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释义:proceeding是法律英语中特有单词,指具体的法律程序,如legal proceeding法律程序,proceeding of the trial审判的程序。有时也可以指诉讼,如initiate a proceeding提起诉讼等。


释义:process在法律英语中有两个意思,一个泛指所有的法律程序,另外一个是指法院的传票,如serve the process送达传票,process server传票送达员,issue a process签发传票等。


释义:promotion在法律英语中指发起(公司)等,是公司设立方式的一种。如there are to ways to incorporate a company limited by shares, one is incorporation by promotion, the other is

incorporation by share offering to the public.股份有限公司的设立方式有两种,发起设立和募集设立。


释义:prospectus指招股说明书,是公司发行股票并上市的必备文件。如prior to the listing of shares in the stock exchange, the company shall disclose various documents to the public as part of its efforts for information disclosure, one of which is prospectus.股票在证券交易所上市以前,公司作为信息披露的一部分,应当公布各种相关文件,其中之一就是招股说明书。

provided that

释义:provided that 是法律英语中常用的一个词组,意思是但是,相当于but,但一般不能用but替换。如provided that the acceptance of rent by landlord after the expiration of the term of the tenancy hereby created shall not be deemed to operate as a waiver or breach of any of the terms hereof nor as a new periodic tenancy by way of holding over or otherwise . a new tenancy shall only be created by a fresh tenancy agreement in writing signed by the landlord and the tenant. 但是,出租人在本协议所产的租赁关系期满后获得租金不得被视为构成弃权或是对本协议的违反,也不得认为构成了一个新的租赁期限或其他任何解释,新的租赁关系的产生只能以出租人和承租人以书面订立的形式为之。


释义:quorum指法定人数,如The Board meeting requires a quorum of over two thirds of the total number of directors. When the quorum is less than two thirds, the decisions adopted by the Board meeting are invalid出席董事会会议的法定人数为全体董三分之二,不够三分之二人数时,其通过的决议无效。

real property

释义:real property指不动产,相当于real estate,但比real estate的范围广泛些,real estate主要指是指土地及附着在土地上的人工构筑物和房屋,而real property指Real Estate及其附带的各种权益。


释义:realize在法律英语不是指实现,而是财产的变现,如realize the security担保变现,unrealized profit未变现利润,realizing expense变现费用。


释义:ratify在法律英语中的意思是正式批准,追认。Over ninety countries ratified an

agreement to ban the use of these chemicals. 九十多个国家批准了一项禁止使用这些化学品的协议。The contract made by an infant may take effect if it is ratified by the guardian of the infant.未成年人订立的合同如果经未成年人监护人追认可能会发生效力。


释义:receivable的意思是应收的,应收账款等,如schedule of accounts receivable应收帐款明细表,bills receivable应收票据,amount receivable应收款项等。


释义:register的意思是注册,如Registered office注册地,registered capital注册资本,registered share记名股票,register at the registration authority于注册机关处注册等。


释义:reorganization指重组,如company reorganization公司重组,asset reorganization资产重组,reorganization debenture重组债券,bank reorganization银行重组等。


释义:representation在法律英语中有两个含义,一是代表,如representation by counsel由律师代表,一个是陈述,通常和warranty连用,出现在合同中,representation and warranty为合同的“陈述与保证条款”。