龙岩市2019年高中毕业班教学质量检查英语试题 word有答案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章龙岩市2019年高中毕业班教学质量检查英语试题 word有答案更新完毕开始阅读adfca166747f5acfa1c7aa00b52acfc788eb9f42

sea creatures. But in their case, as their name suggests, the protection is chemical.

Given the relationship between weevils and plant, Dr Huang wondered how beetle larvae (幼 虫) would fare if they were deep inside a piece of fruit floating in seawater.

So he tested this as well. His experiment suggested that such larvae are 'tolerant of saline (含盐的) conditions.

Specifically, of 18 grubs (蛆) thrown into seawater inside a piece of fruit, two survived for six days. Moreover, these larvae went on to develop into healthy, sexually mature adults. So Dr Huang argues that such numbers would easily support the immigration of weevils to the islands.

He also observes that the Kuroshio Current, which carries water from the Philippines, past Japan and onwards into the Pacific, moves so swiftly that a piece of fruit caught in it could easily travel 90km in a day, enabling the flightless beetle to cover the distance of 400km between the islands effectively.

32. What did Wen-San Huang find in his research?

A The old theory accounts for weevils. B. Adult weevils are good at floating. C. Fish-poison-tree fruit protect weevils. D. The weevils cross the islands in a day. 33. What can the underlined word“fare”probably mean?

A. Survive. B. Travel. C. Grow. D. Float. 34. How do weevils succeed in immigrating between the islands?

A. By travelling with sea creatures. B. By wearing shells for protection.

C. By laying eggs in coconuts sinking under the sea. D. By staying in the floating fish-poison-tree fruits. 35. What's the author's purpose of writing the text?

A. To introduce the research result.

B. To compare the coconut palms and weevils. C. To tell how weevils immigrate to the islands. D. To praise Wen San Huang for his research.



Study Habits You Should Be Practising

With exams, essays, projects, and many deadlines for different things, effective study habits are necessary. If you are in need of a bit of an improvement, keep reading for the top four study habits that you should be practicing._ 36 5

●Make and use flashcards.

37 By using flashcards with a question on one side and the answer on the other, you will force your brain to recall the necessary information. Even if you struggle a bit with a card, you will still be actively revising the necessary material.

●Revise, revise, revise!

Many students put off studying until just before the exam, with the more hardworking students giving themselves a week or two before a test._ 38 It's best to revise the information a little bit every day, so that you are not upset when a test comes around.

●Read aloud to yourself

Read aloud to yourself and, as silly as it may seem, pretend you are teaching a student. Read your notes aloud, pretend you are lecturing. 39

●Make a mind-map

One method of revising is to make a mind-map. This is a bit like a flowchart, in which you start with one core concept in the center, and then branch off into connected sections. 40 These are the four most effective study habits, and something all successful students do. Make sure you are on top of your game by following these study methods!

A. Use these graded tests to create a new practice test. B. Having these great study habits can make things easier.

C. Do this over and over, until you no longer have to look at your notes. D. However, it's actually an ineffective method of preparing and studying. E. Flashcards are designed to improve active memory recall of information. F. You will be able to picture your written notes when you are taking the exam.

G This will help you to connect everything together and associate the terms with one another.

第三部分英语知识运用 (共两节,满分45分)


阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出可以填入空白处 的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

Sarah Stanley Fallaw is the author of The Next Millionaire Next Door: Enduring Strategies for Building Wealth. She surveyed 600 millionaires and claimed that she found the_ 41 of getting rich. She got her 42 after surveying American millionaires in 2015 and 2016. The book is a(an)_ 43 _ to her father's research in the 1998 bestseller The Millionaire Next Door, which Thomas J. Stanley wrote with William D. Danko.

Stanley Fallaw_ 44 that resilience (恢复能力) in the face of_ 45_ and strict goal setting are important to building wealth.“To build wealth, to build one's own business, to 46 critics and


media and neighbors, you must have the 47 to keep pursuing your goals past rejection and pain,”wrote Stanley Fallaw in the new book, 48 Business Insider. She added, Millionaires and other_ 49 successful Americans who decide to climb the corporate ladder, or_ 50 to create a financial independence lifestyle early do so by pushing on without 51 . ”

Stanley Fallaw stresses the importance of setting goals and 52 them, especially for budgeting. She says that living modestly even as your income 53__ will allow you to devote a greater percentage of your income to 54 and building wealth. “Most millionaires we interviewed 55 the great freedom that comes from spending below their means,\The author says that the desire to_ 56 the spending habits of the people around can be highly_ 57 to building wealth. Particularly in the age of social media,_ 58 grand vacations and new purchases are 59 for the world to see, the perseverance to live 60 is important.

41. A. directions B. consequence C. importance D. secrets 42. A. evidence B. purpose C. findings D. ideas 43. A. follow-up B. inspiration C. reference D. back-up 44. A. argues B. opposes C. answers D. responds 45. A. examination B. rejection C. difficulty D. challenge 46. A. take B. satisfy C. value D. ignore 47. A. determination B. duty C. ambition D. conscience 48. A. according to B. thanks to C. apart from D. in terms of 49. A. mentally B. physically C. powerfully D. economical 50. A. regret B. struggle C. refuse D. hesitate 51. A. consideration B. patience C. stop D. effort 52. A. sticking to B. speaking for C. escaping from D. reaching for 53. A. decreases B. grows C. shrinks D. freezes 54. A. expenses B. accounts C. banks D. savings 55. A. neglected B. declared C. highlighted D. denied 56. A. keep up with B. cast aside C. put up with D. get rid of 57. A. reasonable B. harmful C. instructive D. worthwhile 58. A. where B. when C. which D.as 59. A. appreciated B. encouraged C. delivered D. broadcast 60. A. independently B. wastefully C. simply D. happily


第二节阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。


I am the Third Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade of Kenya. It is a great pleasure to take my 61 (one) trip to China. In Beijing, we 62 (visit) the Great Wall, the Forbidden City and so on,_ 63 (get) a view of the traditional culture, its booming economy and technology, as well as its achievements in poverty alleviation(扶贫) I read the special reports“Tracing the Origin of China's Targeted Poverty Alleviation Efforts” in the July issue of China Today. The report series is a window for foreigners_ 64_ (understand) Chinese government policy of targeted poverty alleviation. The multiple ways of how to achieve future _65 (goal) inspire. me to introduce them back to my country and the poor people in Africa _ 66 have a strong desire 67 development. The key to China's success is to inspire those 68 (suffer) from poverty to make their inner motivation to serve the establishment of 69 stable long-term poverty alleviation system. Through guidance and policies, poverty-stricken people will become responsible shareholders and their sense of 70 (participate) will be improved.


第一节 短文改错(共10小题; 每小题1分,满分10分)


增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号( ^ ),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线( \\ )划掉。

修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意:



On the first day during the winter vacation, my classmates and I went to the Nursing

Home and did some voluntary works. On our arrive, we visited the elderly in their rooms, presented them with flowers and self-made cards to show our respect and love. Then we did some cleaning or washing for them under the help of the nurses. Having been done all these, we sat in the yard chatting with the elderly people. We talked about our old days, changes of our city, and anything they were interested. When it was time for us to leave, the elderly people thank us for our kindness. They said it was so a beautiful day that they would remember it forever.

第二节书面表达 (满分25分)

假定你是李华,你校外教Mr. Hall给你发邮件,询问有关中国春节贴对联的习俗,请你给