第1套:成都市树德实验中学初2016届八年级下期3月英语月考试卷 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期日 文章第1套:成都市树德实验中学初2016届八年级下期3月英语月考试卷更新完毕开始阅读adc9ec5d8762caaedc33d418

even lose his life to help Hiro.

US actor Scott Adsit, the voice of Baymax, thinks that it is the

selflessness(无私) that has made the robot so beloved. “He is there to love you, without expecting anything for himself,” said Adsit.

Selfless Baymax is Disney’s unlikely hero About the character Baymax, 1 in the Disney movie Big Hero 6, has made everyone love him. Baymax lives with a boy who is 2 . 3 Baymax, Hiro got through hard times, after his brother’s 4 . To stop the bad people taking the city, a band of superheroes 5 . People like Baymax 7 his soft body and comforting voice. Mothers in Japan have started to make balls with rice 8 for their children. The touching friendship between Hiro and Baymax moves people 9 in the cinema. US actor Scott Adist, the voice of Baymax, thinks the robot is 10 that people love him so much. About the story About the 6

四、书面表达。(共15分) 你认为青少年在家应该做家务吗?请以“Should teenagers do housework at home?” 为题完成一篇90-120词左右的作文。 写作内容须包括: 1、做家务的好处。(至少3点) 2、做家务有哪些问题。(至少2点)


注意: 1、短文必须包括所有的观点,可以适当发挥。 2、注意文章的开头,结尾和过渡。 3、书写规范,卷面整洁。

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