塑料瓶盖注射模具设计 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章塑料瓶盖注射模具设计更新完毕开始阅读b0818566e55c3b3567ec102de2bd960591c6d94b


学 院 机械工程学院 班 级 机制1071 姓 名 XXX 学 号 XXXXXXXXXX 成 绩 指导老师 XXXX

2012年 5 月 20 日


[摘要] 本课题主要是针对瓶盖的注塑模具设计,该瓶盖材料为聚乙烯


[关键词] 注塑;聚乙烯;瓶盖

Design of the Injection Mold for Bottle Cap

Abstract: This topic is intended for design of injection mold for bottle caps, the caps are made of polyethylene (PE), is common in a protective cover products of industrial production. Through the analysis and comparison of production technology for plastic parts, designed a pair of plastic injection molding. The project process from the product structure set out concrete mold structure, gating system for die and mold forming part of the structure, the top of the selection system, cooling system, the injection molding machine and check all details on parameter design, at the same time and simply prepared mold processing technology. Through the entire design process, so that, the design of the mold can meets the requirement of plastics processing technology. Under the title design of the main tasks is the design of the injection mold for bottle cap, which designed a pair of plastic injection molds to produce plastic products, automate to increase production. According to Specific structure for plastic parts, the mold using the side gate of injection

mold for the parting surface.

Key words: injection mold; polyethylene; Cap

第一章 绪论




(1) 模具产品发展将大型化、精密化

(2) 模具产品成型零件的日益大型化,以及由于高效率生产要求的一模多腔(如塑封模已达到一模几百腔)使模具日趋大型化。

(3) 随零件微型化,以及模具结构发展的要求(如多工位级进模工位数的增加,鞭步距粘度的提高)精密模具精度已由原来的5um提高到2um~3um,今后有些模具加工精度公差要求在1um以下,这就要求发展超精加工。

(4) 快速经济模具的前景十分广阔