2020版高考英语二轮复习限时规范训练十一完形填空1 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期五 文章2020版高考英语二轮复习限时规范训练十一完形填空1更新完毕开始阅读b13b02396e175f0e7cd184254b35eefdc8d3158f

club I'd joined to lose weight. We met in 2014. One day, Mario invited us out to talk about our running __7__ for the year. I had no idea why he __8__ me. After all, I was just a couch potato trying to lose some weight. But I agreed to go because I was flattered (荣幸的). And there was something I hadn't told Mario—__9__ I did want to be a real runner. I __10__ being a back-of-the-packer. I wanted to compete in races. I even wanted to run a __11__. All my life, I'd been embarrassed by my __12__ shortcoming. If I could run it, I would no longer have to feel __13__.

So at the dinner, I __14__ the coming marathon competition. “That's an excellent goal,” he said. “Why don't you run with the club? See you tomorrow morning.” Well, __15__ someone like Mario thought I could do it, I might as well try. Soon I was __16__ nearly every day, following his plan.

No one was more __17__ than me when three months later. I __18__ my first marathon in 3 hours and 11 minutes. At our club's award dinner, Mario __19__ me with the Most Improved Female Runner award. It was just a(n) __20__ award. To me, it felt like a gold medal.

[语篇解读] 本文是一篇记叙文。本文讲述了不爱运动的“我”在教练的鼓励下挑战自己完成第一次马拉松比赛的故事。

1.A.healthy C.energetic

B.familiar D.confident

解析:根据后文的“as if they knew exactly what they were doing”可知,那些马拉松运动员看起来很自信。

答案:D 2.A.Besides C.Meanwhile

B.However D.Therefore

解析:然而,“我”却和那些运动员感觉不一样。 答案:B 3.A.back C.centre

B.sight D.beginning

解析:根据下文的“I __10__ being a back-of-the-packer. I wanted to compete in races.”可知,作者之前不喜欢运动,在任何比赛中总处于落后地位。

答案:A 4.A.applied C.desired

B.demanded D.pretended

解析:根据下文中“But God makes some people athletes, and I wasn't one of them.”


答案:C 5.A.fact C.choice

B.hope D.reason

解析:根据“So why was I here?”可知,作者来这里参加马拉松比赛是由于她的教练Mario。

答案:D 6.A.honest C.ambitious

B.responsible D.creative


答案:B 7.A.goals C.processes

B.events D.tracks

解析:根据下文“‘That's an excellent goal,’ he said.”可知,2014年作者参加了健身俱乐部。教练请他们一起去谈谈自己的跑步目标。


8.A.challenged C.included

B.selected D.attracted


答案:C 9.A.usually C.finally

B.simply D.actually

解析:根据下文“I wanted to compete in races.”可知,事实上,作者确实想当一个跑步运动员。


10.A.hated B.forgot C.enjoyed D.practised

解析:根据上下文可知,“我”讨厌自己在任何比赛中总处于落后地位的样子。 答案:A 11.A.mile C.journey

B.marathon D.business

解析:根据上下文可知,“我”想参加一次马拉松。 答案:B

12.A.technical C.physical

B.social D.potential

解析:根据上下文可知,作者这一生都因为自己身体方面的缺点而感到尴尬。 答案:C 13.A.scared C.concerned

B.ashamed D.relieved

解析:如果“我”能参加一次马拉松,就不会感到羞愧了。 答案:B

14.A.mentioned C.lost

B.entered D.completed

解析:所以,“我”就在那次聚会上提到了即将到来的一场马拉松比赛。 答案:A 15.A.until C.unless

B.though D.if


答案:D 16.A.acting C.studying

B.training D.suffering

解析:根据下文的“following his plan”可知,于是“我”按照Mario的安排每天参加训练。


17.A.embarrassed C.amazed

B.confused D.admired


答案:C 18.A.started C.finished 解析:参见上题解析。 答案:C 19.A.replaced C.prepared

B.promised D.presented B.joined D.won


答案:D 20.A.little C.special

B.national D.annual




I was at a crowded grocery store not long ago. It was a weekday evening, cold and tense. People were carelessly __1__ aisles (过道) and at one point, two women __2__ for several minutes after running into each other.

Things got __3__ at the checkout line. The cashier scanned a man's discount card, but he misread the savings on her screen as an additional __4__. He decided she was acting __5__ and began to argue. The cashier tried in vain to reason with him. She __6__ a manager, who accompanied him to customer service, and moved to the next __7__ in line.

We've all witnessed __8__ scenes like this in public places. My reaction when I see them is both personal and __9__. I am a sociologist who studies how and why people communicate with one another—or why they __10__ not to. To me, the grocery scene was another example of how our __11__ in others has declined. But it was also a teachable __12__ on how we can rebuild our faith—__13__ with just one person.

I __14__ the nervous cashier. I got a bottle of water from a nearby cooler and handed it to her. “I felt __15__ about how that man treated you and wanted to buy this for you,” I said. Her face lit up, and we __16__ as she scanned our items. She told me she had been __17__ that evening through severe foot pain and would be having an operation later that week. I wished her well in her __18__, and she thanked me as I left.

Those are the balancing __19__ that will add up to restore (重建) trust between people. You can start that pattern in someone else's life, even in a __20__ as ordinary as the neighbourhood grocery store.

[语篇解读] 本文是一篇记叙文。一位顾客因为误会而与收银员起了争执,作者的行为使心情紧张的收银员放松下来。作者呼吁人们从身边做起,重建彼此间的信任。

1.A.watching C.finding 解析:解析见下题。

B.clearing D.blocking