【优质部编】西藏拉萨中学2020届高三英语上学期第三次月考试题 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章【优质部编】西藏拉萨中学2020届高三英语上学期第三次月考试题更新完毕开始阅读ac8c5690001ca300a6c30c22590102020640f2e6

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第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)


听下面5段对。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A, B, C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1.Where is the man’s envelope now?

A. In his own room. B. At the front desk. C. At the post office. 2.What are the speakers talking about?

A. Birthday dinner. B. Local Internet sites. C. Choosing a restaurant. 3.How can people avoid being misled? A. By reading the ads again and again. B. By writing everything in big letters. C. By making no mistakes in ads. 4.What does the man think of Diana?

A.Warm and serious. B.Warm and friendly. C.Friendly and serious. 5.What will the weather probably be like tomorrow night? A.Fine. B.Snowy. C.Rainy. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)


听第6段材料,回答第6和第7两个小题。 6.What is the man doing now? A. Looking for a repairman. B. Complaining about the hotel.

C. Asking for a free city tour and lunch.

7.What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

A.Agent and tourist. B.Manager and clerk. C.Waitress and guest. 听第7段材料,回答第8和第9两个小题。 8.How does Jane find her married life?

A. Boring. B. Just so-so. C. Satisfactory. 9.Where do the couple go in the evening on weekdays?

A. Stay at home. B. Go to a cafe. C. Go to a restaurant. 听第8段材料,回答第10至12三个小题。 10.What are the speakers doing?

A. Solving technical problems. B. Having a net meeting. C. Testing the equipment. 11.How many people are mentioned in the conversation? A. 2. B. 4. C. 5.

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12.Who is from the design team?

A. Cindy. B. Tony. C. Candy 听第9段材料,回答13至16四个小题。

13.Where does the conversation probably take place?

A. At a party. B. In a shop. C. In a restaurant. 14.What does the man buy?

A. A pair of trousers and a belt. B. A nice shirt and a tie. C. A nice belt and a tie. 15.How much does the man pay for the gifts? A.$25. B.$40. C.$65.

16.Why does the man learn about the return policy? A. To make his son like the gifts.

B. To return or exchange the trousers and belt. C. To get a lower price for the trousers and belt. 听第10段材料,回答17至20四个小题。 17.What is the speaker talking about?

A. Getting on with children. B. What children need most. C. How to raise a child. 18.When should parents take care of their children’s daily needs? A. When the children are babies.

B. When the children are at the school age. C. When the children are teenagers.

19.Why is being a teenager considered challenge for children? A. Because they need more care and attention from others.

B. Because they need to figure out their role in the family and society. C. Because they have to go to school and develop independence. 20. How can parents help children develop patterns of behavior? A. By teaching strong family values. B. By making careful and wise choices. C. By giving them hope and being patient. 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)



Life in the future

Flying cars everywhere

We now trust a car to park by itself and that cars can drive themselves, so within a decade, many will trust their new cars to fly, and to automatically take them to their selected destinations. Soon, for those who prefer the scenic route, technology will be able to do the flying and landing for them.

Genetic engineering

Genetic engineering will allow us to create the perfect human. It will be hard to get used to. Parents will order a baby who grow up to be good at sports or to have a Barbie-doll appearance, while billions of Barbie dolls will become totally cheap. But after the 2082 Winter Olympics, some babies can sail like ski jumpers. Soon, powerful little motors will be added so they can fly and will really take off.

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From couch potatoes to blobs

After television became popular, the couch potatoes appear. Since then, things has become worse due to irresistible package food, fast food, and junk food. Our preferred activity has become sitting: sitting in front of the computer, the smart phone, or the TV. Even children prefer to sit rather than play. So obesity has become a major problem. There is currently a battle going on, which will determine the future shape of human race.

Choosing our future life

People can now choose information from a wide variety of sources. We can choose to live a healthier life and enjoy life more; or we can choose things that cause damage. Keep in mind that if we don’t decide it, it will be decided for us. We will find ourselves doing things we don’t really enjoy, things that harm our health, things that shorten our lives, or things with unexpected future consequences. 21.What can we know about the flying cars in the future? A.To drive the flying cars needs pilot’s licences. B.Flying cars still can’t park by themselves. C.Flying cars can land where you choose. D.To drive the flying car needs a certain skill. 22.Why will billions of Barbie dolls become totally cheap? A.Because most baby will look like a Barbie doll. B.Because the babies will pay more attention to sports. C.Because the material to make a Barbie doll will cheaper. D.Because the babies will prefer to flying in the sky. 23.The underlined word “irresistible” probably means_______. A.attractive B. new C. modern D. golden 24.In the future, we will have difficulty in keeping _________. A.calm B. slim C. quiet D. happy


Nearly half of the parents ignore their children’s mental health

A recent study shows that more than half of the parents in England do not talk to their children about stress, anxiety or depression.

More than 1,100 parents, whose children are aged between 6 and 18, were asked in the study. 55 per cent had never spoken about the subject with many saying it was because they didn’t know what to say. Almost half of parents said they felt they did not need to have the conversation because mental health was not an issue. But recent figures show children as young as four are receiving treatment for many mental health problems. Experts have warned children are under increasing pressure from social media, school exams, etc. The number of cases has risen by almost a fifth.

Sue Baker, director of Time to Change, said that children nowadays are “the generation of change”. Recent research has also shown that more than two-thirds of head teachers were worried about their pupil’s mental health. Sadly, the problem experienced as a result stops young people from doing everyday things such as going out with friends and attending school. A quarter have also told us that the problem has made them want to give up on life,” she said.

Nadine Peacock’s 19-year-old daughter experienced mental health problems in her early teen, she said parents of other children at the school firstly understood but then started to avoid her. “ I felt quite

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let down by people,” she said.

Her advice is to make mental health a part of everyday conversation to make the treatment easier if there are problems. When it comes to being there for someone with a mental health problem, just simply listening and not judging is the key. 25.What’s the text mainly about? A.Children’s future and plan. B.Children’s mental problems. C.The subjects learnt in school. D.Communication with children.

26.What can we learn from the second paragraph?

A.Most of the parents realized mental health was an important thing. B.Younger children has mental problems and they are more common. C.55 per cent of the parents often communicate with their children. D.Children should be kept away from social media and school exams. 27.Which of the following is Sue Baker most probably in favor of? A. Attention should be paid to children’s mental health. B. Two-thirds of head teachers experience anxiety or depression. C. Young people with mental problems should stay at home.

D. 15% of the children with the mental problems want to end up their life. 28.What should parents do for their children experiencing mental health problems? A. Guide them in doing little things. B. Listen to them and avoid judging. C. Send them to the hospital at once. D. Encourage them to learn from failures.


We all know it’s important to encourage children’s interest. But a Maryland mom Charmaine Britt gave her support to a whole new level when she gave her daughter Breana Britt the green light to start her own baking business five years ago—when Breana was just 12 years old. “She kept asking me, so I finally said, ‘well, you can start it online with you baking and me doing delivery and we’ll see how it goes,’” Charmaine, 38, said.

Things went so well, the now 17-year-old’s Breana’s Sweet Treats has grown from a little web cupcake-and-cookie business to a full-service bakery plus cafe that delivers to the entire Washington, Maryland, and Virginia areas. “She makes great baked goods so I just thought it could be a good way to help her become financially responsible,” says Charmaine. “I never thought it would become this.”

Breana, on the other hand, said she never had any doubts. “I love doing this,” she says. And I just think, if I’m doing something I love, I may as well make money.” Breana makes about $1,500 a month.

“When we opened the store, I took some time and really thought, is this what I want?” Breana says. She admits there have been rough patches. “There have been times when I’ve gotten frustrated. Am I willing to give up a bit of time with friends for this?” she says. “ But I never regretted having this business. It’s been a part of me for so long.”

Charmaine is already thrilled about what her daughter has accomplished. “Over the years I’ve gotten a chance to see her become a leader and I’m so impressed with her dedication(奉献;全身心投入), especially

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