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4)《黄帝内经》的作者早在春秋战国时期就总结了当时的医学知识,集几百年中医学实践 之大成。

In the Spring and Autumn Period (772 B.C. -- 467 B.C.)The Yellow Emperor’s Canon of Interior Medicine summarized then-current medical knowledge. This was a great result of several centuries’ medical practice in ancient China.



(受干扰的译文):Our cause has won victories one after another.

(发挥能动的译文):We have won one victory after another for our cause. A series of victories have been won for our cause. 2)宗教不得干预政治。

(受干扰的译文):Religion must not interfere with politics.

(发挥能动的译文):It is impermissible to interfere with politics in the name of religion.


(受干扰的译文):Chinese characters have made indelible contributions in history. (发挥能动的译文):The system of Chinese characters has played an invaluable role in our history.


A system to ensure a minimum standard of living for city residents has been established in most cities.

上面的例子说明,汉译英时,在对待汉语中无灵主语跟有灵动词的搭配的时候,我们必须要能够摆脱原文的干扰,按照英语的习惯选择合适的能够构成适当搭配的主语或谓语动词来进行翻译。 另一方面,在汉译英过程中,我们还可以利用英语有灵动词跟无灵动词搭配能够产生生动化效果,能够使语言更简洁、地道的特点,发挥英语的优势,灵活翻译汉语的句子。例如:


History knows only two types of wars – wars of justice and wars of injustice. 2)天天色昏暗,黄沉沉,似乎要下雨,空荡荡的山谷,一片寂静。

A dirty-yellow sky had threatened rain all day and a hollow stillness hung over the valley.

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3)几天的工夫,由于抢购,货架上的货就空了。 Within days, panic buying emptied store shelves. 4)我一时记不起他的名字了。

His name escapes my memory for the moment. 5)封建主义日趋衰落。

Everyday day sees feudalism growing weaker. 6)中世纪时期,手工业者就已开始专门制造产品,商人也开始专营商品销售,出现的店铺越来越多,商贸活动迅猛发展。

The Middle Ages saw a boost in the activity of trading as the merchants and producers began specializing in making and selling goods and shops appeared in growing number.

7) 亚洲经济是世界经济的重要组成部分,亚洲经济蓬勃发展,为世界经济增添了新的活力,为国际贸易和投资开辟了巨大市场。

Asia,a major component of the world economy has witnessed robust economic growth which has in turn instilled vitality into the world economy and has opened vast markets for international trade and investment.

8) 今年一至七月份,华东的江苏省出口达138亿美元,同比增长48%。 East China's Jiangsu Province reported a year-on-year 48 percent rise in exports to 13.8 billion US dollars from January to July this year.

9) 今年头七个月,北京进出口额达61.15亿美元,同比增长38.2%。

Beijing has registered an imports and exports volume of US $6.115 billion in the first seven months of this year, an increase of 38.2 percent over the same period of last year.

10) 中国改革开放的先行者广东省,今年经济增长率预计将比1999年要高.

Guangdong Province,China's forerunner of reform and opening-up, expects to have a higher economic growth rate this year than it had in 1999.



但是,英语一般是不主张重复的,它主张通过代词 (proforms) 指代(如it, they,its, their,this,that,some,many,do,so, nor,one,another,the former…the latter等)、省略、同义词更替、反义词加否定替代、上下位词互指 (如用the machine指前文出现过的computer)等衔接与连贯手段来避免重复,追求表达法的多样性。

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当然英语中也有修辞性的重复,这一点跟汉语一致,自然可以照样直译,如:对的就是对的,不对的就是不对的。What is right is right and what is wrong is wrong。我们在这里主要讨论汉语非修辞性重复的翻译法。


Ours will no longer be a nation subject to insult and humiliation.


A locality has its own over-a11 interest,a nation has another and the earth yet another.

3) 非洲人民正在为争取非洲的彻底解放进行着艰巨的斗争。

The people of Africa are waging a hard struggle to win the complete emancipation of the continent.

4)我就是这样羞怯,简直羞怯得不可救药。 Shy I am, so helplessly!


Giving alms to such beggars means conniving at laziness. Even if the beggar is a child too young to work, he shouldn’t be shown benevolence,for it would inevitably lead to his parents’ laziness.


China’s finance has been operating smoothly and substantial progress has been made in reform in this area.


We must pay more attention to the central and western regions so as to promote their economy.


From the Chou and Chin Dynasties onwards, Chinese society was feudal, as were its politics and its economy.

9)综合分析国内外的有利条件和制约因素,今年的经济增长预期为 7%左右。在优化结构,提高质量和效益的基础上,实现7%左右的增长速度并不容易,但是预计经过努力还是可以达到的。

Based on a comprehensive analysis of the favorable conditions and restraining factors at home and abroad, the projected economic growth rate this year will be around 7 percent. Achieving this growth rate through optimizing economic structure and improving quality and economic performance will not be easy, but it is predicted that it can be achieved with diligent effort.


The scientists imbued with the theoretical ideology of scientology and futurology

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should follow three principles in their research work, namely, the combination of improving present existing conditions of human beings with creating their new existing environment, the integrating of reality with future probability, and the linking of high scientific specialization with scientific interdependence.


汉语的定语基本上都是前置性的,而英语的定语,则可前可后,但比较长的定语如从句型定语、非限定动词充当的谓语、介词短语充当的定语往往需要后置。汉语的定语之所以是前置性的,原因在于它缺少像英语那样的用以标记句法成分关系的关系词和、词类标记和屈折变化。比如说英语的关系代词和大量用法活跃的介词在汉语中是找不到的或是汉语无法匹比的;英语通过-ous, -al, -ful, -y,-less等形容词词缀以及-tion, -ness等名词词缀来标记词类的做法在汉语中也是没有的;另外,最为重要的是,英语中非限定动词这种语法现象,非限定动词,如-ing分词,-ed分词和不定式的存在可以帮助构成大量标记明显、关系清楚的后置定语。



The city borders Sichuan and Hubei Provinces, boasting of its beautiful mountains and lakes dotted with many natural scenic spots and historical sits. It is an ideal scenic spot for tourism.



We not only need a developed agriculture system with a rational distribution and a11round development Of farming,forestry.animal husbandry,side-line production and fishery,meeting the needs of the people's life and an expanding industry,but also an advanced industrial system which is complete in range and rational in structure and which meets the needs of consumers and the expansion of the whole national economy.

(6)我们的企业一般不重视经济效益,广泛存在着劳动无定员、生产无定额、质量无检查、成本无核算的现象,造成人力、物力、财力的很大浪费。 Our enterprises, in general, pay little attention to their economic result. The number of workers needed for a job is not fixed. Production quota is not fixed. The quality for products is not checked and cost accounting is not earnestly practiced.