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发布时间 : 星期一 文章英语翻译理论与实践更新完毕开始阅读ab8f720fcaaedd3383c4d372



Surprisingly, he has been succeeded in the president election for 7 times in succession . ②令人遗憾的是,他把过去的一切都忘了。 Regrettably, he has forgotten all about the past. 3. 汉语常用主动,英语多用被动 他得了重感冒。

He was hard hit by the flu. 我只好诉诸猜测,而且经常如此。

Very often, I was driven to conjecture. 我准是又上当了。

I must have been cheated again. 中国的规矩是向上级介绍下级。

A Chinese rule is that the inferior is introduced to the superior. 子孙不孝,乃父母不贤。

The sins of the fathers are visited upon the children. (三)汉语主动句的翻译

汉语多主动,英语多被动。所以,除了译为主动句外, 汉语的主动句在很多情况下要转译成英语的被动句。那么在什么情况下转译呢?


1. “财神爷”这个词,不是我的用语,是农民的发明。(《邓小平文选》第三卷) That term “God of Wealth” was invented not by me but by the farmers. 2.譬如罢,我们之中的一个穷青年,因为祖上的阴功,(姑且让我这么说说吧),得了一所大宅子,且不问他是骗来的,抢来的,或合法继承的,或是做了女婿换来的。(鲁迅《拿来主义》)

Suppose one of our poor youths, thanks to the virtue of some ancestor (if I may be permitted to suppose such a thing), comes into possession of a large house ---- never mind whether obtained by trickery, force, lawful inheritance or marriage into a wealthy family.


1. 如果工程是在人们的眼皮子底下进行,今天加一尺,明天高五寸;人来人往,满地乱砖泥水,最后工程结束时人们也会跟着舒口气,觉得这乱糟糟的局面总算有了了结。(《围墙》)

If the construction had been carried out under one’s very eyes — adding a foot today and six inches tomorrow, with people coming and going and the ground littered with bricks and plaster, when it was finally finished everyone would have felt a great



sense of relief that the chaos was over.


The new millennium will see a steep drop in the number of scientists unless moves are made now to encourage greater investment in research and technology.


1. 他在全盛时期极孚众望,无论富人还是穷人都同样敬重他。

In his day, he enjoyed tremendous popularity and was adored by the rich and the poor alike.


He appeared on the stage and was warmly applauded by the audience. 第四、汉语中某些习惯用语或泛指人称为主语的主动句。 1.可以有把握地说,会议会如期召开的。

It may be safely said that the meeting will be held on schedule. 2. 大家忽然听到了防空警报,急忙寻找掩护。

The air raid sirens were suddenly heard to warn people to take shelter at once. 第五、使语气委婉,措辞礼貌。

1. 今天晚上七点钟开教学会,全体教师务必参加。

There will be a Teaching Symposium at 7:00 p.m. today. All the faculty is expected to attend.

2. 请不要在此处抽烟。

You are not supposed to smoke in here.

第六、某些汉语句子可借助于英语的一些固定搭配或词组来表达。 1. 他坚持不懈地从事着科研工作。

He was engaged in scientific researches perseveringly. 2. 有经验者不易上圈套。

An old bird is not to be caught with chaff. 3.他天生适合做水手。 He is cut out for a sailor. 第七、汉语中含有被动意义的主动句。 1. 病人正在手术中。

The patient is being operated on. 2.一点声音也听不到。 Not a sound was heard.




Heat can be converted to energy, and vice versa. (四)汉语被动句的翻译



People of all sorts in our society have been clearly revealed for what they are. 2. 由于企业被统的太死,旧的经营机制成为阻碍经济进一步发展的羁绊。 The old enterprise system became an obstacle hindering further economic development because enterprises were subjected to rigid control.

注:但在个别情况下,汉语的被动句要英译成主动句。 第一、为了符合英语的表达习惯 1.他被这阵声音吓了一跳。 He started at the noise.


1.“像义先生那样的好人,都要被他暗算??。 你就忘了阿六的事?根生跟阿六的事并没有两样。”(《月夜》)

“Even a good man like Mr. Yi, he wants to murder... Have you forgotten Ahliu? His case and Gensheng’s are exactly the same.”


1. 这些地方满是纸屑、烟头、空瓶和生锈的罐头。

2.退休后他一直住在一个古老的小镇上,小镇四周是茂密的树林。 3.伤员需要有人照顾。 4.坐在风口处,会被风吹病的。

5.在竞争中,不是你击败他,就是他击败你。 6.地球上早期的火是大自然而不是人类引燃的。 7.这种天气,肉不易存放太久。 8.他一生致力于作学问。

9. 据报导,这架飞机的无线电通讯设备是在事故中失灵的。 比较:

1. 这些地方满是纸屑、烟头、空瓶和生锈的罐头。

The ground was littered with pieces of paper, cigarette-ends, empty bottles and rusty tins. (be covered with)


Since his retirement, he has been living in an ancient town, (which is )surrounded



with beautiful thick woods.


The wounded (soldiers) need looking after. (attending to) 4.坐在风口处,会被风吹病的。

You may catch cold if you sit in a draught. 5.在竞争中,不是你击败他,就是他击败你。

In competition, it’s possible for you to beat him or vice versa. (In competition, either you may defeat him or may be defeated.) 6.地球上早期的火是大自然而不是人类引燃的。

Early fire on the earth was caused by nature not by man. 7.这种天气,肉不易存放太久。

Meat can’t be preserved long in such weather. (Meat won’t keep long in such weather.) 8.他一生致力于作学问。

His entire life was devoted to learning. (He devoted all his life to learning.)

9. 据报导,这架飞机的无线电通讯设备是在事故中失灵的。

It’s reported that the plane’s radio equipment was out of work during the accident. (It’s reported that the plane’s radio equipment was put out of action during the accident.)

第四章 汉译英中的主谓定位

(SV Placement)


了解主语的推导,主语的转移以及选择结构主语的方法,掌握汉英话题结构的翻译。 2.教学内容

1)主语的推导(0.5学时) 2)主语的转移(0.5学时) 3)结构主语(0.5学时)

4)汉英话题结构与翻译(0.5学时) 3.教学重点和难点

了解推导主语的方法,掌握汉英话题结构的翻译。 4.本章思考题