I beg you to give me some help‖ and ―I order you to do it right now‖ are both attempts to get something done by the hearer. Among the verbs that fall into this group are ―ask‖ ―plead‖ ―entreat‖ ―command‖, or ―advise‖. Commsives-----sentences that commit the speaker to some future action. Promises and offers are characteristic of these acts. Interestingly, warning is also a commissive , as in ―If you do that again, I‘ll hit you‖, because it also commits the speaker to doing something.

Expressives-----sentences that express the speaker‘s psychological state about something, verbs typically used for this category are ―thank ‖ ‖congradulate ‖ ―apologize‖ ―welcome‖ ―deplore‖.

Declaratives-----sentences that bring about immediate change in existing state of affairs. As soon as an employer says to an employee ―You are fired‖, the employee loses his job. Verbs often used for declarations are ―name‖ ―christen‖ ―nominate‖ ―point‖ or ―declare‖. Representatives:

The illocutionary point of the representatives is to commit the speaker to something‘s being the case, to the truth of what has been said. In other words, when performing an illocutionary act of representative, the speaker is making a statement or giving a description which he himself believes to be true. Stating, believing, swearing, hypothesizing are among the most typical of the representatives. For example: (I swear) I have never seen the man before. (I state ) the earth is a globe. Directives:

Directives are attempts by the speaker to get the hearer to do something. Inviting, suggesting, requesting, advising, warning, threatening, ordering are all specific instances of this class. For example: Open the window! You‘d better go to the clinic.

Your money or your life! Would you like to go to the picnic with us? Commissives:

Commsives are those illocutionary acts whose point is to commit the speaker to some future course of action, i.e, when speaking the speaker puts himself under obligation. Promising, undertaking, vowing are the most typical cases.

For example: I promse to come. I will bring you the book tomorrow without fail.


The illocutionary point of expressives is to express the psychological state specified in the utterance. The speaker is expressing his feelings or attitude towards and existing state of affairs, e.g, apologing, thanking, congratulating.

For example: I‘m sorry for the mess I have made. It‘s really kind of you to have thought of me. Declarations:

The succesful performance of an act of declarations brings about the correspondence between what is said and reality.

For examples: I now declare the meeting open. I appoint you chairman of the committee. I fire you!

3.All the acts that belong to the same category share the same purpose but differ in their force or strength. E.g.

(1)I swear he is the killer. (strong belief)

I believe / think he is the killer. (less strong belief) I guess he is the killer. (weaker belief) (2)Close the door Will you close the door Do you mind closing the door? I would be very grateful if you could Close the door! The door is open! The door please!

Whatever act we perform with language can be categorized into one of these 5 kinds. 8.2. The theory of conversational implicature会话含义理论

As the objective of pragmatic study is to explain how language is used to effect successful communication, conversation, as the most common and natural form of communication, has drawn the attention of many scholars.

The theory was proposed by another Oxford philosopher H. P. Grice. in his lectures under the title of ―Logic and conversation‖. conversational










utterances,underatandable to the listener only when he shares the speaker‘s knowledge or knows why and how he violates intentionally one of the four maxims of the cooperative principle.

会话含义指话语的言外之意,往往是说话人通过故意违反某一准则而获得这种听者能懂的暗含之意,含有绘画含义的话语,即说者能说,听者能懂的话语,需要具有以下三个条件: A、.双方具有一定的知识。


C、双方都有或不反对含混,双关,歧义,讽刺,比喻,夸张,幽默等手法。 8.2.1. The co-operative principle (CP )合作原则

Grice noticed that in daily conversation people do not usually say things directly but turn tend to